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> Healing Dying Characters - One Shot Business?, How to handle healing dying characters?
Posted: Apr 13 2012, 04:52 AM
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I am quite new for the The One Ring role playing game - just purchased the books few weeks ago, and we did play first session (the introductory adventure from LM book) last weekend. Now, I have question about healing :

When character gets two wounds and his endurance drops to zero, he is considered dying. Other guys start to heal him, but first guy fails the healing roll (even if he would use hope). Dying character is about to die in 12 hours, and according to book failed healing roll can only be retried after about 24 hours. Basically the wounded guy is doomed.

So, to ease up this situation a bit, what would you do?

First thing of course it to make clear to other players, that the situation is severe and roll must be succesfull or the poor guy dies. Also, it can be done as prolonged action. What else? Do you allow second roll, or how it should be handled?

And btw, this has not happened (yet) on our group, but it probably will someday (I know my players) smile.gif

About the prolonged actions, what is the catch here? I have tried to understand how it works, but it is not entirely clear. Especially what to do with the failed rolls.

Let's suppose healing dying character is prolonged action TN 12 requiring 4 successfull rolls. What happens if player fails in middle (for example, two succesfull, then failure, then success, then again failure etc...)? Is the only result of failure the wasted time?

So should it go like this:

Player wants to heal the dying character.
LM tells that it is either one-shot against TN 14, and if failure, character dies. Or, it is prolonged action against TN 12, requiring 4 successfull rolls, each roll takes 2 hours game time, so the character dies after 6 rolls if there is no enough succesfull rolls.
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Posted: Apr 13 2012, 05:01 AM
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I usually go about any "re-try" the same way, regardless of rule-set.

Basically the rule I use is this:

"If Circumstances hasn't changed since you failed, you cannot try again. But if you have taken action to create different circumstances... and those actions have been successful, I will allow a Re-Try."

In the case of a dying character, this could be, go out in the forest and search for and find healing herbs, making a short journey to fetch a known healer from her hut in the swamp, etc. etc. In short: Have the players really struggle to make for a different situation... and they can try again.

I apply this to most things such as healing, picking locks, searching for hidden things, persuading the lord to lend you some military manpower, etc etc.

You probably wanted an answer from a TOR Rule perspective... sorry but I don't have the book here, and even if I did, I would still go for my "house rule" because I think it creates more drama and action.


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Posted: Apr 13 2012, 05:06 AM
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From rules perspective, that will change the situation, so re-roll is in order, and it will give good drama to the situation. Sounds perfect.

So, I can either use your suggestion, or prolonged action.
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Posted: Apr 13 2012, 05:10 AM
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TORs rules for death are not that tough IME. If a PC was on 0 Endurance, Wounded twice and a Healing roll fails with Hope expenditure, I don't think death would be a surprise or avoided. Though death should be rare, it should be a possibility.

Make sure you let the player making the Heal roll understands the situation, so they can spend Hope though.

I wouldn't be averse to using Prolonged Actions, but not that in most cases it makes success just as hard if not harder. It simply allows for more focus and perhaps greater Hope expenditure to deal with bad luck. So be careful it doesn't give people the impression of making it easier.

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Posted: Apr 13 2012, 05:16 AM
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In terms of Prolonged Actions, you need to succeed in all rolls by the RAW IIRC

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