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> Do Hobbits Make The Best Heroes?
Posted: Feb 10 2013, 12:55 AM
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I just worked a gig on a Canadian radio show called "The Debaters", playing on CBC (Canada's national station) on Saturday afternoons.

The concept of the show is about two comedians debating on diverse subjects; so even if the subject is sometimes serious, the debate itself is meant to be comedic rather than serious. Shows are recorded in front of an audience who gets to vote on who wins the debate in the end.

I was surprised and amused to see that on of the subjects for today's recording was "Do Hobbits make the Best Heroes". Turns out it was one of the best of the 6 debates we recorded today.

Spoiler for Canadians CBC listeners on these forums; it was a tie. Something that happens only rarely apparently.

thought I'd share wink.gif

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Posted: Mar 20 2013, 09:06 PM
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You might think they might make exceptional Heros, especially in certain situations

This from The Hobbit, Riddles in the Dark when Bilbo ended up in the in Gollum's lair

Now certainly Bilbo was in what is called a tight place. But you must remember it was not quite so tight for him as it would have been for me or for you.

Hobbits are not quite like ordinary people; and after all if their holes are nice cheery places and properly aired, quite different from the tunnels of the goblins, still they are more used to tunnelling than we are, and they do not easily lose their sense of direction underground-not when their heads have recovered from being bumped.

Also they can move very quietly, and hide easily, and recover wonderfully from falls and bruises, and they have a fund of wisdom and wise sayings that men have mostly never heard or have forgotten long ago.

You never know how Bright you are until you have met True Darkness
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