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> Bbeg And An 'epic' Quest, I need some help...
Posted: May 13 2012, 08:52 AM
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Hi guys. So I intend to have my players, within their next few sessions, embark on their first 'epic' quest. My idea is that they have to clear out strong-points along the Old Road in order to improve communication with the various cultures in and around Mirkwood, with some form of large scale battle to protect Mirkwood from a small invasion attempt. However, I realised the other day that any quest needs a decent antagonist, a position usually taken by a BBEG. When I came to think about it, I thought that a Hound of Sauron or the Werewolf of Mirkwood could fill this roll quite well, but I am unsure as to whether it would be feasible for Sauron, currently in hiding, to be messing around in Mirkwood through the medium of a wolf. Any ideas?
I'm also unsure of how to go about the strong-points... as far as I know, there aren't any references to forts or the like along the road, but I felt that assaulting an old fort inhabited by orcs every now and again would be more interesting and challenging than constantly sneaking up on a camp and slaughtering a few orcs in their sleep.
Thanks in advance


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Posted: May 13 2012, 10:27 AM
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My initial thoughts for a antagonist was some kind of lieutenant of the Necromancer who was away during the White Council's raid on Dol Guldur.

Who that would be though, I'm not quite sure.

Perhaps a man who has fallen to shadow. Or a Uruk chieftain maybe. I can't remember when Sauron created the Olog-hai maybe a Olog-hai war chief could work.

The lieutenant was away from Dol Guldur because he was fortifying an old ruin near the Old Road with a warband of orcs and trolls.

Not wanting to return to an empty Dol Guldur he carries on fortifying the ruin and even begins strengthening a second strong point, after making an alliance with a particularly nasty giant spider and her brood.

He carries on carving out a petty little realm after discovering a system of caves near the Old Road, a perfect habitat for his orc followers. He is beginning to feel quite pleased with himself until a band of pesky adventures come along and spoil his plans.

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Posted: May 13 2012, 05:18 PM
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That's a pretty nice idea. I like it. However, Olog-hai are trolls aren't they? I always thought trolls in Tolkien's world are a bit, well, stupid, even the Olog-hai, and that they needed somebody to prod them in the right direction. I like the story idea though

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Posted: May 13 2012, 05:45 PM
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We hunted down the werewolf of Mirkwood and his pack.
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Posted: May 13 2012, 06:10 PM
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I always got the impression that Olag-hai were a lot more intelligent than normal trolls.

I thought old Sauron bred them to be more intelligent and able to endure the sun. Almost like a Troll 2.0 (this time I'll make erm not totally dumb).

Glad you like the story idea.

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Posted: May 14 2012, 01:10 PM
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Hmm... I never thought of it like that. But as you said, when did Sauron first create them? I suppose there's also a subtlety issue with a giant troll wandering around Mirkwood... I wonder if the Werewolf would get on with an Uruk... or even an Easterling

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:01 AM
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My idea is that they have to clear out strong-points along the Old Road...

Take a look at these topics, in case you did not find them previously, for some general ideas that you might find useful. They're not exactly the same situation, but there might be something you can use.
Old Forest Road - Brainstorming
Brothers Across The Green Sea, Campaign Pitch
Orcs Of The Wilderland

but I am unsure as to whether it would be feasible for Sauron, currently in hiding, to be messing around in Mirkwood through the medium of a wolf. Any ideas?

Actually this would be perfect as Sauron is referred to as being a lying, corrupting and deceitful evil; Morgoth (formerly Melkor) was more of a 'might makes right', brute strength / power kind of evil. This is a simplification, but I think it illustrates their fundamental differences to approaching evil deeds.

I always thought trolls in Tolkien's world are a bit, well, stupid, even the Olog-hai

I don't know that I would say that so loud... Tolkien Gateway: Olog-hai. Based on that entry it should be completely possible to use the Olog-hai as a Lieutenant handling things in the area.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: May 15 2012, 03:59 PM
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It appears I stand corrected. Thank you very much Garn.. I reckon an Olog-hai would be a 'fun' opponent for my party to face. Perfect. Thank you very much guys

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:50 PM
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QUOTE (Beleg)
It appears I stand corrected.

You're welcome. Although honestly, we both stand corrected. I happened to know of the website and it is one of the places I check Middle-earth "facts" (which are frequently wrong or someone's interpretation / summation). It's not perfect, no wiki is, but it helped as I couldn't remember much more than the name.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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