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> Lm Screen Artwork, Dragon down! Dragon down!
Posted: Nov 3 2012, 09:35 AM
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I hate to spoil any surprises for anyone still awaitng their LM Screen ph34r.gif, but I have to ask about a background image on the screen...

Jon, assuming those gargantuan 'things' rising from the waters of Esgaroth are what I think they are, does that therefore indicate the of the previous Lake-Town? If so, I'm confused.... unless I'm well & truly disoriented? wacko.gif
or the humongous something has been moved?
Perhaps that's a story in which Player-Heroes could get involved. Just a thought!

BTW - both the LM Screen art piece and the work in the booklet are simply awesome.
I especially like the map and the sketches of the Lake-Town folk. Great stuff Jon! wink.gif

'life wasn't meant to be easy ... it was meant to be cheesy!'
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Posted: Nov 3 2012, 09:41 AM
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QUOTE (CheeseWyrm @ Nov 3 2012, 01:35 PM)
.... does that therefore indicate the <> of the previous Lake-Town?
silly EDIT function doesn't function, d'oh!

'life wasn't meant to be easy ... it was meant to be cheesy!'
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Posted: Nov 3 2012, 05:15 PM
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I got the distinct impression that those were the "bones" of the old town. Did seem to be misplaced, but I still thought it was really cool looking to have them in the background. Kinda morbid too, if they were really in sight like that.

I have another question about Lake Town as well. In the picture of the town, there is a walled off area in the in the southern(?) most area of the Butchers' Quay area. Right before the Residential District that the third bridge, across from the Market Square, closest to the harbor leads to. It's isolated from everything else. Any world on what that could be. Official word or better understanding of period architecture then I have. My bet guess is it's either a training yard (which does not make much sense giving it's Location) or the viewing area for a sporting arena. I could see a football game going on in there, while crowds gather around the short palisades. The building in there might be the ticket office/players locker rooms. Thoughts?
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Posted: Nov 4 2012, 07:38 AM
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Hi Cleggster,
I think your walled area in southern-most Butchers' Quay is described in this passage from Lake-Town Sourcebook p.6, paragraph 2 :
The trading of livestock is dealt with inside the fenced off area close to the Market-pool; here, farmers sell their cattle, sheep & poultry to the butchers of Esgaroth... wink.gif

As for the large protrusions from the lake in the background .... they are curved & regular and hence I believe that they are not old town stilts. Either way - they are on the wrong side of the lake, unless I've got myself well-confused.

Jon - if you're reading this please clarify .... I just know my players will notice & pester me on this! ohmy.gif

'life wasn't meant to be easy ... it was meant to be cheesy!'
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Posted: Nov 4 2012, 01:42 PM
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Oh, that makes sense. I didn't really notice the area until after I had read that page. I still think that you could have a quick game in there. Dodging cow-pies perhaps.

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Jon Hodgson
Posted: Nov 5 2012, 05:53 AM
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The objects protruding from the water in the distance were originally intended as Smaug's bones and a sort of silly lyrical touch which wouldn't stand up to any serious examination.

Jon Hodgson
Art Director
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
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Posted: Nov 5 2012, 08:38 AM
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Ta Jon, I've decided I like your sort of silly lyrical touch - I'll now have a wily pair of Lake-Men running tours out to see the DragonBones, and dives to possibly salvage gems (pretty but low-value stones scattered for effect!)
This enterprise is actually sanctioned by The Lake-Town Council .... they see it as useful in keeping sight- & treasure- seekers away from the real SmaugBones.
Cheers! tongue.gif

'life wasn't meant to be easy ... it was meant to be cheesy!'
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