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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 11:48 AM
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While searching for material to use as inspiration for my TOR campaign, I stumbled across an ezine called 'Other Minds'.

Although I have only skimmed the surface so far, there seems to be some useful material.

And it's free!

The are 12 issues so far, but there is a predecessor magazine called 'Other Hands' which ran for 34 issues.

You can find both ezines at http://omzine.org/downloads
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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 10:03 PM
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I'm glad you posted this, Garbar! smile.gif

But really, you shouldn't have to search -- it's in my sig! biggrin.gif

Seriously, the community I know -- as represented on the Yahoo! group, fan-sourcebooks (aka fan-modules) and the merp.com mailing list, and Other Minds editors and contributors -- are, despite long affiliations with ICE MERP and Decipher LOTR RPG, really excited about the prospects of TOR. And looking forward to doing as much as we can to support the game!


The Treasure of the House of Dathrin - Actual Play of original material in HârnMaster, 2008
The Rescue of Framleiğandi – Actual Play of The Marsh Bell as adapted for use in this campaign.
A Murder of Gorcrows - Actual Play of original material. (last entry 20 Feb 2013)
www.othermindsmagazine.com – a free international journal for scholarly and gaming interests in JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth
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Posted: Aug 15 2011, 06:05 AM
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QUOTE (Osric @ Aug 15 2011, 02:03 AM)
I'm glad you posted this, Garbar! smile.gif

And me too smile.gif

QUOTE (Osric @ Aug 15 2011, 02:03 AM)

Seriously, the community I know -- as represented on the Yahoo! group, fan-sourcebooks (aka fan-modules) and the merp.com mailing list, and Other Minds editors and contributors -- are, despite long affiliations with ICE MERP and Decipher LOTR RPG, really excited about the prospects of TOR.  And looking forward to doing as much as we can to support the game!

Indeed, indeed. I'm happy too that the community of the new game is discovering things (and finding them useful!) that the "old guard" has made (and is still doing wink.gif )

It would be even more wonderful if not only the old material is appreciated (much of which is system-agnostic, and a general resource for gaming and background creation in Middle-earth), but the new TOR gamers would also join the ranks of the supporters of the magazine by providing TOR-related material to be published regularly there. That way the community of gaming in Middle-earth will grow again beyond the borders of the past incarnations smile.gif


Visit Other Minds - a free international journal devoted to roleplaying and scholarly interests in J.R.R. Tolkien's works

Other Minds now has a new group in Facebook. Come and join there!
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Posted: Aug 15 2011, 09:56 AM
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Group: Members
Posts: 407
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Joined: 8-August 11

QUOTE (Osric @ Aug 15 2011, 02:03 AM)
But really, you shouldn't have to search -- it's in my sig!  biggrin.gif

Oops! Sorry, but I tend not to read sigs!

Maybe I should start doing so! Who knows what else I may find?

I was hoping that other people would post their finds on the internet so we could all share!
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