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> Questions About Travel
Posted: Jan 10 2013, 03:20 PM
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I had a few questions about travel.

A. How do you divide up travel roles? Do you evenly space them out do you do them all in a row?

B. How do you rp travel? Do you rp everyday of the journey letting your pcs make seach and hunting checks everyday and letting them roleplay everysingle day of the journey or do you just rp travel when something happens or of a hazard arises?

I've played one session of tor and I felt I really dropped the ball an how I handled the travel in the game.
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Posted: Jan 10 2013, 07:49 PM
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workout how best it works with your players, I get them to roll then briefly mention how they did "You managed to bag a couple of rabbits for the pot" and if they trigger a hazard focus on that more.

It might help to try keep a couple of hazards on hang to try out, i'm sure there are examples in the book
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Posted: Jan 10 2013, 07:54 PM
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I think it's really up to the Loremaster how much of this is dealt with "in character". I think most probably just make the rolls, designating the individual "jobs" to those in the party best suited to do them. So to answer your questions (though I have yet to actually run a Journey as a GM):

A) My group - when we were going over the rules (right after character creation) - simply slotted themselves into various roles based on who was best at various things. In other words, someone would say "Who is best at Explore?". This is of course done out of character; I think we all understood (without talking about it) that it would soon become obvious when a group begins travelling together who is the best at hunting, who would make a good look-out, ,etc. I would then just do all of the rolls one after the other, and would only add in some flavor text if I felt it was appropriate.

B) We did some of this in an old campaign, and it's not probably something you want to do a lot of. You can only do so much of describing what the Hobbit is cooking up, how the Beorning is hunting, etc. Still, already in our game we did a bit of this. The Beorning explained how he was setting up traps in the woods, for instance.

Mostly, though, the role-playing portion is only going to be played when there's an encounter of some kind. Sort of like what you saw in the Fellowship of the Ring movie. A few cut-scenes of the Hobbits moving across the Shire, and full scenes when something more interesting happens (they encounter Elves travelling West, or find the Nazgul hunting them, and the like).

Don't sweat how you handled it last time, though! A good GM/Loremaster will look for new ways to do things and try to improve on each session, and that's what you're doing here!

Currently running Villains & Vigilantes (campaign is now 22 years old), Star Wars d6, and The One Ring.
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Posted: Jan 11 2013, 04:45 PM
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Joined: 25-October 12

Thanks for the advice guys.
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