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> One Ring Actual Play Using Fgii, *SPOILERS* The Marsh Bell
Posted: Oct 21 2011, 09:47 AM
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The chat-log below is from our game that started last Sunday. The second session is this Sunday. I'll have to see if I can post up a couple of the screenshots I took as well.

I'm using Fantasy Grounds II to run the game. The players are using the pre-generated characters from the books. I'm running through the introduction adventure: The Marsh Bell. Hence, there are spoilers for that adventure in the chat-log.

The Marsh Bell - Session 1

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Current EU RPG Group Games: European FG2 RPG
Friday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - Classic Traveller
Sunday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild

Using Ultimate FGII and can accept unlicensed player connections on some of the games.
LOTRO - Brandywine Server
Halbras - Hobbit Hunter / Jonab - Bree-folk Captain / Ardri - Dwarf Guardian / Halaberiel - Elf Hunter
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Posted: Oct 21 2011, 01:07 PM
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QUOTE (Valarian @ Oct 21 2011, 01:47 PM)
The chat-log below is from our game that started last Sunday. The second session is this Sunday. I'll have to see if I can post up a couple of the screenshots I took as well.

I'm using Fantasy Grounds II to run the game. The players are using the pre-generated characters from the books. I'm running through the introduction adventure: The Marsh Bell. Hence, there are spoilers for that adventure in the chat-log.

The Marsh Bell - Session 1

Arg! It's over too quickly!

I like the boat landing, when I saw the bad rune there I was curious to see what happened.

How did your FG2 setup work?

Thanks for posting this!
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Posted: Oct 21 2011, 01:38 PM
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Joined: 18-September 11

To risk a spoiler, the boat landing hasn't yet finished in its effect. I didn't push the mirth of the locals to a roll, hence they got to tell stories and received the information from the old man.

The character sheet works well so far. Still haven't done anything yet with an NPC sheet or combat tracker. I'll probably wait until we run a combat and see what sort of things might be required. The stances sheets that have been posted have made me thing that a stance indicator will be needed.

user posted image
Current EU RPG Group Games: European FG2 RPG
Friday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - Classic Traveller
Sunday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild

Using Ultimate FGII and can accept unlicensed player connections on some of the games.
LOTRO - Brandywine Server
Halbras - Hobbit Hunter / Jonab - Bree-folk Captain / Ardri - Dwarf Guardian / Halaberiel - Elf Hunter
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Posted: Oct 21 2011, 02:13 PM
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Posts: 69
Member No.: 1952
Joined: 21-September 11

QUOTE (Valarian @ Oct 21 2011, 05:38 PM)
To risk a spoiler, the boat landing hasn't yet finished in its effect. I didn't push the mirth of the locals to a roll, hence they got to tell stories and received the information from the old man.

The character sheet works well so far. Still haven't done anything yet with an NPC sheet or combat tracker. I'll probably wait until we run a combat and see what sort of things might be required. The stances sheets that have been posted have made me thing that a stance indicator will be needed.

I thought the same thing when I saw those stance sheets. I just have no programming acumen to get something like what you have into FG2.

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Posted: Oct 28 2011, 06:21 PM
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Member No.: 1943
Joined: 18-September 11

Second session, from last Sunday, is now up in Google Docs if anyone wants to have a gander at how the players did. Last week we went through our first combat. I don't think I played up the combat advantages / disadvantages enough, but things went pretty well.

The Marsh Bell - Session 2

I used one of the stance sheets to keep track of the combat initiatives. Thanks guys, those are very useful.

user posted image
Current EU RPG Group Games: European FG2 RPG
Friday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - Classic Traveller
Sunday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild

Using Ultimate FGII and can accept unlicensed player connections on some of the games.
LOTRO - Brandywine Server
Halbras - Hobbit Hunter / Jonab - Bree-folk Captain / Ardri - Dwarf Guardian / Halaberiel - Elf Hunter
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Posted: Nov 12 2011, 09:32 AM
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Group: Members
Posts: 420
Member No.: 1943
Joined: 18-September 11

I've put the third session up.
The Marsh Bell - Session 3

I handed out a lot of shadow points this session, though I cleared them on their return. Not the standard method, but I was playing with the al and the effects of the Sauron rune coming up. I think I will continue to hand out shadow points for a Sauron rune coming up, on occasion, as a method of increasing the despair aspect of the story. Rather than something untoward happening, the character has a disturbing feeling or experience. However, I need to mitigate handing them out. One character had 5 shadow points at the end of the adventure and the others had 2 or 3. I do need to use the standard method of healing shadow. This should, I think, result in a slow spiral down in to hopelessness for the characters unless they spend fellowship phases healing the shadow they gain.

I would be interested to know how other GMs are using the shadow aspect of the game. Are you being careful handing them out, or would you hand out a shadow point if a character had a disturbing dream (for example).

user posted image
Current EU RPG Group Games: European FG2 RPG
Friday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - Classic Traveller
Sunday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild

Using Ultimate FGII and can accept unlicensed player connections on some of the games.
LOTRO - Brandywine Server
Halbras - Hobbit Hunter / Jonab - Bree-folk Captain / Ardri - Dwarf Guardian / Halaberiel - Elf Hunter
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