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> For Francesco: Recovering Fatigue From Journeys
Posted: Aug 7 2011, 09:54 PM
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I am unable to find how the extra Fatigue gained from Fatigue Tests during a Journey are recovered. There is an implication that they disappear after a prolonged rest at the destination or other safe haven. Is that correct?

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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 05:50 AM
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Agreed this is tricky to find.

Overall, as much as I like the Journey rules, they are a little fuzzy on the whole "Recovery" bit.

I mean, normally you regain Lost Endurance by taking a short rest... can you do that while you Travel?

If you are Weary but NOT Wounded, you regain a lot of Endurance during a nights sleep.... does this apply during Travel as well?

If you are Weary, but have a higher Endurance than Fatigue, you will remove the Weary status after a nights rest as well.... during Travel?

If it does... you'll never get Weary, more or less... so I think not. Not to mention the daunting task of bookkeeping day-to-day Endurance changes during Travel. I don't think this is what it should be like.

Still... a lot of Encounters mention quite heavy Endurance losses... what happens if a Character becomes Unconscious as a result of Travel Encounter Endurance Loss? How would that be handled?

My feeling here is that you don't rest during travel, and you stop checking once you become weary, because as it says "Once your Endurance Drop to your Encumbrance score, you will start the Next Episode Weary."

I read this as "you will start the next part of the Adventure" weary... then again... it seems a little cheap to remove Weariness from 30 days of travelling in one Nights Rest.


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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 01:37 PM
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The rules of life and death state: Sources of strain other than the loss of Endurance generally make a hero only temporarily Weary, usually for as long as the source of strain lasts (for the length of a combat encounter, for instance).

So I guess that travel itself is a prolonged source of strain. And after reaching your destination, regeneration of fatigue via sleeping is as usual.

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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 01:57 PM
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Interesting twist to Fatigue increases while travelling - in the sample adventure, p.134 in the LM book, one of the encounters is with Gallows-weed. The weed deals half of the character's Fatigue as damage. It means a character who has failed a Travel test or two will take more damage than normal from the weed.

I wonder if there are other ways the designers will use this value.

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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 02:14 PM
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QUOTE (Nukenin @ Aug 8 2011, 05:37 PM)
So I guess that travel itself is a prolonged source of strain. And after reaching your destination, regeneration of fatigue via sleeping is as usual.

I fear this would make the whole of the Travel rules completely useless... and I would have to agree with another poster saying I probably will not bother with rolling if this is the case. I mean what's the point of becoming weary after 90+ days of travelling if you simply recover the first night when you get to where you are going... no harm done.

It has to have some other "deeper" effect than that, for the rules to really mean something.

At least I hope so.


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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 02:57 PM
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I haven't had a chance to run the game yet, hopefully this week we'll give it a try.

Reading the rules I got the impression that the fatigue you accumulate travelling carries through the following adventure and recovers during the fellowship phase. Although I would allow it to reset if the heroes spend an appropriate amount of time resting, say 1 week in a sanctuary or 2+ weeks in a town or village.

I like this because it makes non-combat skills more important, forcing the players to consider other factors besides "what gives me the most damage" or "what gives me the highest hit bonus".
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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 03:05 PM
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QUOTE (Alric @ Aug 8 2011, 06:57 PM)
I haven't had a chance to run the game yet, hopefully this week we'll give it a try.

Reading the rules I got the impression that the fatigue you accumulate travelling carries through the following adventure and recovers during the fellowship phase. Although I would allow it to reset if the heroes spend an appropriate amount of time resting, say 1 week in a sanctuary or 2+ weeks in a town or village.

I like this because it makes non-combat skills more important, forcing the players to consider other factors besides "what gives me the most damage" or "what gives me the highest hit bonus".

I would hope the final answer is something along these lines as well. I share your ideas.


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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 07:52 PM
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QUOTE (Ieuane @ Aug 8 2011, 05:57 PM)
... p.134 in the LM book, one of the encounters is with Gallows-weed.  The weed deals half of the character's Fatigue as damage.  It means a character who has failed a Travel test or two will take more damage than normal from the weed. ...

Not to pick on Ieuane specifically, I think everyone in this discussion is using the term Fatigue in the way it's used in other games.

The Fatigue score in TOR doesn't measure the amount of Endurance you've lost, it reflects how encumbered you are, and therefore how susceptible you are to becoming Weary when your Endurance falls.

So the damage from Gallows-weed suspending its victims by the neck, is proportional to how much weight they're carrying. (I guess their own weight is assumed to be proportional to the thickness of their neck, and therefore cancels out...)

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Posted: Aug 8 2011, 09:54 PM
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QUOTE (Osric @ Aug 8 2011, 11:52 PM)
QUOTE (Ieuane @ Aug 8 2011, 05:57 PM)
... p.134 in the LM book, one of the encounters is with Gallows-weed.  The weed deals half of the character's Fatigue as damage.  It means a character who has failed a Travel test or two will take more damage than normal from the weed. ...

Not to pick on Ieuane specifically, I think everyone in this discussion is using the term Fatigue in the way it's used in other games.

The Fatigue score in TOR doesn't measure the amount of Endurance you've lost, it reflects how encumbered you are, and therefore how susceptible you are to becoming Weary when your Endurance falls.

So the damage from Gallows-weed suspending its victims by the neck, is proportional to how much weight they're carrying. (I guess their own weight is assumed to be proportional to the thickness of their neck, and therefore cancels out...)


Apparently, yes. Ironic for all the min-maxers who insist on the heaviest armour.
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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 07:48 PM
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BTW a seemingly knowledgeable person (not sure who but sound like an editor) on RPGnet confirmed that Fatigue from failed Fatigue Tests was recovered after a prolonged rest. Presumably this is a night's sleep at a safe haven or destination and not on the road.

So the guess I made was right.

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Posted: Aug 10 2011, 03:54 AM
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So someone from C7 stated on RPG.net that while on journeys if you gain Fatigue from failed tests if you stop at a sanctuary can be recovered after a Prolonged Rest (good night's sleep)?

Is this correct? I guess that means that the party should open a sanctuary as soon as they can when they go through their first journey so they can rest there when needed since they cannot do so on the road.
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Posted: Aug 10 2011, 04:02 AM
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Well as long as it requires a Sanctuary I can live with it.

First of all Sanctuaries are not open from the get go. You have to work on it. You might have one open from start but that's it.

This means that you have to open more if you want to rest there and recuperate, which I think is a good thing.

It also means that you cannot "rest" away increased Fatigue when you travel to a dangerous Adventure Location... it stays there until you travel back to your Sanctuary again presumably after completing the task.

I think it might be a good thing, this.


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Posted: Aug 10 2011, 05:40 AM
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There was no reference to sanctuary, just Journey's end. But i suspect that a sanctuary or some other level of safety is likely.

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Posted: Aug 10 2011, 10:48 AM
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QUOTE (Skywalker @ Aug 10 2011, 09:40 AM)
There was no reference to sanctuary, just Journey's end. But i suspect that a sanctuary or some other level of safety is likely.

It assumes a night sleep at a safe (not necessarily a Sanctuary though, just a safe place where you can properly rest from the toils of traveling and from the burden of gear, equipment, etc).

Amado A.
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Posted: Aug 10 2011, 11:15 PM
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“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. ... You certainly usually find something if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."
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Posted: Aug 11 2011, 05:00 PM
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OK so the clarification has been revised and is now errata:

As stated earlier, you increase your Fatigue score by a number of points equal to the Encumbrance of your Travelling gear. This increase is applied at the end of the Journey (i.e. at the beginning of the next Episode).

For every prolonged rest you take at a safe place (i.e. not "on the road"), you lose 1 point of Fatigue increase due to failed Travel rolls.

Me like.

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