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> A Couple Of More Questions, Fellowship Points and Specialities
Posted: Aug 11 2011, 10:42 AM
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So, I have two questions, as the title states. smile.gif

First, Fellowship Points. Each one translates into a point of Hope, and the Fellowship gets one Fellowship Point for every member of the Fellowship, if I understand it right.
How are these Fellowship Points "recharged"? It the pool full at the start of every session, or is it recharged every Fellowship Phase?

Next, is it correct that a character can never get more Specialities? This is strange to me. Or am I missing something?

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Posted: Aug 11 2011, 12:28 PM
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Fellowship Point "pool" is full at the beginning of ever game session. (p.81 AB)

I don't see anything on gaining new Specialities, or Traits, after character creation. They appear to basically help distinguish characters from the same culture. The LM might permit a character to obtain a new one during a long Fellowship phase if the player made a case for it, spent some treasure being trained, etc.

Through spending XP you gain Rewards, Masteries, and Virtues though. (p.123 AB)
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Posted: Aug 11 2011, 12:42 PM
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Well, on page 172 of the Adventurers Book, it says, under Gain New Distinctive Feature, that "it's not possible to gain a new Speciality". But maybe it means that you cannot swap a Distinctive Feature for a Speciality?

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Maltese Changeling
Posted: Aug 11 2011, 12:47 PM
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That's exactly how I read that. Specialties are part of your backstory, so they can't be changed. But a "Gruff" Beorning can learn to lighten up and become "Merry."

This is also why I think Calling-specific Traits are listed with the Specialties: you can't really unlearn Burglary or Folk-lore.

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