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> O/t: Lego Lotr Console Game Confirmed
Posted: May 11 2012, 10:00 AM
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TheOneRing.net reporter 'News from Bree' posts:

In preparation for a product review, I found myself last night eagerly unboxing one of two upcoming The Lord of the Rings LEGO ® Sets. I was pleasantly surprised to find this mini-teaser in the back of the instruction pack for the 'Shelob Attacks' Set and thought I should share it quickly...so I posted it on our official TheOneRing.net Facebook. Well, it has gotten quite a stir over there, so I figured I should share it with you this morning. The ad confirms the long assumed notion that we would see a The Lord of the Rings LEGO ® Video Game from long-time LEGO game producers Traveler's Tales.  So let this been 100% confirmation of the games existence, and I'd be willing to bet we'll see a The Hobbit game in the future as well.

I thought that this might be of some interest to TOR players. Here's the link: http://newboards.theonering.net/forum/gfor...e=unread#unread

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Posted: May 13 2012, 07:46 AM
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Let's add the 'classical' Lord of the Rings lego.
I'm definitely going to use them for my The One Ring game, I just need to build a small battle mat out of lego and have a figurine for each character.
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Posted: May 13 2012, 08:44 AM
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Somehow I don't think Lego is going to issue enough variety to satisfy an ongoing campaign's usage of figures (assuming you want characters and creatures).

On the other hand, perhaps you could start a Lego re-painting service, for sale to other users. Those unwilling to dish out the big bucks for miniatures.

You might end up America's Next Millionaire!

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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