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> Magical Items That Are Not Rewards
Posted: Aug 28 2011, 11:02 AM
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The Rewards in TOR are all related to combat, being for armour, helms, shields and weapons.

But there are items of magic in the works of Tolkien that are not combat related.

I'm not talking the Rings Of Power here, but Elven rope that can untie itself, cloaks that aid in stealth, the phial containing the light of Earendil's star that was given to Frodo, etc.

They are clearly not treasure, as that is simply wealth in TOR.

They could be rewards, but I'm not sure they should be.

To me they feel like they are somewhere in between the two.

Perhaps they could be 'bought' with Advancement Points, as some items do enhance skills (Elven Cloaks for example).

Or they could just be gifts from those the companions aid, or found with treasure in the lairs of creatures defeated.

Any thoughts?
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Posted: Aug 28 2011, 12:18 PM
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I would handle these as story items that are used infrequently and can be adjudicated (up to and including simply taken away) freely by the Loremaster, depending on the needs of the story.

If I were going to give a hero gifts such as these, an interesting system that I think could be used is to limit the number of such items by the hero's Standing, as most such items are gifted rather than simply found.

Such items, which used in conjunction with specific skills, could add a bonus or add a Skill die, or perhaps allow a reroll of the Fate die.

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