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> How To Create An 'official'-looking Supplement, How do I make my TOR stuff 'official'
Robin Smallburrow
Posted: Apr 19 2012, 12:25 AM
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In the time I have been in this forum, many fans have contributed many worthy fan-made supplements for this wonderful game, including myself.

However, some fans seem to know something I don't - how to make their supplements into a groovy pdf which has the same fonts, etc. as actual 'Officially published' material. I would like to know so I can convert my 'Magic in Middle-earth' word doc into just such a supplement.

At present I am green with envy over how great looking some of these supplements are... I am sure I speak for other fans!

Robin S.

by Robin Smallburrow

TOR documents created by me, you can view and download by clicking these links:

Magic in Middle Earth V.2 The Dragon's Ring List of Aids V.2 Fan Supplement V.2

A Kidnapping in Umbar
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Posted: Apr 19 2012, 02:03 AM
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Hi Robin! I can try to help you.

#1. You need the right fonts. I use: Ardagh, Livingstone, and Aniron (for main titles); Dumbledor1 (for secondary titles with small caps and other titles regular); Alois (for main text); Aaatord (for dice symbols and sometimes numbers); and I finally bought Tolkienesque (for special sections of information).

#2. Create a document (I use OpenOffice Writer) and format the page to include two columns, with a footer for page numbers, and margins that leave you enough room at the top and bottom for any background graphics you might import.

#3. Create a background graphic if you wish (otherwise you can just use colored headers and footers to give your document a designed look; I created a couple of background graphics in photoshop the same size as my document, 8.5 x 11).

#4. Finish typing and editing the document, add your background graphic, and save it.

#5. Next, export it as a PDF. I can do this directly from the File menu in OpenOffice. I can't remember how to do it in Microsoft Word (but I think you use Save As PDF). When you do this, there are some options for resolution. I keep my PDF at 300 dpi for good print quality.

Please visit my blog, Advancement Points: The One Ring Files, for my TOR Resources
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Posted: Sep 15 2012, 03:51 PM
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Does anyone know what the Title font is? It's also used for the "Adventures over..."

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Robin Smallburrow
Posted: Sep 19 2012, 07:02 AM
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For my 'Magic in Middle Earth', I used Ardagh for the main headings, Livingstone for the sub-headings and Alois for the text...

Hope that helps - I think I had to download these fonts as a 'package'...

Robin S.

by Robin Smallburrow

TOR documents created by me, you can view and download by clicking these links:

Magic in Middle Earth V.2 The Dragon's Ring List of Aids V.2 Fan Supplement V.2

A Kidnapping in Umbar
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