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> Opposed Actions, Stopping a friend
Posted: Apr 2 2013, 09:57 AM
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If a friend takes off in full speed and a companion tries to stop him, how would you resolve that Opposed Action?

Should you use Players A's Body-Rating vs the friends Athletics?

And what TN would you use for Player A when he for example dashes into a wood?
I would say a TN 10 would be ok. And for the friend it should be harder maybe a TN of 14 or 16 (depending on for example lets say a hobbit tries to stop his beorning friend)

What is your thoughts on this?

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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 10:48 AM
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I think I'd probably have both players roll athletics, perhaps with modifiers if it was a Hobbit stopping a Beorning or a Dwarf stopping an Elf, for example. I don't see how you could use the Body rating in any way :S

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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 04:18 PM
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Both roll the skill. The greater number of successes wins. If both have the same success rating, then the greater number over the TN14 base wins. You could allow hope to "boost" the score by the relevant attribute if the success rating is tied, giving an advantage to those with a higher attribute rating for the skill.

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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 05:05 PM
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I would use Athletics. Both roll. Set a TN. Go with X number of Successes are needed to either catch or get away (Great Success = 2, and Extraordinary = 3). A Body Score would play a role if the wanted to invoke the Attribute Bonus.

I would also make it an Extended Action - spanning several Acrobatics rolls. I don't think one roll would fairly adjudicate something as complex as a chase-scene. With each failure/success being described and narrated as they move through the streets/woods what have and describe running the gauntlet of terrain to escape or catch up.

EYE induced hazards would be alot of fun to narrate - hitting low branches, tripping on roots, URBAN: a horse and cart gets in the way, tripping over a group of pedestrians, a puddle to slip in, etc.


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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 05:38 PM
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I like the extended chase idea for this particular scenario better than the single check. More opportunity for narrative and upsets. I can now imagine a parkour chase across the rooftops of Dale.

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Current EU RPG Group Games: European FG2 RPG
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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 06:30 PM
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Why did I not think of the Extended Action, thats genius thanks guys, I love it. smile.gif
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Posted: Apr 2 2013, 06:32 PM
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Why did I not think of the Extended Action, thats genius thanks guys, I love it. smile.gif
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