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> Random Character Generator, Can't decide? Hate min-maxing? Roll up!
  Posted: May 15 2012, 10:28 PM
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Hey! While taking care of my bouncing baby hobbit, Saxon Calhoun the Magnificent, I spent some time doing this. I've been teaching some children at my church to game using Savage Worlds and Mouse Guard, but they've become interested in The One Ring. Actually I wanted this for myself, too. If anyone else thinks it's useful, I'll try toturnitinto a nice PDF.

Please let me know if you spot errors, or have other suggestions for improvements. Thanks!

Yours in fellowship,
Stephen "Trotter"

P.S. I've tried to go back and substitute tab indents for extra spaces, but it's not working. Also, _Favoured_ Skills are indicated with the little underscores. Maybe it's an iPad oddity, but I couldn't get the underline format to work either. Of course it'd be fine in a PDF.

P.P.S. Using periods instead of tabs or spaces worked, so I did that. I'll add page numbers soon. I want my group to be able to use this as a reference.

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: May 15 2012, 10:29 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 88
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Joined: 6-August 11

Culture: Roll 1 D6
....1: Barding of Dale
........Standard of Living: Prosperous
........Cultural Blessing: Stout-hearted
........Starting Common Skills
............Awe 1 _Inspire_ 2 Persuade 3
............Athletics 0 Travel 2 Stealth 0
............Awareness 0 Insight 2 Search 1
............Explore 2 Healing 0 Hunting 0
............Song 1 Courtesy 2 Riddle 0
............Craft 1 Battle 2 Lore 1
........Endurance: 22 + Heart; Hope: 8 + Heart
....2: Beorning
........Standard of Living: Martial
........Cultural Blessing: Furious
........Starting Common Skills
............Awe 3 Inspire 1 Persuade 0
............_Athletics_ 2 Travel 0 Stealth 0
............Awareness 2 Insight 3 Search 1
............Explore 0 Healing 1 Hunting 3
............Song 0 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1
............Craft 1 Battle 0 Lore 0
........Endurance: 24 + Heart; Hope: 8 + Heart
....3: Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
........Standard of Living: Rich;
........Cultural Blessing: Stout-hearted;
........Starting Common Skills
............Awe 0 Inspire 2 Persuade 0
............Athletics 0 Travel 3 Stealth 0
............Awareness 0 Insight 0 Search 3
............Explore 2 Healing 0 Hunting 0
............Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 2
............_Craft_ 3 Battle 1 Lore 0
............Endurance: 28 + Heart; Hope: 6 + Heart
....4: Elf of Mirkwood
........Standard of Living: Martial
........Cultural Blessing: Folk of the Dusk
........Starting Common Skills
............Awe 2 Inspire 0 Persuade 0
............Athletics 3 Travel 0 Stealth 2
............_Awareness_ 2 Insight 0 Search 0
............Explore 0 Healing 1 Hunting 1
............Song 2 Courtesy 0 Riddle 0
............Craft 0 Battle 2 Lore 3
........Endurance: 22 + Heart; Hope: 8 + Heart
....5: Hobbit of the Shire
........Standard of Living: Prosperous
........Cultural Blessing: Hobbit-sense
........Starting Common Skills
............Awe 0 Inspire 0 Persuade 2
............Athletics 0 Travel 1 _Stealth_ 3
............Awareness 2 Insight 1 Search 2
............Explore 0 Healing 0 Hunting 0
............Song 2 Courtesy 3 Riddle 2
............Craft 0 Battle 0 Lore 0
........Endurance: 16 + Heart; Hope: 12 + Heart
....6: Woodman of the Wild
........Standard of Living: Frugal
........Cultural Blessing: Woodcrafty
........Starting Common Skills
............Awe 0 Inspire 1 Persuade 0
............Athletics 2 Travel 0 Stealth 2
............Awareness 2 Insight 0 Search 0
............Explore 3 _Healing_ 3 Hunting 2
............Song 1 Courtesy 0 Riddle 1
............Craft 1 Battle 1 Lore 0
........Endurance: 20 + Heart; Hope: 10 + Heart

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: May 15 2012, 10:29 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 88
Member No.: 1765
Joined: 6-August 11

Calling: Roll 1 D12
....Barding of Dale
........1-2: Slayer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
............Trait: Enemy-lore
............Enemy: Roll 1 D6
................1: Dragons
................2: Giants
................3: Orcs
................4: Spiders
................5: Trolls
................6: Wolves
............Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
........3-4: Wanderer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
............Trait: Folk-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
........5-6: Warden
............Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
............Trait: Shadow-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
........7-9: Scholar
............Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
............Trait: Rhymes of Lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
........10-12: Treasure-hunter
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
............Trait: Burglary
............Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
........1: Reroll
........2: Treasure-hunter
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
............Trait: Burglary
............Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
........3-4: Scholar
............Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
............Trait: Rhymes of Lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
........5-6: Wanderer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
............Trait: Folk-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
........7-9: Slayer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
............Trait: Enemy-lore
............Enemy: Roll 1 D6
................1: Dragons
................2: Giants
................3: Orcs
................4: Spiders
................5: Trolls
................6: Wolves
............Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
........10-12: Warden
............Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
............Trait: Shadow-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
....Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
........1: Reroll
........2: Warden
............Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
............Trait: Shadow-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
........3-4: Scholar
............Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
............Trait: Rhymes of Lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
........5-6: Wanderer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
............Trait: Folk-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
........7-9: Slayer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
............Trait: Enemy-lore
............Enemy: Roll 1 D6
................1: Dragons
................2: Giants
................3: Orcs
................4: Spiders
................5: Trolls
................6: Wolves
............Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
........10-12: Treasure-hunter
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
............Trait: Burglary
............Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
....Elf of Mirkwood
........1: Reroll
........2: Wanderer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
............Trait: Folk-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
........3-4: Slayer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
............Trait: Enemy-lore
............Enemy: Roll 1 D6
................1: Dragons
................2: Giants
................3: Orcs
................4: Spiders
................5: Trolls
................6: Wolves
............Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
........5-6: Treasure-hunter
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
............Trait: Burglary
............Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
........7-9: Scholar
............Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
............Trait: Rhymes of Lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
........10-12: Warden
............Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
............Trait: Shadow-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
....Hobbit of the Shire
........1: Reroll
........2: Slayer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
............Trait: Enemy-lore
............Enemy: Roll 1 D6
................1: Dragons
................2: Giants
................3: Orcs
................4: Spiders
................5: Trolls
................6: Wolves
............Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
........3-4: Scholar
............Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
............Trait: Rhymes of Lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
........5-6: Warden
............Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
............Trait: Shadow-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
........7-9: Treasure-hunter
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
............Trait: Burglary
............Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
........10-12: Wanderer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
............Trait: Folk-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
....Woodman of the Wild
........1: Reroll
........2: Scholar
............Favoured Skill Groups: Perception, Vocation
............Trait: Rhymes of Lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Secrets
........3-4: Slayer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Personality
............Trait: Enemy-lore
............Enemy: Roll 1 D6
................1: Dragons
................2: Giants
................3: Orcs
................4: Spiders
................5: Trolls
................6: Wolves
............Shadow Weakness: Curse of Vengeance
........5-6: Treasure-hunter
............Favoured Skill Groups: Movement, Perception
............Trait: Burglary
............Shadow Weakness: Dragon-sickness
........7-9: Wanderer
............Favoured Skill Groups: Custom, Survival
............Trait: Folk-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Wandering-madness
........10-12: Warden
............Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Survival
............Trait: Shadow-lore
............Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: May 15 2012, 10:30 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 88
Member No.: 1765
Joined: 6-August 11

Weapon Skill Package: Roll 1 D(Any)
........Odd: (Cultural)
........Even: _Favored_
....Barding of Dale
........Odd: (Swords) 2 Spear 1 Dagger 1
........Even: _Great bow_ 2 Spear 1 Dagger 1
........Odd: (Axes) 2, Spear 1, Dagger 1
........Even: _Great Spear_ 2 Axe 1 Dagger 1
....Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
........Odd: (Axes) 2 Short sword 1 Dagger 1
........Even: _Mattock_ 2, Short sword 1, Dagger 1
....Elf of Mirkwood
........Odd: (Spears) 2 Sword 1 Dagger 1
........Even: _Bow_ 2 Sword 1 Dagger 1
....Hobbit of the Shire
........Odd: (Short sword) 2 Bow 1 Dagger 1
........Even: _Bow_ 2 Short sword 1 Dagger 1
....Woodman of the Wild
........Odd: (Bows) 2 Long-hafted axe 1 Dagger 1
........Even: _Long-hafted axe_ 2 Spear 1 Dagger 1

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: May 15 2012, 10:31 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 88
Member No.: 1765
Joined: 6-August 11

Specialties: Roll 2 D6, choose 1 specialty for each die.
In the case of doubles, you may reroll one or both until they come up unique.
....Barding of Dale
........1: Boating
........2: Old lore
........3: Smith-craft
........4: Swimming
........5: Trading
........6: Woodwright
........1: Anduin-lore
........2: Beast-lore
........3: Cooking
........4: Fishing
........5: Mountaineer
........6: Story-telling
....Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
........1: Fire-making
........2: Smith-craft
........3: Smoking
........4: Stone-craft
........5: Trading
........6: Tunnelling
....Elf of Mirkwood
........1: Boating
........2: Elven-lore
........3: Fire-making
........4: Mirkwood-lore
........5: Swimming
........6: Woodwright
....Hobbit of the Shire
........1: Cooking
........2: Gardner
........3: Herb-lore
........4: Smoking
........5: Story-telling
........6: Tunnelling
....Woodman of the Wild
........1: Anduin-lore
........2: Beast-lore
........3: Fishing
........4: Herb-lore
........5: Leech-craft
........6: Mirkwood-lore

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: May 15 2012, 10:32 PM
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Group: Members
Posts: 88
Member No.: 1765
Joined: 6-August 11

Background and Distinctive Features: Roll 1 D6 for the Background.
Then roll 2 D8, choose 1 Trait for each die.
In the case of doubles, you may reroll one or both until they come up unique.
....Barding of Dale
........1: By Hammer and Anvil
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 7 Wits 2
............Favoured Skill: _Craft_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Cautious
................3: Determined
................4: Generous
................5: Hardy
................6: Merciful
................7: Proud
................8: Stern
........2: Wordweaver
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 6 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Riddle_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Clever
................3: Eager
................4: Fair-spoken
................5: Lordly
................6: Reckless
................7: Tall
................8: Trusty
........3: Gifted Senses
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 6 Wits 2
............Favoured Skill: _Search_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Cautious
................3: Cunning
................4: Fair-spoken
................5: Patient
................6: Steadfast
................7: True-hearted
................8: Wary
........4: Healing Hands
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 7 Wits 3
............Favoured Skill: _Healing_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Clever
................3: Fair
................4: Hardy
................5: Lordly
................6: Proud
................7: Reckless
................8: Tall
........5: Dragon-eyed
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 6 Wits 3
............Favoured Skill: _Awe_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Cunning
................3: Determined
................4: Eager
................5: Generous
................6: Just
................7: Stern
................8: Trusty
........6: A Patient Hunter
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 5 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Hunting_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Just
................3: Fair
................4: Merciful
................5: Patient
................6: Steadfast
................7: True-hearted
................8: Wary
........1: Child of Two Folks
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 6 Wits 2
............Favoured Skill: _Insight_
................1: Bold
................2: Fierce
................3: Grim
................4: Gruff
................5: Hardened
................6: Proud
................7: Tall
................8: Wilful
........2: Errand-rider
............Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 5 Wits 2
............Favoured Skill: _Inspire_
................1: Determined
................2: Energetic
................3: Forthright
................4: Grim
................5: Hardened
................6: Robust
................7: Swift
................8: Trusty
........3: Head of the Family
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 4 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Awareness_
................1: Curious
................2: Determined
................3: Generous
................4: Grim
................5: Hardy
................6: Steadfast
................7: Trusty
................8: Wilful
........4: Light-foot
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 5 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Stealth_
................1: Bold
................2: Curious
................3: Energetic
................4: Forthright
................5: Grim
................6: Reckless
................7: Suspicious
................8: Swift
........5: Keeper of Tales
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 5 Wits 3
............Favoured Skill: _Lore_
................1: Fierce
................2: Grim
................3: Gruff
................4: Hardy
................5: Reckless
................6: Suspicious
................7: Vengeful
................8: Wrathful
........6: Voice from the Past
............Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 4 Wits 3
............Favoured Skill: _Song_
................1: Generous
................2: Grim
................3: Proud
................4: Robust
................5: Steadfast
................6: Tall
................7: Vengeful
................8: Wrathful
....Dwarf of the Lonely Mountain
........1: A Life of Toil
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 2 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Explore_
................1: Energetic
................2: Fierce
................3: Hardened
................4: Proud
................5: Stern
................6: Vengeful
................7: Wary
................8: Wilful
........2: Far Trader
............Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 2 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Courtesy_
................1: Cautious
................2: Cunning
................3: Eager
................4: Hardy
................5: Honourable
................6: Secretive
................7: Steadfast
................8: Wilful
........3: Bitter Exile
............Basic Attributes: Body 7 Heart 3 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Healing_
................1: Fierce
................2: Gruff
................3: Hardened
................4: Robust
................5: Secretive
................6: Stern
................7: Wilful
................8: Wrathful
........4: Eloquent Orator
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 4 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Peresuade_
................1: Cautious
................2: Determined
................3: Energetic
................4: Honourable
................5: Proud
................6: Steadfast
................7: Wary
................8: Wilful
........5: A Lesson in Revenge
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 3 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Battle_
................1: Bold
................2: Cunning
................3: Determined
................4: Hardy
................5: Lordly
................6: Suspicious
................7: Vengeful
................8: Wilful
........6: A Penetrating Gaze
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 4 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Insight_
................1: Bold
................2: Eager
................3: Gruff
................4: Lordly
................5: Robust
................6: Suspicious
................7: Wilful
................8: Wrathful
....Elf of Mirkwood
........1: A New Hope
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 2 Wits 7
............Favoured Skill: _Travel_
................1: Clever
................2: Determined
................3: Merry
................4: Patient
................5: Quick of Hearing
................6: Swift
................7: Wary
................8: Wilful
........2: A Musical Legacy
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 4 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Courtesy_
................1: Cautious
................2: Cunning
................3: Elusive
................4: Fair-spoken
................5: Merciful
................6: Proud
................7: Quick of Hearing
................8: Secretive
........3: A Memory of Suffering
............Basic Attributes: Body 5 Heart 3 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Stealth_
................1: Determined
................2: Elusive
................3: Hardened
................4: Keen-eyed
................5: Patient
................6: Quick of Hearing
................7: Suspicious
................8: Wary
........4: Noble Blood
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 4 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Inspire_
................1: Fair
................2: Honourable
................3: Lordly
................4: Proud
................5: Quick of Hearing
................6: Suspicious
................7: Swift
................8: Wilful
........5: Wild at Heart
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 3 Wits 7
............Favoured Skill: _Athletics_
................1: Cautious
................2: Clever
................3: Fair
................4: Honourable
................5: Keen-eyed
................6: Merry
................7: Nimble
................8: Quick of Hearing
........6: Envoy of the King
............Basic Attributes: Body 6 Heart 2 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Lore_
................1: Cunning
................2: Fair-spoken
................3: Hardened
................4: Lordly
................5: Merciful
................6: Nimble
................7: Quick of Hearing
................8: Secretive
....Hobbit of the Shire
........1: Restless Farmer
............Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 6 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Craft_
................1: Bold
................2: Eager
................3: Generous
................4: Merciful
................5: Merry
................6: Patient
................7: True-hearted
................8: Trusty
........2: Too Many Paths to Tread
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 5 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Travel_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Clever
................3: Curious
................4: Eager
................5: Keen-eyed
................6: Nimble
................7: Robust
................8: True-hearted
........3: A Good Listener
............Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 7 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Riddle_
................1: Cautious
................2: Curious
................3: Energetic
................4: Fair-spoken
................5: Honourable
................6: Quick of Hearing
................7: True-hearted
................8: Trusty
........4: Witty Gentleman
............Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 6 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Persuade_
................1: Cautious
................2: Clever
................3: Elusive
................4: Honourable
................5: Keen-eyed
................6: Patient
................7: Proud
................8: True-hearted
........5: Bucklander
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 6 Wits 4
............Favoured Skill: _Awe_
................1: Energetic
................2: Fair-spoken
................3: Merry
................4: Nimble
................5: Proud
................6: Quick of Hearing
................7: Reckless
................8: True-hearted
........6: Tookish Blood
............Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 7 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Explore_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Bold
................3: Elusive
................4: Generous
................5: Merciful
................6: Reckless
................7: Robust
................8: True-hearted
....Woodman of the Wild
........1: The Hound
............Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 4 Wits 7
............Favoured Skill: _Hunting_
................1: Bold
................2: Eager
................3: Elusive
................4: Forthright
................5: Generous
................6: Gruff
................7: Hardy
................8: Proud
........2: Wizard's Pupil
............Basic Attributes: Body 3 Heart 5 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Song_
................1: Bold
................2: Cunning
................3: Forthright
................4: Just
................5: Patient
................6: Proud
................7: Swift
................8: Tall
........3: Fairy Heritage
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 4 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Search_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Bold
................3: Just
................4: Curious
................5: Fair
................6: Reckless
................7: Tall
................8: True-hearted
........4: Apprentice to the Mountain-folk
............Basic Attributes: Body 4 Heart 5 Wits 5
............Favoured Skill: _Search_
................1: Bold
................2: Elusive
................3: Hardened
................4: Hardy
................5: Gruff
................6: Stern
................7: True-hearted
................8: Wary
........5: Seeker
............Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 5 Wits 7
............Favoured Skill: _Athletics_
................1: Adventurous
................2: Bold
................3: Curious
................4: Determined
................5: Eager
................6: Generous
................7: Reckless
................8: Swift
........6: Sword-day Counsellor
............Basic Attributes: Body 2 Heart 6 Wits 6
............Favoured Skill: _Battle_
................1: Bold
................2: Cunning
................3: Determined
................4: Fair
................5: Gruff
................6: Hardened
................7: Patient
................8: Wary

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:33 PM
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Favoured Skills from Calling's Favoured Skill Groups:
Roll 2 D6. Reroll if result is already a Favoured Skill or if you get doubles.
....Scholar (Perception, Vocation)
........1: Awareness
........2: Insight
........3: Search
........4: Craft
........5: Battle
........6: Lore
....Slayer (Movement, Personality)
........1: Athelitcs
........2: Travel
........3: Stealth
........4: Awe
........5: Inspire
........6: Persuade
....Treasure-hunter (Movement, Perception)
........1: Athelitcs
........2: Travel
........3: Stealth
........4: Awareness
........5: Insight
........6: Search
....Wanderer (Custom, Survival)
........1: Song
........2: Courtesy
........3: Riddle
........4: Explore
........5: Healing
........6: Hunting
....Warden (Personality, Survival)
........1: Awe
........2: Inspire
........3: Persuade
........4: Explore
........5: Healing
........6: Hunting

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:34 PM
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Favoured Attributes
Roll 1 D6
....1: Body +3 Heart +2 Wits +1
....2: Body +3 Heart +1 Wits +2
....3: Body +2 Heart +3 Wits +1
....4: Body +2 Heart +1 Wits +3
....5: Body +1 Heart +3 Wits +2
....6: Body +1 Heart +2 Wits +3

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:35 PM
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Valour & Wisdom: Roll 1 D(Any)
....Odd: Valour 2 - Wisdom 1 (1st Reward)
....Even: Wisdom 2 - Valour 1 (1st Virtue)

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:36 PM
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Rewards & Qualities: Roll 1 D10
....Qualities (All Cultures)
........1: Reroll
........2: Cunning Make (armour, headpiece or shield)
........3: Close-fitting (armour or headpiece)
........4: Reinforced (shield, unique)
........5: Grievous (weapon, unique)
........6: Keen (weapon, unique)
........7: Fell (weapon, unique)
....Rewards (Based on Culture) 8-10
................8: Dalish Longbow (great bow)
................9: Spear of King Bladorthin (spear)
................10: Tower Shield (great shield)
................8: Giant-slaying Spear (great spear)
................9: Noble Armour (leather armour)
................10: Splitting Axe (axe or great axe)
........Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain
................8: Axe of the Azanulbizar (great axe)
................9: Dwarf-wrought Hauberk (mail armour)
................10: Helm of Awe (helm)
........Elves of Mirkwood
................8: Bitter Spear (spear)
................9: Spearman's Shield (buckler)
................10: Woodland Bow (bow)
........Hobbits of the Shire
................8: Bow of the North Downs (bow)
................9: King's Blade (short sword)
................10: Lucky Armour (armour)
........Woodmen of Wilderland
................8: Bearded Axe (long-hafted axe)
................9: Feathered Armour (armour)
................10: Shepherds-bow (bow or great bow)

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:36 PM
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Virtues & Masteries: Roll 1 D12
....Masteries (All Cultures)
........1: Reroll
........2: Confidence
........3: Dour-handed
........4: Expertise
........5: Fell-handed
........6: Gifted
........7: Resilience
....Virtues (Based on Culture) 8-12
............8: Birthright
............9: Fierce Shot
............10: King's Men
............11: Swordmaster
............12: Woeful Foresight
............8: Brothers to Bears
............9: Night-goer
............10: Skin-Coat
............11: Great Strength
............12: Twice-baked Honey Cakes
........Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain
............8: Broken Spells: Roll 1 D6
................1&4: secrecy
................2&5: prohibition and exclusion
................3&6: opening and shutting
............9: Durin's Way
............10: Old Hatred
............11: Ravens of the Mountain
............12: The Stiff Neck of Dwarves
........Elves of Mirkwood
............8: Deadly Archery
............9: Elvish Dreams
............10: Shadow Bane
............11: The Speakers
............12: Elvish Magic
................Stinging Arrow
........Hobbits of the Shire
............8: Art of Disappearing
............9: Brave at a Pinch
............10: Fair Shot
............11: Tough in the Fibre
............12: Small Folk
........Woodmen of Wilderland
............8: A Hunter's Resolve
............9: Herbal Remedies
................Fragrant Weeds
............10: Hound of Mirkwood: Roll 1 D6
................1&4: Support: Roll 1 D4
....................1: Awe
....................2: Awareness
....................3: Explore
....................4: Hunting
................2&5: Harass Enemy
................3&6: Protect
............11: Natural Watchfulness
............12: Staunching Song

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:37 PM
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You have 10 points to spend on Common and/or Weapon Skills.
Even if I could come up with random tables for this, you're much better off spending these points yourself.
Costs to improve each rank are listed here.
Common Skills
0 unskilled
1 ♦ poor
2 ♦♦ average
3 ♦♦♦ good
4 ♦♦♦♦ superior
5 ♦♦♦♦♦ outstanding
6 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ prodigious

Weapon Skills
4 ♦♦ average
6 ♦♦♦ good

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 15 2012, 10:38 PM
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I'm saving this reply in case there's something I forgot.

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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Posted: May 17 2012, 03:52 AM
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I'm going to try this asap!
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Posted: May 17 2012, 07:05 AM
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Thanks, Francesco! Please let me know about changes I should make or errors I should correct. By the way, I think this might be a fun alternative to pregens when running a con or demo game.

Not that it bothered me, but now that I've done this I see why Azrapse constructed his awesome online sheet the way he did. Doing this has helped me develop a better understanding of character possibilities, and also become excited about playing any culture that's not Hobbit of the Shire. wink.gif

I think it's pretty fun. My wife, who doesn't care for this sort of thing, has played LotRO with me. I took her through the process and she liked it! Maybe I'll be able to get her to jump in!

Yours in fellowship,
Stephen "Trotter"

| Search the TOR Forums - replace the word "search" with your search term(s).
| Trotter, the Mysterious Wooden-shoed Hobbit
| TOR Random Character Generator
| email (make it what it says, human! ;) )
Stephen "dot" C "dot" Holland "at" gmail "dot" com
| http://gplus.to/SCHolland
| I, Stephen "Trotter," am the husband of Heather "Heatherbeer" since may 17, 1997, and father of Saxon Calhoun as of April 20, 2012!

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