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> Feedback Desired For Tales From Wilderland, and how I plan to monkey with it!
Posted: Aug 10 2012, 06:35 PM
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Hi. I'm starting Tales from Wilderland next week and would very much appreciate feedback on how I plan to run it. This is an adapted version of something I posted a little while ago in the original Tales thread, but it got a bit lost in the pdf discussion - this version is rather different, however. I've been inspired by some of Skywalker's suggestions elsewhere, and have incorporated a version of the fan-made Decipher scenario 'Shadow over Dale'. I've also split Words of the Wise into two (a 'Part 1' involving the defense of Woodmen-Town, and a 'Part 2' repurposing the embassy to Thranduil) and incorporated it as well.

The companions have just emerged from the ruins in the Marsh Bell. They're four of the pregens: Trotter, Caranthir, Beran and The Bride.

Many thanks in advance for any help or comments you can give me. smile.gif

My players, Dan, Martin, Rob and Ian/Phoe, KEEP OUT - SPOILERS AHOY








Year 2946, early spring, The Marsh-Bell (The Ruins to Esgaroth)

The Dwarves retrieve the jewel that the company hadn't found. They are very secretive and jealous about it and gorecrows follow the company until they leave the marshes. If the companions roll a Hazard, the two Dwarves will suffer a bout of madness together regarding the jewel and accuse the companions of stealing it.

The companions camp at the foot of the stair of Girion. Baldor had been trading at the top of the Stair, so later that day the companions can rescue him – his bodyguards waited until he'd turned his goods into cash before robbing him.

Year 2946, summer, Shadow Over Dale (Dale to Dale)

Balin and Oin set out again for the Misty Mountains, this time with an honour guard of Dwarves, to deliver the invite to the Lord of the Eagles. Meanwhile, the PCs are hired (via Elstan) as messengers to deliver similar invites to the headmen of the villages of the Nether Marches.

I'll run a couple of Encounters with headmen. Depending on how they go, the PCs might then decide to visit them again on their way to Celduin in the later adventure – they'd take more time, but could collect a small warband to help them.

The PCs discover Lunn Doring destroyed. It's near Celduin, and warriors from there, led by the Master's son from The Crossings of Celduin, replace the Abrelinds. The PCs are taken to Celduin and meet with coldness from the Master. The area has been suffering mixed Orc-Easterling raids recently, but he insists his warriors can handle it (he doesn't want to recognise King Bard). How the PCs play this will have an impact on their return later on. If they want to be proactive, the Master will need persuading, and will 'only' send Beoric as part of the force, rather than risk his own son (much to the latter's displeasure and embarrassment, however). On raiding the camp, the companions find it equipped with crates with a monogrammed 'L'. In the case of a successful raid, or if the PCs don't report back to Elstan, then 'Crossings' plays out as written. If they report the trouble back to Elstan, he'll set out with warriors next spring: when the PCs return later, the iron gate will have been repaired and the warriors trained, but the Master will try to surrender the town (the Orc chieftain won't kill the Master's son, and the PCs will have to scramble to stage a coup against the Master).

Once at Esgaroth, the PCs may seek out the merchant with the L monogram. Lockmand will claim he had lost a caravan to raiders and thanks the companions profusely.

Year 2946, November, First Gathering of the Five Armies (Dale)

As successful messengers of the king, the PCs are invited to the Great Feast (and Baldor will be happy to put them up). They're not seated anywhere near the High Table, but they do get to see the major players (Gandalf, Thranduil, Lord of the Eagles). They will be able to meet Gloin, Balin and Oin again, and probably Bombur. They discover that the Lord of the Eagles accepted the invitation, but rejected the jewel – something Balin and Oin are rather gleeful about (“It belongs to the Dwarves!”).

Depending on their roleplaying, they could use this meeting to do various things for the Fellowship phase.

Year 2947, early spring, Don't Leave the Path (Esgaroth to Woodland Hall, via the The Easterly Inn)

Baldor will seek out the characters as protectors for his caravan.

Galion will be re-introduced as a reluctant subordinate of Lindar.

Elves are considerably more nervous about people using the Forest Path – ghosts of old evils haunt the western reaches.

Spiders who take father go to a half-ruined Sarn Goriwing – qualifies as a Blighted Place. Companions can get in over the webs the Spiders have woven. Otherwise, they might fall in the Enchanted River!

When father goes, he relives attack of Smaug and reveals son's lucky charm was part of Smaug's coat. Son hears the Watcher's call in second half of scenario.

Hermit drawn to woods due to his madness and what he carries. Whispering of evil looking for evil.

Wolfbiter is still whole and the hermit gives it to PCs (it's Keen and Fell, but also cursed with evil: raise the TN of all the bearer's Wisdom tests by 2). PC carrying axe gets visions of immense evil and anger towards it if near well – well gives people visions of what they want and hermit deep-down wanted revenge most of all. Can add Heart to attacks against well. If the PC fails to take an opportunity to return Wolfbiter to its people, however, s/he gains 2 Shadow points.

Company passes through Easterly Inn where they might meet Dindy just before he leaves. The companions are to accompany Baldor to Woodland Hall.

Year 2947, summer, Words of the Wise 'Part 1' (Woodland Hall to Woodmen Town)

The hunting raid goes from Woodland Hall and the attack is on Woodmen Town.

Instead of seeking Thranduil, the Woodmen must gather their forces to defend Woodmen Town. Radagast arrives separately during the battle.

Year 2947, autumn, Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit (Easterly Inn to Easterly Inn)

The Wight will look like one of the corrupted warriors who arrives in the dream during 'Tarry', so the PCs have a bit of warning.

Instead of joining the Bree-men inside the ring fort, the companions witness the start of the goblin attack and Andy Blackthorn's death.

Once the companions rescue the Bree-men (perhaps by ambushing the Orcs from the rear), they'll discover that Dindy had already been captured beforehand.

Year 2948, spring, Kinstrife & Dark Tidings (Great River to Beorn's House)

I'll play this more or less as written.

Year 2948, autumn, Those Who Tarry No Longer (Northern Mirkwood to Haycombe and back)

The PCs might take the opportunity to ask the Lord of the Eagles why he rejected the jewel. Depending on how much they've impressed him, he answers: corruption makes slaves of us all; drakes may prize freedom, but they are as enslaved as the lowliest goblin to their greed; things of Shadow may offer power, but they always bind.

Instead of Elf-Freind, Irimë tells the PCs, “Your heroism guided me out of the darkness that threatened to consume me. I am going from this world, but if you ever find yourselves where darkness and Shadow crushes your spirit, think on me and invoke my name, and it will protect you all from corruption for a while.” – They won't have to take Corruption tests during one journey through Shadow lands. This is to prepare them for the last scenario, but they're free to use/waste it whenever they want.

Year 2949, spring, A Darkness in the Marshes (Rhosgobel to Rhosgobel)

Radagast sends the PCs to Mountain Hall because the Lord of the Eagles has told him of some evil in the west of the Anduin. He has chosen the companions because of their reputation and previous accomplishments, and because he can't spare trusted men of his own from the borders of Mirkwood, given recent troubles.

Instead of Lockmand in the temple, it's one of his henchmen. The PCs will almost certainly want to identify the figure, and I don't want to withhold the chance through GM fiat.

Year 2949, summer, Words of the Wise 'Part 2' (Rhosgobel to Dale)

The companions are sent with a message from Radagast to Thranduil regarding a return of the Shadow to Mirkwood.

Lindar meets them at the Forest Gate.

Rather than talking about the Beast, Thranduil mentions dead bodies of Spiders and Orcs having floated down the Enchanted River. Something has disturbed creatures of Evil upstream.

The companions ought to be able to guide the elven forces to Sarn Goriwing, which has been occupied and crudely refortified by Orcs (with a drawbridge) and into the fortress to cleanse it. An empty gibbet will be found in a place of honour. Thranduil will then send the companions on to Dale. Galia will be part of the fighting force and will join them in going on to Dale.

Year 2949, last days of November, The Crossings of Celduin (Dale to Crossings of Celduin)

The PCs will recognise Gerold from the trial at the Carrock, and depending on how they did, he might have strong feelings about them.

The PCs may see the henchman from 'Darkness' here, during the preparations for the feast. If they follow him, they see him giving the jester his instructions. The PCs have a chance to stop that part of the plan, but only after questioning the jester can they found out who the henchman ultimately worked for.

Rather than making detours to warn people on their way to Celduin, the PCs may do so to gather a small warband from headmen they met in 'Shadow'.

The attacking force also contains Easterlings.

Year 2949, winter, The Watch on the Heath (Dale to Dale)

If the PCs find out about how to get past the Trolls from Whitherfinger, they can add their favoured Wits rating to their Stealth score.

If they wake more than one troll up, they might be able to get them to fight each other.

I'll let non-Dwarves open the secret door.

Thanks in advance for any feedback, suggestions and corrections! smile.gif

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Posted: Aug 10 2012, 06:44 PM
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All I have to say is ... Where can I sign up?
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Just kidding. tongue.gif

It seems like a pretty solid campaign. My only bit of wisdom to share is do enjoy it to the fullest and share the experiences with others when it is done.

"Certainty of death, *small* chance of success... What are we waiting for?"-Gimli, son of Gloin
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Posted: Aug 10 2012, 07:44 PM
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Nice! I'm also running the series, and I'm now wishing I would have inserted some of that. I picked up on some things and have worked to insert some of the NPC's from later earlier (Galia, etc.), but I love the idea with Lockmand!

My Words of the Wise, which is taking place now, is going to have the player's have to race to Thranduil to convince him to join, and then race back to defend Woodland Hall. I prepped a map and have units for them to place - something I plan to have them do again later at the Crossing of Celduin.

Honestly, it sounds pretty spot on for awesome and fun.
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Posted: Aug 11 2012, 12:54 PM
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Thanks for the positive responses! Of course, no campaign survives contact with the players...

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Posted: Aug 11 2012, 04:56 PM
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Just curious....have any of you recveived the book for this yet? I pre-ordered and received my PDF but STILL have never received the hard copy. It seems to be a VERY long wait.
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Posted: Aug 12 2012, 07:23 PM
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QUOTE (daddystabz @ Aug 11 2012, 08:56 PM)
Just curious....have any of you recveived the book for this yet? I pre-ordered and received my PDF but STILL have never received the hard copy. It seems to be a VERY long wait.

Not yet. You did hear about the big delay though, I assume? Apparently, the books were left sitting in the warehouse for over a month.

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. ... You certainly usually find something if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."
- Thorin Oakenshield

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