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> Questions About Fatigue
  Posted: Jan 13 2013, 10:57 AM
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After reading the revised Journey Rules (v3.0) and the corresponding sections in the books, I am now officially completely confused.

1) I read a total of three(!) different terms: Fatigue Score, Fatigue Rating, Fatigue Threshold.
What is what?! I guess it's all the same?

2) The Fatigue Threshold (to see at which point he becomes Weary) is determined by the Encumbrance ratings of his War Equipment.
But what about his Travelling Gear? Shouldn't that also increase his Threshold? Sure, he might drop it at the beginning of battle, but read page 108, second paragraph.

3) Failing a Fatigue test during a journey: The character's Fatigue score (?) IMMEDIATELY increases by a number of points equal to his TRAVELLING gear.
Again: Is the Fatigue score equal to the Fatigue Threshold used in combat?
Does that mean a failed roll increases either by 1 or 2 points only? Not the whole War gear encumbrance?

Thanks for reading and hopefully for helping.
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Posted: Jan 13 2013, 12:00 PM
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1. Fatigue Score is the current Fatigue generated by a Journey. So, travelling gear x number of failed rolls. Fatigue Threshold is what you've described in 2. The total of the character's war gear and treasure carried (i.e. total encumbrance). Not sure about Fatigue Rating, from the text it looks the same as Fatigue Threshold.

2. The travelling gear isn't included in fatigue until you fail a travel roll. You delay reducing the fatigue threshold/rating until after the character has rested in a safe place if you remove equipment.

3. A failed travel roll increases fatigue by 1 to 2 points, defined by the travelling gear. When the threshold increases to over your current endurance, or your endurance reduces to under your fatigue threshold, then the character is weary.

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Posted: Jan 13 2013, 12:11 PM
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Thanks for the answer.

So, a failed Fatigue tests increase the "Fatigue SCORE" by 1 or 2 respectively.

But what does that DO?

Do I add the Fatigue SCORE to my Fatigue THRESHOLD, or what?
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Posted: Jan 13 2013, 12:27 PM
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What is travelling gear?

"Morgoth!" I cried "All hope is gone but I swear revenge! Hear my oath! I will take part in your damned fate!"
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Posted: Jan 13 2013, 12:28 PM
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Say you've got a sword, a spear, a dagger, some leather armour and a shield. That's 11 points of encumbrance and creates a fatigue threshold of 11. Say that your endurance starts at 28. You have until the endurance drops below 11 before your character is weary.

You go on a journey in Summer and the character gains 3 fatigue points for the failed rolls on that journey (3 x summer travelling gear). The fatigue threshold is now 14 and will remain so until the character can have a prolonged rest in a safe place. If the endurance drops below 14, the character is weary. If the endurance had already dropped and the increase in fatigue means that the fatigue > endurance, then the character is weary.

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Posted: Jan 13 2013, 12:29 PM
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Hah. Got ninja'd.

@ farinal: page 76 in the Adventurers Book

@ Valarian:
Okay, so Fatigue generated due to failed fatigue tests while travelling is simply added to the fatigue threshold used in combat.
Okay. That's what I thought it meant in the first place, but wasn't sure AT ALL.
Thanks for the clarification.

This leaves only one question:

Shouldn't the Travelling Gear be also included into the Fatigue Threshold from the beginning.
While reading the rules, I'd say no (by RAW), but wouldn't it make sense though?
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Posted: Jan 13 2013, 08:50 PM
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QUOTE (DracoDruid @ Jan 13 2013, 11:29 AM)
Shouldn't the Travelling Gear be also included into the Fatigue Threshold from the beginning.
While reading the rules, I'd say no (by RAW), but wouldn't it make sense though?

The way I look at it, it IS added into the fatigue threshold. Then, if a fatigue roll is failed, the fatigue threshold is increased to simulate increased susceptibility to weariness. The question is, though: how MUCH do you increase the threshold?

To increase it by a number equal to your entire encumbrance total is obviously too much, so it should be some fixed number. This number is variable, though, depending on the season, as it is assumed that the character is wearing heavier clothes and carrying bulkier equipment (tents, extra kindling, etc.) in the cooler months. Thus, +1 in the spring/summer and +2 in the fall/winter.

Before failing a fatigue test, I feel like that number (1 or 2) is built into and spread out over all the other equipment that has already been added into the character's encumbrance. Thus, the "travelling equipment" encumbrance is only a penalty applied for failing rolls.

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Posted: Jan 14 2013, 02:28 AM
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Okay I am still confused, so I'll make it as simple as possible:

- The Encumbrance of all the character's weapons & defense items is his "Base" Fatigue Threshold.
- To this number is added the encumbrance of all the treasure the character is carrying.
- Finally there is his "Travelling Gear", representing things like clothing, blankets, dishes, tinderbox, etc.
- The Encumbrance of this Travelling Gear is dependent on Season: 1 (Spring/Summer), 2 (Autumn/Winter).

- When failing a Fatigue Test while travelling, the character's Fatigue THRESHOLD is increased by a number of points equal to his Travelling Gear Encumbrance (1 or 2 points) PER FAILED TEST(!)

- Shouldn't I add the Travelling Gear's Encumbrance ONCE to the "Base" Fatigue Threshold to begin with?

A) Fatigue Threshold = War Gear + Treasure + (Travelling Gear x #Failed Fatigue Tests)


B) Fatigue Threshold = War Gear + Treasure + Travelling Gear + (Travelling Gear x #Failed Fatigue Tests)

Please give short and simple answers.
Thank you all for your patience.
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Rich H
Posted: Jan 14 2013, 04:15 AM
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QUOTE (DracoDruid @ Jan 14 2013, 06:28 AM)
- Shouldn't I add the Travelling Gear's Encumbrance ONCE to the "Base" Fatigue Threshold to begin with?


QUOTE (DracoDruid @ Jan 14 2013, 06:28 AM)
A) Fatigue Threshold = War Gear + Treasure + (Travelling Gear x #Failed Fatigue Tests)


cool.gif Fatigue Threshold = War Gear + Treasure + Travelling Gear + (Travelling Gear x #Failed Fatigue Tests)


1) The Fellowship of the Free - a TOR Actual Play thread: http://cubicle7.clicdev.com/f/index.php?tr...&showtopic=3424
2) Three's Company - a TOR Hobbit-only Actual Play thread: http://cubicle7.clicdev.com/f/index.php?tr...&showtopic=4081
3) A collection of additional and house rules for TOR: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Additiona...use%20Rules.pdf
4) Alternate Journey rules: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Rules%20-...ney%20Rules.pdf
5) Anyone for Hobbit Cricket? If so, check out my rules here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Hobbit%20Cricket.pdf
6) Keep those TOR character sheets clean, use this Scratch Sheet instead: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...tch%20Sheet.pdf
7) TOR Character Sheet (use with Scratch Sheet): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...Friendly%29.pdf
8) TOR Tale of Years Sheet: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/Player%20...Friendly%29.pdf
9) Adventure - To Journey's End and the Eagles' Eyrie: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/79541775/To%20Jour...%27%20Eyrie.pdf
10) Adventure - Dawn Comes Early: ... Coming Soon!
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Posted: Jan 14 2013, 04:20 AM
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Thank you very much!

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Posted: Jan 14 2013, 02:24 PM
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Let me just say thanks for asking this, DracoDruid. I didn't even realize it, but the Encumbrance portion is a bit hard to comprehend/understand.

Currently running Villains & Vigilantes (campaign is now 22 years old), Star Wars d6, and The One Ring.
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