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> Alternative Approach To Standing/virtue/reward, Feedback appreciated
Posted: Oct 7 2012, 12:38 PM
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I've been running ToR for about six months now, and there have been a couple of things I haven't be quite satisfied with:

1) My game isn't really about treasure, so there isn't the opportunity for characters to gain standing as much as I'd like.
2) Rewards and virtues are cool, so I want my players to have more of them. At the same time, I want them to be appropriate to what the characters are doing IC.

The first has been relatively easy to solve - I just give out standing when a character does a suitably impressive deed that catches the notice of important people in their culture (Although I still make the players pay treasure to upkeep their standing between years).

With the second, I've linked virtues and rewards to standing - when a character does something to gain standing in their culture, they also get to pick another reward or virtue (Most likely the latter). If the players have done it as a group, or for a different culture then they receive a generic reward at the same time.

What do people think to this change? The only thing I haven't looked at is that Wisdom/Valour isn't as attractive now that they don't come with Virtues/Rewards. I'm thinking about changing the XP cost of these to x1 rather than x2, does this sound reasonable?


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Posted: Oct 7 2012, 06:49 PM
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Just out of curiosity, when you increase a player's standing, is it just given to them, or do they choose to have it increased when the option is available?
Because the way standing works in the RAW is a bit like 'I've decided I want these people to like me a bit more... oh, now they do' which is a bit weird IMO

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Rich H
Posted: Oct 7 2012, 06:57 PM
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Hi Pathstrider. Check out pages 10 & 11 in this pdf of house rules: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Additiona...use%20Rules.pdf

It doesn't fit exactly what you want but it may give you further ideas and/or options.

1) The Fellowship of the Free - a TOR Actual Play thread: http://cubicle7.clicdev.com/f/index.php?tr...&showtopic=3424
2) Three's Company - a TOR Hobbit-only Actual Play thread: http://cubicle7.clicdev.com/f/index.php?tr...&showtopic=4081
3) A collection of additional and house rules for TOR: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Additiona...use%20Rules.pdf
4) Alternate Journey rules: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Rules%20-...ney%20Rules.pdf
5) Anyone for Hobbit Cricket? If so, check out my rules here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Hobbit%20Cricket.pdf
6) Keep those TOR character sheets clean, use this Scratch Sheet instead: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...tch%20Sheet.pdf
7) TOR Character Sheet (use with Scratch Sheet): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...Friendly%29.pdf
8) TOR Tale of Years Sheet: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...Friendly%29.pdf
9) Adventure - To Journey's End and the Eagles' Eyrie: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/To%20Jour...%27%20Eyrie.pdf
10) Adventure - Dawn Comes Early: ... Coming Soon!
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Posted: Oct 8 2012, 12:47 PM
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QUOTE (Beleg @ Oct 7 2012, 10:49 PM)
Just out of curiosity, when you increase a player's standing, is it just given to them, or do they choose to have it increased when the option is available?
Because the way standing works in the RAW is a bit like 'I've decided I want these people to like me a bit more... oh, now they do' which is a bit weird IMO

It happens in character in return for great deeds.

So for example, the party (A Dalesman, an Elf, and a Woodsman) defended a settlment in the Dales from marauding Easterlings. King Bard rewarded the Dalesman by increasing their standing which also came with a virtue (They were inducted into the King's men). The Elf and Woodsman didn't get a bump in standing, but got their weapons sharpened by Bard's own smith (Each of their weapons gained the keen reward).

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Posted: Oct 8 2012, 01:08 PM
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Hmm... I like it. It sounds much more fluid

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Rich H
Posted: Oct 8 2012, 03:58 PM
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QUOTE (pathstrider @ Oct 8 2012, 04:47 PM)
So for example, the party (A Dalesman, an Elf, and a Woodsman) defended a settlment in the Dales from marauding Easterlings. King Bard rewarded the Dalesman by increasing their standing

This is how my house rules work regarding Renown. As Renown crosses all Cultures then I could easily tie rewards to increases in that characteristic for all races. Hmmmm, may have to think about this more.

1) The Fellowship of the Free - a TOR Actual Play thread: http://cubicle7.clicdev.com/f/index.php?tr...&showtopic=3424
2) Three's Company - a TOR Hobbit-only Actual Play thread: http://cubicle7.clicdev.com/f/index.php?tr...&showtopic=4081
3) A collection of additional and house rules for TOR: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Additiona...use%20Rules.pdf
4) Alternate Journey rules: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Rules%20-...ney%20Rules.pdf
5) Anyone for Hobbit Cricket? If so, check out my rules here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Hobbit%20Cricket.pdf
6) Keep those TOR character sheets clean, use this Scratch Sheet instead: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...tch%20Sheet.pdf
7) TOR Character Sheet (use with Scratch Sheet): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...Friendly%29.pdf
8) TOR Tale of Years Sheet: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...Friendly%29.pdf
9) Adventure - To Journey's End and the Eagles' Eyrie: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/To%20Jour...%27%20Eyrie.pdf
10) Adventure - Dawn Comes Early: ... Coming Soon!
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