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> Creatures
Posted: Jul 2 2012, 09:56 AM
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I'm a fan of the game but what I think it needs are stats for more creatures like barrow wights, fell beasts, half orcs, vipers and bears...These aren't included in the main book. And generic stats for like town guards and bandits..


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Posted: Jul 2 2012, 12:39 PM
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QUOTE (qstor @ Jul 2 2012, 01:56 PM)
I'm a fan of the game but what I think it needs are stats for more creatures like barrow wights, fell beasts, half orcs, vipers and bears...These aren't included in the main book. And generic stats for like town guards and bandits..


Hey Mike,

While i don't necessarily disagree with you, there have been many submissions by players on this message board for stats for such things.

Also you can download the Words of Wise PDF adventure to get some sample stat blocks, and the Tales of the Wilderland has many stat blocks to draw inspiration from - especially for things like bandits, thugs and other nasties.

Luckily from what I've experiences, the rules being as loose and easy as they are, creating stats for critters is very easy (far simpler than other more popular systems), and personally I'm glad that less time has been spent producing hordes of creature stat books, and instead focused on the lore, and story and setting, and the adventure pieces of the game - since those are so much more fullfilling.

After you've run a few games, and worked with tweaking some of the existing goblin/orcs etc, and the thug/bandits that are in the other works, it will become quite easy to make something for your own games.


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Posted: Jul 3 2012, 05:37 AM
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QUOTE (qstor @ Jul 2 2012, 01:56 PM)
I'm a fan of the game but what I think it needs are stats for more creatures like barrow wights, fell beasts, half orcs, vipers and bears...These aren't included in the main book. And generic stats for like town guards and bandits..


Agreed. What I'd actually like is simply a PDF collection of critters they've statted out, with maybe some new ones thrown in to fill in some gaps.
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Posted: Jul 3 2012, 07:06 AM
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A Middle Earth bestiary would be a great product!


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Posted: Jul 3 2012, 01:19 PM
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QUOTE (timb @ Jul 3 2012, 07:06 AM)
A Middle Earth bestiary would be a great product!

I second that!

(although I don't know to what extent the license limited to The Hobbit and LotR would reduce the scope of such a supplement).
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Posted: Jul 3 2012, 05:09 PM
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QUOTE (Glorfindel @ Jul 3 2012, 05:19 PM)
QUOTE (timb @ Jul 3 2012, 07:06 AM)
A Middle Earth bestiary would be a great product!

I second that!

(although I don't know to what extent the license limited to The Hobbit and LotR would reduce the scope of such a supplement).

yeah maybe the book with the Rangers and Elves of Rivendell will have Barrow Wights in it. I also didnt see stats for dogs or horses?

Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it. - American History X
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