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> Fourth Age
Posted: Sep 13 2011, 11:04 PM
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Hi all. I'm new to these forums and the game. Having a great time learni9ng the game and reading the posts. I've loved Tolkien's works for many many years. I have a question...what do you all think about a campaign set a few years into the 4th Age, around 15 4A? I was thinking that Eldarion, son of Aragorn and Arwen, could befriend one of the PC's, and go from there.
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Posted: Sep 13 2011, 11:46 PM
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Certainly doable I'm sure, but I'd wait until Errantries of the King and War of the Ring are released, giving you more background and more cultures, etc...

Heck I'm even thinking of using the system from The One Ring for non-Tolkien gaming (not all of my players like Tolkien...I know, shocking...)

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Posted: Sep 14 2011, 04:59 AM
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Slightly OT, but I agree. I think there's probably a decent Cthulhu hack in there, for example. Rules for losing hope and going mad are always a good start!
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Posted: Sep 14 2011, 01:22 PM
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Hi Caldarion,

QUOTE (Caldarion @ Sep 14 2011, 03:04 AM)
I have a question...what do you all think about a campaign set a few years into the 4th Age, around 15 4A?

I have two notices for you that may help you in designing something in the Fourth Age (whether in the very early one as you hinted at or far away down the timeline).
MERP once had an adventure set in exactly your timeframe (Palantír Quest) that deals with the heroes' group being engaged in the search for the two northern palantíri that were lost at the fall of Arthedain more than a thousand years ago.

It is long out-of-print of course, but it regularly shows up at internet auctions.

The other hint (more geared towards either 'alternative realities' or a scope of the full Fourth Age, but still with useful material for early 4A settings) can be found in the free online Middle-earth roleplaying fanzine Other Minds (link see my signature), Issue #9 from February 2010. I am sure you will find useful material for the 4A campaign of your preference there!


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  Posted: Sep 14 2011, 06:34 PM
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Thank you so much Tolwen! I'll check them out
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Posted: Sep 15 2011, 03:36 AM
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I had the plan to do something similar.

You may also want to check out what Tolkein himself began writing about the New Shadow, set in the Fourth Age. He scrapped the story roughly 30 pages in. I think he realized he was writing his own fan-fic. :-P

Regardless, it may be a further source of inspiration, and an understanding of the Prof's thought process.

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Posted: Sep 15 2011, 01:33 PM
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QUOTE (Rapscallion @ Sep 15 2011, 07:36 AM)
You may also want to check out what Tolkein himself began writing about the New Shadow, set in the Fourth Age. He scrapped the story roughly 30 pages in.

This idea has been incorporated into the hypothetical 4A timeline in The Heirs of Elessar and the Fourth Age in said 'Other Minds' Issue cool.gif


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  Posted: Sep 15 2011, 03:35 PM
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Thanks for all your replies everyone. That Other Minds magazine is really well-done. Going to have a lot of fun going through them.
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Robin Smallburrow
Posted: Sep 18 2011, 07:08 AM
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Hi Caldarion,

As the author of one of the articles for the Other Minds magazine on the Fourth Age, will be happy to assist you or answer any queries you have. I will say that the time you have chosen (F.A year 15 or thereabouts) is a very good one for adventurers, as King Elessar is looking for aid in lots of places to help 'cleaning up the mess'.


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  Posted: Sep 22 2011, 03:49 AM
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Thank you Robin, I will take you up on that kind offer!
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Posted: Sep 22 2011, 11:59 AM
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Back in the day, I had considered something very similar for Decipher's version of the game. I had set things in the Shire, ≈70 years into 4A. Sam, Pippin, and Merry were all gone from the Shire (Sam had taken the mithril coat & Sting from the Mathom House (No PCs grabbing those tidbits! wink.gif ). Strider was still king, plus Legolas & Gimli were still tromping around somewhere, but that was about it from "the old days." I think it's a great way to explore a more "open" part of the setting.
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