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> Damage
Posted: Jul 8 2012, 01:52 PM
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Page 78 of the AB states that when a character hits his opponent, he inflicts lost Endurance equal to his weapon's damage rating. If he achieves a great success he adds his character's damage rating. If he achieves an extraordinary success he adds double his damage rating to that of his weapon.

The AB says, "Usually, the damage rating is equal to the character's body score." So my question is, if the weapon used is a favored weapon is the character's damage rating equal to the favored body score if he achieves a great or extraordinary success?
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Posted: Jul 8 2012, 02:39 PM
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There are virtues and rewards that affect the damage rating. I read it that the "usually" refers to these modifications.

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Posted: Jul 8 2012, 07:26 PM
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I agree with Valarian.

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Posted: Jul 9 2012, 06:48 AM
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Unfortunately this subject is discussed in several areas: the Glossary, between the Warden and Company Creation sections, and in the Combat section -- leading to page-flipping as you try to find all the relevant info. Nor does it help that the term is spelled in different manners (Damage rating vs damage rating) and used interchangeably for all possible variants (weapon damage, Body, Body + modifiers).

But to answer your question, no, you do not use favoured Body values. While I was reading about this subject I saw no reference to favoured values being used. So, I would say regardless of the skill type (normal or favoured, common or weapon), when computing the damage you do the following:

Damage Rating = normal Body value.
Damage Bonus = any modifying Virtues and Rewards.

Normal Success = the listed Weapon Damage.
Great Success = Weapon Damage + Damage Rating + Damage Bonus.
Extraordinary Success = Weapon Damage + ((Damage Rating + Damage Bonus) x 2).

As Valarian said, their are a couple of Virtues and Rewards (Dour-handed, Fell-handed, Grievous, possibly others) that modify the Damage Bonus, although they call it Damage rating.

I hope that my re-wording for clarity helps.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Jul 11 2012, 06:25 AM
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Garn's reply is really detailed for us

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