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> Giant Slaying Spear, Close Combat Damage Rating question
Posted: Feb 24 2012, 10:01 AM
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This question is actually more about the meaning of "close combat damage rating."

A Beorning with a giant slaying spear and a body of 6 stabs a "giant":

Normal sucess is 9(weapon)+4 (giant slaying spear) endurance damage, right?

Is a great success 9+4+6 (body bonus) or (9+4)+(6+4)?

It's the first one (19 damage), isn't it?

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Posted: Feb 24 2012, 10:21 AM
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Hehe. I have always taken the Damage rating cell in the character sheet as the bonus to add to melee attacks when getting a Great Success (it has usually the Body score). And double that in case of an Extraordinary Sucess.
So according to that it would be:
Normal: 9
Great: 9+(6+4) = 19
Extraordinary: 9+(6+4)x2 = 29

Quote from the Adventurer Book, page 23
Damage: The character’s Damage rating indicates
the potential of a hero to do substantial harm to an
opponent when able to hit with force and precision,
using a close combat or ranged weapon. The smaller
damage box on the character sheet, marked ranged, is
used when a hero’s damage using close combat differs
from that when using ranged weapons.

EDIT again!:
The quote from page 79:
When a character hits his opponent in combat, he inflicts
lost Endurance equal to his weapon’s Damage rating.

If he achieves a great success, he adds his character’s
Damage rating as a bonus to his weapon’s Damage
rating. If he scores an extraordinary success, he adds
double his Damage rating to that of his weapon.
Usually, a character’s Damage rating is equal to his
basic Body score, both for attacks made with a close
combat weapon or a ranged weapon.
Players should record their heroes’ Damage bonus scores
on the character sheet. Should a character’s ranged
attack Damage rating differ from that of close combat
attacks, the player should record it in the separate box
(special abilities and items might benefit one type of
attack or the other).

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Posted: Feb 24 2012, 10:30 AM
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Giant-slaying Spear

(great spear)
A giant-slaying spear is an unusually long great spear made of ash wood, once used only from horseback.
When you attack using a Giant-slaying Spear, your close combat Damage rating is raised by +4 against creatures greater than human-sized.

I have bolded the key part. It says "your". So I guess it means the Character's Damage rating, not the Weapon.

But how knows... tongue.gif Now I am confused.

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Posted: Feb 24 2012, 10:57 AM
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QUOTE (Azrapse @ Feb 24 2012, 02:30 PM)
Giant-slaying Spear

(great spear)
A giant-slaying spear is an unusually long great spear made of ash wood, once used only from horseback.
When you attack using a Giant-slaying Spear, your close combat Damage rating is raised by +4 against creatures greater than human-sized.

I have bolded the key part. It says "your". So I guess it means the Character's Damage rating, not the Weapon.

But how knows... tongue.gif Now I am confused.

I would agree with this. The character's damage rating would be body + 4 instead of just body.

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Posted: Feb 24 2012, 11:24 AM
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So it only gives the bonus on a great/extraordinary success?
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Posted: Feb 24 2012, 12:43 PM
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I'd say so. Unless it's an errata in the Reward description and that "your" means "the weapon's".

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Posted: Feb 24 2012, 02:15 PM
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So an extraordinary success is:


Hmmm. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

And the spear does nothing special in regard to piercing strikes, right?

And having great spear as a favored skill does not let you use favored body on a great/extraordinary success for damage, right?
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Posted: Feb 25 2012, 11:53 AM
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QUOTE (Azrapse @ Feb 24 2012, 02:30 PM)
Giant-slaying Spear (great spear)
A giant-slaying spear is an unusually long great spear made of ash wood, once used only from horseback.
When you attack using a Giant-slaying Spear, your close combat Damage rating is raised by +4 against creatures greater than human-sized.

[...] It says "your". So I guess it means the Character's Damage rating, not the Weapon.[...]

I go the other way; I'd rule that this is just a case of casual language, not to be interpreted so literally.
(So I guess in my interpretation the "your" is referring to your attack in general, rather than specifically to distinguish your personal damage bonus from the damage of the weapon.)

This Reward item already does nothing special in the majority of fights -- against normal-sized wolves, orcs, evil men or what-not that are not large. If its advantage only applied to special successes against large targets, that would just come up too rarely to be worthwhile. IMHO. smile.gif


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Posted: Feb 25 2012, 12:04 PM
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QUOTE (Osric @ Feb 25 2012, 09:53 AM)
This Reward item already does nothing special in the majority of fights -- against normal-sized wolves, orcs, evil men or what-not that are not large.  If its advantage only applied to special successes against large targets, that would just come up too rarely to be worthwhile. IMHO. smile.gif


I agree, it seems really underwhelming. But I also think the rules are being followed correctly. So it's just not a good reward, especially when compared to some of those available to others (which is sad, because it's the one I just took sad.gif ).

Francesco, are we doing the giant slaying spear right? Is this what you intended?
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Posted: Feb 25 2012, 01:14 PM
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QUOTE (Osric @ Feb 25 2012, 03:53 PM)
(So I guess in my interpretation the "your" is referring to your attack in general, rather than specifically to distinguish your personal damage bonus from the damage of the weapon.)

I'd agree with this interpretation, and apply the damage bonus to the attack as a whole.
So, using the example from above (9 weapon damage, 6 damage bonus):

Normal: 9+4 = 13
Great: 9+4+6 = 19
Extraordinary: 9+4+6+6 = 25

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