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> End-of-game Reckoning, Everything you need to do to end a game
Posted: Jan 11 2012, 12:59 PM
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As a player of The One Ring, I have noticed that there are many housekeeping chores that need to be accomplished when ending a game session. Our group usually forgets all of them in their haste. Have I forgotten any?
  • Determine who recovers Hope or gains Shadow as a result of the Wounded status of his or her Fellowship Focus
  • Distribute leftover Fellowship points
  • The Loremaster awards Experience Points
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Posted: Jan 11 2012, 01:53 PM
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Add up and record Advancement Points earned during the session.

My TOR Resources:
| Using Your Own Dice | Names of Middle-earth | New Adversaries v1.0 |

President/Owner of Bardic Tales, Inc.

LotRO Contact Info
Server: Elendilmir
Kinship: Cuivet Pelin Annun
Character(s): Alcaril, Isenhewer, Necry and Toland
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Posted: Jan 11 2012, 03:03 PM
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Last one week to three months. Players narrate what they are doing:

1, Sojourn
You can repair to a sanctuary: to heal wounds
You can disband for a while and go home: To invest money and raise standing with your people
Raise standard of living: by spending treasure

2, Spend experience Points:
To raise weapon skills
To raise valour OR wisdom:
Raising Wisdom: gains you a virtue, either a mastery (feats to boost skills) or cultural (Barding archery, Elven magic etc)
Raising Valour: gains you a reward, either better equipment quality or cultural (a famed weapon from house or history)

3, Spend advancement Points
To raise up common skills

4, Undertakings
Meet a new patron
Gain a new distinctive feature
Heal corruption
Open a new sanctuary


The loremaster relates what has happened in the world. Characters with standing can influence this end of year tale, with a suitable skill test.
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Posted: Jan 11 2012, 07:09 PM
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QUOTE (Throrsgold @ Jan 11 2012, 12:53 PM)
Add up and record Advancement Points earned during the session.

No, that happens at the end of the Adventuring Phase (AB p. 120).
QUOTE (jrrtalking @ Jan 11 2012, 02:03 PM)

I'm talking about the end of a session, not the end of the Adventuring Phase.
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Posted: Jan 12 2012, 04:52 PM
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QUOTE (Stormcrow @ Jan 11 2012, 11:09 PM)
QUOTE (Throrsgold @ Jan 11 2012, 12:53 PM)
Add up and record Advancement Points earned during the session.

No, that happens at the end of the Adventuring Phase (AB p. 120).

ohmy.gif I've been compiling Advancement Points at the end of every session! My players won't be too happy about my misread on that. Oh, well ... it's not like they were in much danger of hitting that 18-point ceiling anyway. Still, this will have an impact. Glad I found out about this sooner rather than later. Thanks, Stormcrow! wink.gif I shan't say your information is "ill-news" or that "trouble follows you like crows."

After a careful reread, I need to restructure my ideas on adventure layout ... planning for Fellowship Phases to occur more often. In one of my two campaigns, the one I converted from d20, the company is escorting a Dunedain noblewoman's family from Tharbad to Fornost (takes place circa III 1650) ... my original thinking being that the Fellowship Phase would occur in Fornost and that each Session (notice the capitalization) was an Adventure Phase. The whole journey was supposed to take 24 days, but has several planned encounters. To date, I have ran the following: Session #1 (again, referencing the aforementioned capitalization) was a bandit attack (on Day 6); Sessions #2 & 3 were encounters with a very large warg (on Days 7 and 8) ... think the movie Jaws, but on land with a warg; Session #4 was individual participation in the games at the Midsummer Festival at the village of Andrath (on Day 12); and, Sessions #5 & 6 (which marked the start of the run in TOR) have been dealings with the crazed Lord of Minas Malloth (on Days 14+)]. They will play through the resolution of the Minas Malloth situation the next time I run (a week from this Saturday). I had intended on having the session following this be one that takes place in the Barrow-downs (and based on one I pulled from Lord of the Rings Online). I suppose I should squeeze a Fellowship Phase in at Bree and continue on from that point ... beginning with the Barrow-downs session.

As to your original post, nope ... I think that your original list about covers it.

My TOR Resources:
| Using Your Own Dice | Names of Middle-earth | New Adversaries v1.0 |

President/Owner of Bardic Tales, Inc.

LotRO Contact Info
Server: Elendilmir
Kinship: Cuivet Pelin Annun
Character(s): Alcaril, Isenhewer, Necry and Toland
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