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> Heavy Burden - Fallen Comrade
Posted: Aug 20 2011, 12:45 PM
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Do we have rules for carrying along a fallen or wounded friend during travels ??

Imagine a huge troll just broke your companion's two legs and you and your other friends have to carry him through a journey...

What would be a good rule? Making extra Fatigue tests ? If so, how many would be fair to ask?

Maybe add 4 points of Encumbrance to two characters, 8 points to one character carrying a fallen companion by himself ?

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Posted: Aug 20 2011, 01:22 PM
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They could make a stretcher of some sort and reduce their speed (by a third or half depending on the size of the patient) to account for the burden, which would extend the journey and add additional Travel tests.

Anyone carrying the patient would have their shield or bow on their back, make them vulnerable to Opening Volleys and incapable of making their own. And if you were feeling particularly mean, you could make those carrying Temporarily Weary!

Personally, I wouldn't do more than that, as travelling is dangerous enough!

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Posted: Aug 20 2011, 01:23 PM
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Such a thing would only really happen if the Loremaster chose to describe the characters injury in that way. I see no reason why that shouldn't be the case, but there are no official rules.

For my money I think it would depend on how they heroes chose to carry him. Are they physically propping him up, or have they built a Travois?

If they are physically carrying their comrade then the equipment fatigue of the injured hero should be applied to whomever is carrying it, and the hero(es) carrying the injured member should increase the TN for the fatigue check.

If a Travois is being used, I would rule an increase of endurance loss for a failed fatigue check.

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Posted: Aug 20 2011, 05:18 PM
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Great, eldath. I like it.

No travois - add Encumbrance to the char carrying the wounded guy's equipment. Raise the TN of the guy actually carrying the wounded fellow.

With travois - add +2 points of Endurance loss to the people carrying the travois.

Maybe a way to streamline this mechanic?
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