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> Noldor And Rangers?, Will we see them?
Posted: Oct 8 2011, 12:55 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 76
Member No.: 1220
Joined: 4-September 10


I did read somewhere on these forums that optional background information and character options for Noldor and Rangers would appear from the designers at some point. Will we see them sooner or later?

I would love to play a Noldor. smile.gif

Anyway, just to speculate, how would these be portrayed in The One Ring? I guess they would be more powerful than starting characters, and they might be a good choice for players coming into the campaign late, as an alternaitve to just have heaps of xp given to him from the start.

Maybe the two backgrounds could be "Noldorin of Rivendell" and "Ranger of the North". Completely optional, of course, but Rivendell at least is on the map.

Also, to speculate even more, what other character backgrounds can we expect to see?


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