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> Lowering Fatigue
Posted: May 10 2012, 03:58 PM
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Failing a Fatigue test causes you to increase your Fatigue score above the base level of your Encumbrance. The rules specify when you become Weary (when Endurance is equal to or lower than Fatigue) and how to remove Weariness (when Endurance is greater than Fatigue after a prolonged rest), and it tells how you can lower Fatigue by lowering your Encumbrance and then taking a prolonged rest, but I can't find any reference to how to remove the Fatigue caused by failing a Fatigue test.

Is the rule missing? What is it? Does it just go away in the Fellowship Phase?
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Posted: May 10 2012, 04:01 PM
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QUOTE (Stormcrow @ May 10 2012, 07:58 PM)
Failing a Fatigue test causes you to increase your Fatigue score above the base level of your Encumbrance. The rules specify when you become Weary (when Endurance is equal to or lower than Fatigue) and how to remove Weariness (when Endurance is greater than Fatigue after a prolonged rest), and it tells how you can lower Fatigue by lowering your Encumbrance and then taking a prolonged rest, but I can't find any reference to how to remove the Fatigue caused by failing a Fatigue test.

Is the rule missing? What is it? Does it just go away in the Fellowship Phase?

Yes, its the one missing rules in TOR. You need to take a prolonged rest at journey's end to remove Fatigue gained from travelling. It need not be the Fellowship Phase, but its more than stopping somewhere on the road.

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Posted: May 10 2012, 04:08 PM
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QUOTE (Skywalker @ May 10 2012, 03:01 PM)
Yes, its the one missing rules in TOR. You need to take a prolonged rest at journey's end to remove Fatigue gained from travelling. It need not be the Fellowship Phase, but its more than stopping somewhere on the road.

Since a "prolonged rest" is equivalent to a night's rest or eight hours of sleep, I rather thought that every day of a journey would include a prolonged rest. Hence, you get Endurance Points back, and can remove Weary and Wounded statuses as appropriate.

Is a "prolonged rest at journey's end" different than any other prolonged rest? Or is the definition of "prolonged rest" inadequate? Either way, it can't include camping on the road, or requiring Fatigue tests would be pointless.

And is the ruling just the consensus of this board, or is there official backing behind it?
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Posted: May 10 2012, 05:01 PM
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QUOTE (Stormcrow @ May 10 2012, 08:08 PM)
Since a "prolonged rest" is equivalent to a night's rest or eight hours of sleep, I rather thought that every day of a journey would include a prolonged rest. Hence, you get Endurance Points back, and can remove Weary and Wounded statuses as appropriate.

Is a "prolonged rest at journey's end" different than any other prolonged rest? Or is the definition of "prolonged rest" inadequate? Either way, it can't include camping on the road, or requiring Fatigue tests would be pointless.

And is the ruling just the consensus of this board, or is there official backing behind it?

Yes. You don't recover Fatigue gained from Journeying having a prolonged rest on the road. Otherwise you would effectively never get fatigue from Journeying. It needs to be some safe haven, normally at journey's end. it also only returns at the rate of 1 per prolonged rest at that place.

It has was officially confirmed a while back when the errata was first being looked at.

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Posted: May 10 2012, 05:22 PM
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I remember this being discussed before.

I agree that the appellation of "prolonged rest at journey's end" is a bit misleading. I wish that "prolonged rest" would apply for a nigh of sleep or for an extended vacation at a sanctuary, but not both.
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Posted: May 10 2012, 05:33 PM
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QUOTE (Glorfindel @ May 10 2012, 09:22 PM)
I remember this being discussed before.

I agree that the appellation of "prolonged rest at journey's end" is a bit misleading. I wish that "prolonged rest" would apply for a nigh of sleep or for an extended vacation at a sanctuary, but not both.

I agree Glorfindel that I wish that "extended rest" did not apply to both the nightly sleep while travelling (needed to replace lost Endurance) and a fellowship phase or other sanctuary based arrangement (needed to recover from fatigue).

Regardless there was a lengthy and multi-faceted discussion in THIS THREAD about the topic.

In short - it discusses that there was errata - and that Fatigue restores only IF the Extended rest period (a night's rest) was done in a sanctuary or other safe place at the end of a Journey.


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Posted: May 10 2012, 06:08 PM
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I agree its confusing. However, given it only pops up in this one instance saying its a "prolonged rest at journey's end" works OK for me.

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Posted: May 10 2012, 07:38 PM
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One prolonged rest helps you recover (increase) Endurance anywhere. The other prolonged rest lets you recover (lower) Fatigue in a safe haven after journeys end.

Maybe they just need different names...

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Posted: May 11 2012, 04:42 PM
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You could let your players recover Fatigue while in a Journey by having the Scout find a suitable "campsite" (required a Great Success or more on a TN 14 Explore Check). This check could be made every day until a site could be found.

Once the suitable site was found, the group could choose to camp out at the site for any number of days that they wanted. They would not advance along their journey (as they were basically camping out at the site), but each night would allow them to recover 2 Fatigue per day of Rest if Weary or 4 Fatigue per day of Rest if not Weary.

Each day they take also diminishes their supplies and I would also roll a Feat die (or more, up to 3 per day, depending on how hazardous the area they were camping in). If the Feat dice came up with an Eye, then they would be subject to some kind of Hazard, per the normal Journey Rules. Furthermore, if they did any activity that required a roll beyond placing Look-outs, that character would not recover any Fatigue for the day (including responding to a Hazard). So if they were low on food and the Hunter needed to go out hunting, then the Hunter wouldn't get back Fatigue for that day.

Just a thought..
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