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> Dwarrow Scholar & Khuzdul Lessons, TOR Resource for Dwarven Role-playing
  Posted: May 19 2012, 10:48 AM
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Good morning!

I may identify more with hobbits, but I hear the dwarves calling like Bilbo after dinner. On Meneldor server in LotRO, Storiodoc's house is at Thorin's Hall. So, I was very happy when I found The Dwarrow Scholar as the featured site on MyMiddle-earth.net. Strongbeard the Dwarrow Scholar has started carefully expanding the mysterious dwarven language, and is even working on their subtle sign language. You can start learning Kuzdul/neo-Khuzul here with Khuzdul Lesson 1.

Delve deeply!

Yours in fellowship,
Stephen “Trotter”

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Posted: May 19 2012, 02:47 PM
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So, I've spent the past six months in an intensive Italian language course (nothing to fluency). My wife and I just got a great kick out this. It's well done and reminds both of us of the random "Teach Yourself" stuff we picked up to practice in the car.

Thanks for sharing!
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Posted: May 19 2012, 03:47 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 88
Member No.: 1765
Joined: 6-August 11

You bet! MyMidde-earth is a great resource.

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| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
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| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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