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> One Ring Rules Q&a, Rule clarifications
Posted: Aug 9 2011, 06:08 AM
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QUOTE (Ieuane @ Aug 9 2011, 01:21 AM)
QUOTE (GhostWolf69 @ Aug 8 2011, 10:46 PM)
I meant that we don't have the Rules for Fatigue Recovery yet. There is nothing about this in the books.


I'm going with the Fellowship phase, or a long rest at a sanctuary or civilized . It makes you look at map as a collection of either dangerous or restorative destinations. That might be one of the intentions of the Journey rules.

I agree, I think I will play it like this as well until something else sets me right.


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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 07:11 AM
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This is something I'm kind of struggling with.....how to handle regenerating fatigue from journeys. I don't see anywhere in the book that lists how it can be done. It just says if you end a journey Weary you begin your next Adventuring Phase weary.

There needs to be some kind of clarification from the devs as to if you rest at a santuary or something of the sort for a decent amount of time that you regen your Endurance in terms of weariness.
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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 07:14 AM
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QUOTE (JamesRBrown @ Aug 9 2011, 06:57 AM)
The books do seem to lack summary pages for following procedures, but I have a feeling that fans will soon be making these. I know I will be making some cheat sheets to run my games (as I always do). I will probably make a Loremaster's Screen with some of the important tables too.

For anyone nervous about the game and its rules, I would say it is a better system than MERP or CODA. I guess we can just call it the TOR system. I think it does a much better job at bringing the players into the setting of Middle-earth and encourages them to explore and discover the land, while providing useful things for them to do along the way.

CODA was so broken when it came to combat rules that I could not enjoy it; not to mention that creating a character was a huge chore. I enjoyed the subtle magic spells, but TOR is even more subtle and more true to the source material.

One last thing, I have read many different RPG books over the years, and honestly, TOR has been the easiest to read and the easiest to retain for me. I really appreciate Francesco and his editors for this.

PLEASE link me to any cheat sheets/crib sheets or any player aids you create or find! I love to use these as tools.
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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 10:30 AM
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QUOTE (daddystabz @ Aug 9 2011, 11:14 AM)
PLEASE link me to any cheat sheets/crib sheets or any player aids you create or find! I love to use these as tools.

You may find a nice character creation crib sheet here,


Very handy.

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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 11:07 AM
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Remaining true to the spirit of the source material is what this game is all about, so I agree that losing the extra Fatigue should not be easy.

A night sleeping in the wilds should not restore any Fatigue.

But if they are rested in comfortable inn I will allow it to fade(1 point per night perhaps).

At a sanctuary I may double that.

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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 12:21 PM
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QUOTE (GhostWolf69 @ Aug 9 2011, 10:01 AM)
Rules for Travelling are brilliant. Any game in this setting should have them, since it is something that takes up most part of the books. It's actually kind of weird that no other game before this has thought to make something like this.


Mouse Guard does something similar and I plan on borrowing a few ideas from it when I run this part of the system.
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Posted: Aug 9 2011, 12:52 PM
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QUOTE (Saint&Sinner @ Aug 9 2011, 04:21 PM)
QUOTE (GhostWolf69 @ Aug 9 2011, 10:01 AM)
Rules for Travelling are brilliant. Any game in this setting should have them, since it is something that takes up most part of the books. It's actually kind of weird that no other game before this has thought to make something like this.


Mouse Guard does something similar and I plan on borrowing a few ideas from it when I run this part of the system.

Interesting. I have never looked at Mouse Guard, but I'm familiar with Lukes other games. (Burning Wheel etc.)

Thanks for the info.


"Pain, as the billing vouchsafes, is painful..."
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