A search engine for The One Ring, forum discussions (both current and archived) and beyond
Enter your search terms, just like Google, and click 'Search'. Clicking any result will open in a new tab.
Some things to note:
the Palantir is a bit broken right now, after the closure of the Cubicle 7 official forum. I'm working on a fix..
the Palantir now searches a variety of other websites apart from the Forums. The official Forum results are 'boosted' to appear at the top of the general search results, but click one of the links at the top of the search results to see results from a specific site.
the archived forum results link to a copy of the old ClickDev TOR forum archived by Garn. This means that any link that points to another ClickDev page (most of them) are now dead since that site is no longer online.
results come from a Google Custom Site Search. This means they may add in their own advert links to the results (nothing to do with me!). If you have any qualms about using Google, be warned: when you look through the Palantir, who knows who looks back at you?... ;-)