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> Gencon Editon & Lake-town/lm Screen, Please respond
Posted: Jul 28 2012, 10:52 PM
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Joined: 14-April 12

I've tried to contact Cubicle via mail, in different threads here and their official facebook page but nobody noticed or cared. I want to know if it's possible to order both GenCon edition and Lake Town & LM Screen books together to save on shipping? Shipping to Turkey usually costs as much as the book so I don't want to pay to a shipping company some money that I could rather pay to Cubicle for more items like a new dice set. (Heh gotta give them something to get them respond tongue.gif )

"Morgoth!" I cried "All hope is gone but I swear revenge! Hear my oath! I will take part in your damned fate!"
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Jon Hodgson
Posted: Jul 29 2012, 02:27 AM
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Art Director

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It is certainly not the case that no one cares, Can: Apologies for the lack of response via FB - the message only came in on Friday, out of working hours. I have however passed this up the chain for a more definitive answer. I suspect with some regret that products not yet available for preorder cannot be preordered. We should have more information on that preorder status before too long however which will be announced officially, and I'm also sure we can sort something out.

Thanks for your patience.

Jon Hodgson
Art Director
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
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Posted: Jul 29 2012, 04:15 AM
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Posts: 257
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Joined: 14-April 12

Thanks I appreciate it. Since the Esgaroth and LM Screen book is coming out in August and GenCon book is currently avaliable I thought it should be possible to order them together. I'm eagerly waiting for the answer laugh.gif

"Morgoth!" I cried "All hope is gone but I swear revenge! Hear my oath! I will take part in your damned fate!"
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