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> Gandalf Rune + Tengwar Runes, Degrees of success still apply?
Posted: Sep 10 2012, 05:04 PM
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Hi all,

For some reason I have this nagging feeling that I read somewhere in the rules that a Gandalf rune on the Feat die only gives an "Ordinary" success. Can someone please put me straight? What I need confirming is that Tengwar runes still raise the degree of success if rolled together with a Gandalf rune. Is this correct? It seems logical but as I say, there is this nagging doubt.

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Posted: Sep 10 2012, 05:24 PM
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QUOTE (geekdad @ Sep 10 2012, 10:04 PM)
For some reason I have this nagging feeling that I read somewhere in the rules that a Gandalf rune on the Feat die only gives an "Ordinary" success. Can someone please put me straight? What I need confirming is that Tengwar runes still raise the degree of success if rolled together with a Gandalf rune. Is this correct? It seems logical but as I say, there is this nagging doubt.

Put the feeling to rest! smile.gif A Gandalf rune just makes you pass the test automatically, the quality of the roll is still determined by your Success dice.

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Posted: Sep 11 2012, 01:55 AM
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Posted: Sep 11 2012, 03:04 AM
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Not this is "as written" or just my interpretation of the rule. If a roll fails to score the TN but has a g-rune then I say it's an ordinary pass, even if there's a 6 (tengwar rune) on another die. If the roll succeeds, counting the G-rune as 10, then the tengwar runes are counted to raise the degree of success. That way, the best a g-rune can do is turn a failure to a success. Of course, it only counts for a TN greater than 16 - like when crossing Mirkwood.

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