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> Pbbb Game, Anyone?
Posted: Aug 13 2011, 07:25 AM
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Is anyone interested in a play-by-bulletin-board game? I only ask because I don't belong to a tabletop group and I really want to play this game. I have set a game up on RPOL. If there's any interest, please PM me for details.

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Posted: Aug 13 2011, 07:37 AM
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There's a couple starting up over on RPGnet.

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Posted: Aug 13 2011, 08:25 AM
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Great! Maybe if anyone is seeking players for their online game they could post in this thread?
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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 11:55 AM
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I would consider starting one up here if there's any interest? I'll need a little time, as I think I'll setup something over at Obsidian Portal for tracking.

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  Posted: Aug 14 2011, 12:40 PM
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Hi Kalan,

I would be interested. Keep me in mind if you get it off the ground.



Or, alternatively, if anyone is considering or interested in a traditional pen'n'paper game in Denmark, then I'm open all ears
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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 03:07 PM
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QUOTE (kneverwinterknight @ Aug 14 2011, 04:40 PM)
Hi Kalan,

I would be interested. Keep me in mind if you get it off the ground.



Or, alternatively, if anyone is considering or interested in a traditional pen'n'paper game in Denmark, then I'm open all ears

Hejsa smile.gif

Where are you in Denmark?
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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 04:03 PM
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QUOTE (kalan @ Aug 14 2011, 07:07 PM)

Hejsa smile.gif

Where are you in Denmark?

I live near Ringkøbing, but I get around. I work in Randers and have occasion to be in Copenhagen during the working week.
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Posted: Aug 14 2011, 04:25 PM
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QUOTE (kneverwinterknight @ Aug 14 2011, 08:03 PM)
QUOTE (kalan @ Aug 14 2011, 07:07 PM)

Hejsa smile.gif

Where are you in Denmark?

I live near Ringkøbing, but I get around. I work in Randers and have occasion to be in Copenhagen during the working week.

Hmmm...may have to try and arrange something, even on a monthly basis (I live in CPH, but never get out much 'cept to Vordingborg). Gotta love DSB Orange smile.gif

It may actually end up easier for me, as I am hoping starting in Sept to run something on a monthly basis down in Kolding...and I do happen to have a couple of other players here in CPH, but I don't know yet when we'll be starting (as I made a promise to the Mrs to get a bit further in our BW campaign before I start anything else up).
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  Posted: Aug 14 2011, 05:30 PM
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QUOTE (kalan @ Aug 14 2011, 08:25 PM)
Hmmm...may have to try and arrange something, even on a monthly basis (I live in CPH, but never get out much 'cept to Vordingborg). Gotta love DSB Orange smile.gif

It may actually end up easier for me, as I am hoping starting in Sept to run something on a monthly basis down in Kolding...and I do happen to have a couple of other players here in CPH, but I don't know yet when we'll be starting (as I made a promise to the Mrs to get a bit further in our BW campaign before I start anything else up).

I certainly find it difficult to find a group to belong to. I am quite isolated from Demark's gaming community not only by the fact that I live out in the sticks, but also because my work very frequently takes me away from home (more often than not to outside of the country's borders). This means that I spend many nights away from home and it is a necessity to spend the weekends at home with my dearly beloved and our two kids. It would probably be easier if only I could get the 'other half' interested in gaming, but every time I suggest it she looks at me like a dog that's been shown a card trick tongue.gif

A monthly frequency might suit, though. Let me know if you need any players to join your group, or better still (as my passion is in the creation and running of adventures), I would gladly run something for you and yours cool.gif
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Posted: Aug 15 2011, 03:44 AM
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QUOTE (kneverwinterknight @ Aug 14 2011, 09:30 PM)
I certainly find it difficult to find a group to belong to. I am quite isolated from Demark's gaming community not only by the fact that I live out in the sticks, but also because my work very frequently takes me away from home (more often than not to outside of the country's borders). This means that I spend many nights away from home and it is a necessity to spend the weekends at home with my dearly beloved and our two kids. It would probably be easier if only I could get the 'other half' interested in gaming, but every time I suggest it she looks at me like a dog that's been shown a card trick tongue.gif

A monthly frequency might suit, though. Let me know if you need any players to join your group, or better still (as my passion is in the creation and running of adventures), I would gladly run something for you and yours cool.gif

I know I'm very lucky to have a better half who's also a gamer - although she's not too thrilled about yet another new "shiny" coming into the house wink.gif

I just need to hammer out some logistical details, but I think a monthly campaign, either here in KBH or out in the "sticks" could definitely be doable. Let me hammer out some more details with others I know down that neck of the woods (namely DaneOfWar down in Kolding) and I'll get back in touch smile.gif
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Posted: Aug 15 2011, 01:43 PM
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I'm in if anyone is going to run a game here on this board...I've got my pdfs and am waiting for my hardcopies...

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