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> Any "quick Reference" Docs For Tor?, Looking for a summarisation of the rules
Posted: Sep 5 2012, 04:23 PM
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Hi all,

I have not played TOR much lately but as I just received my hard copy of "Tales from Wilderland" I'm going to try to get some more game sessions going.

As it had been a while since I last played the game I started perusing the rules again to refresh my memory. I must say, giving them a second reading like this has really brought home to me just how well designed TOR is. It truly is a very elegant system which I hope becomes as popular one day as the big players in the RPG industry.

That said, there is a lot to take in, and many new concepts which players may not immediately grasp. It would help me a lot if there was a summary or quick reference document of the rules. The sort of thing I'm thinking of is a document which summarises how each of the entries on the character sheet are used in play, how a player advances their character, how fighting works, how a character recovers health, etc. Has anyone put together such a document? If not, I may consider creating one myself and linking to it in my sig line.

Looking forward to your replies.

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Posted: Sep 5 2012, 05:28 PM
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I vaguely recall there was some older topic which had a "Summary" PDF of some kind - but it was removed as there was some question of it's validity since it Cut & Pasted substantial sections of the TOR rules verbatim. Cannot recall the subject of the PDF though. It was removed several months ago, before I started visiting these forums (I think).

Otherwise I'm not aware of any specific Summaries. There are individual messages, or the wisdom accreted over several messages in various threads. If you use those you might want to request permission and credit author's appropriately. There was an issue with that once already.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Sep 6 2012, 01:10 AM
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I have not seen any such summaries, although I created a Journey Rules summary document that I link to in my signature. I did ask for permission to post it (in case anyone is wondering). Boy, that was about a year ago already.

Also, if you have not ordered the Loremaster's Screen, you should seriously think about doing so. It is divided into 4 sections of tables: 1.0-1.5 for Task & Test Resolution and States of Health; 2.0-2.7 for Combat; 3.0-3.3 for Encounters; and 4.0-4.5 for Corruption. There are also a few boxes that list Additional Page References so that you can quickly look up the rules you need.

For example, one box lists: Fellowship Phase: AB 168 | Fellowship Points: AB 81, 105 | Journey: AB 152, LB 31 | Loremaster Characters: LB 24 | Rewards: AB 134 | The Shadow: LB 56 | Skills: AB 85 | Traits: AB 94 | Virtues: AB 123.

One last thing, since you haven't played in awhile, maybe you haven't heard of the new Expanded Index for download. It should help you find your way around the rulebooks much quicker.

Please visit my blog, Advancement Points: The One Ring Files, for my TOR Resources
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Posted: Sep 6 2012, 01:12 AM
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QUOTE (JamesRBrown @ Sep 6 2012, 05:10 AM)
if you have not ordered the Loremaster's Screen, you should seriously think about doing so.

I'm afraid you can't do that yet.
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Posted: Sep 6 2012, 01:16 AM
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Group: TOR index group
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Joined: 31-July 11

My dumb mistake! I meant to say, "Order the Loremaster's Screen as soon as it becomes available! It will be worth it!"

Please visit my blog, Advancement Points: The One Ring Files, for my TOR Resources
Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
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