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> How Long Do Your Campaigns Usually Last?
Posted: Jan 1 2013, 06:18 PM
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With TOR and the possibility of the "smaller world" and different cultures spotlighted in the various published works, it's made me wonder how long one would stick with the same campaign. Of course, even if one switched/changed regions and PCs, the campaign could still be the same one. The game even seems to be set up more for campaign play than most RPGs, what with the spotlight on Fellowship phases and Year's End.

I know that many campaigns only seem to last a year or two. I've been pretty fortunate in recent years in that I've got a regular set of gaming friends that sticks with things longer than that, so it's made for some long (and fun) campaigns.

How about you? What games are you playing? And how long have the campaigns gone on?

Right now I'm running:

Villains & Vigilantes (V&V): a 22 year old campaign that we play every other week; it's had up to 10 players before, and right now there are 8 of us (I'm the "Editor-in-Chief", but we take turns being GM).
V&V: Another campaign I do with 3 of my kids; we only play every so often (probably quarterly, at most).
Star Wars (WEG d6): A fairly new campaign that has been going for about 1/2 a year; 6 players, playing about monthly.

And I'm playing in:
Star Trek (CODA): I used to run this one, but a friend recently took it over from me. There are 6 of us and we play about once a month.
V&V: A campaign of my son's that has been going for about 2 years; I only joined about a year ago; rotating cast of thousands.
V&V: A PBP game that moves very slowly; around 8 players.

For Middle-earth role-playing, we played in two campaigns (both CODA system):

"Northern Menace": (focusing on Eriador and ranging into the Wilderland areas). Lasted 4 years, 6 players.
"Dark Tide": Lasted for about 2 years; 5 players.

I'd like to add TOR into the mix soon as well (too many games, not enough time!) smile.gif

Currently running Villains & Vigilantes (campaign is now 22 years old), Star Wars d6, and The One Ring.
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Posted: Jan 2 2013, 04:16 AM
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I guess it depends on how often you get to play, right?

We have weekly "Gaming Nights" every Thursday, and we try to play the ongoing RPG campaign every Week.

Currently this is The Great Pendragon Campaign.

A more generic answer to your question would be that I seldom play the same campaign for more than 1-2 years. I find my stamina and interest in a campaign wear out around the 1,5 mark. And I start to drift towards other titles.

Usually it doesn't really matter what game we are playing, I just need a change.


"Pain, as the billing vouchsafes, is painful..."
Mini ProfilePMEmail PosterICQAOLYahooMSN
Posted: Jan 2 2013, 08:49 AM
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Generally play weekly.

The longest campaign I've ran was a Star Wars that lasted about 2 to 3 years.

Usually we're lucky if a campaign lasts 4-6 months.

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Posted: Jan 2 2013, 09:24 AM
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On a tangent here; How often do you actually FINISH a Campaign?

I mean like, really closed the book on, played through to the end.


Let's say my rule of thumb is true and we swap campaigns every 18 months or so.

I've been playing RPGs since Late 70's early 80's... so 30 years give or take... That's probably 20 odd campaigns, give or take... sometimes we run two in parallel but sometimes we go 4 months only playing board-games.

20... I think I've said "THE END" maybe... 3-4 times?

- Vampire
- Shiki (Feudal Japan)
- Khalamar (The Coins of Power Trilogy, + extra)
- ....

At the same time the Pile of "Maybe we'll finish that later some day" campaigns grow and grow.


"Pain, as the billing vouchsafes, is painful..."
Mini ProfilePMEmail PosterICQAOLYahooMSN
Posted: Jan 2 2013, 07:43 PM
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Agree that we tend to very rarely "finish" them. I can remember only one. More often than not ours end up the same, sort of petering out with the intention that maybe we'll get back to them someday.

Currently running Villains & Vigilantes (campaign is now 22 years old), Star Wars d6, and The One Ring.
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