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> Rings & Things..., Magic items that are not Rewards....
Posted: Jul 28 2012, 05:48 AM
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The intent of this thread it to gather peoples thoughts on magic items that are not Rewards, just useful bits and pieces for TOR games.

Taking examples from Lord of the Rings:

Elven rope that unties itself, the cloaks worn by the Fellowship...

So far in my own campaign, I have introduced only one item, an item that allows a healer to re-roll the 'Feat' dice when making a Healing check and choose the best result, which doesn't seem over powered to me, but other opinions would be appreciated.

I am now considering introducing one of the 'Lesser Rings' as part of the treasure from the final adventure in Tales From Wilderland and would appreciate comments or suggests from fellow LM's.

Lesser Ring Of Influence
Anyone who wears the ring for the first time or keeps it in their possession will gain 1 Temporary Shadow Point! That point is not removed if the ring is lost or given away. 'Heal Corruption' can never reduce their Shadow Point total to less than 1.

As a ring of influence, the wearer can add a free attribute bonus to any Personality skill (Awe, Inspire, Persuade).

However, the shadow influence of the ring affects the wearer whenever the attribute bonus is used, forcing him to make a Corruption test, with failure adding another Shadow Point.

The difficulty of the Corruption test is the characters permanent shadow point total +14, so the more he falls down the path of corruption, the harder it gets to resist the influence of the ring.

Any opinions?
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Posted: Jul 28 2012, 07:23 AM
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I've been wondering how items like these are covered in the game myself; particularly "lengendary" weapons.

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Posted: Jul 28 2012, 11:22 AM
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QUOTE (Garbar @ Jul 28 2012, 04:48 AM)
Any opinions?

Iron Crown's old card game Middle-Earth: The Wizards and expansions had an interesting way of handling Lesser Rings. Most gave the bearer a skill he or she didn't otherwise have, such as Diplomat (your Lesser Ring Of Influence below), Ranger, Sage, Scout, Warrior, and Wizard. That fits reasonably well with your proposal, or a Ring could "lend" its bearer additional Traits which, when used, trigger a Corruption test. I'd suggest such Traits can only be used, however, for auto-success. Or perhaps let the player earn APs using Traits "borrowed" from a Ring, at the cost of a Shadow Point.
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Posted: Jul 28 2012, 11:44 AM
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Ok, this is not going to seem obvious, but I quite like the ring you've proposed. Being the nitpicker I am though, I would like some extra clarity on a few points.

1) Define "possessing". Do you mean if the character ever wears the Ring? Or if the Company finds it in a pile of treasure, and pass it around so everyone has touched it, they all take a Shadow Point?
2) Assuming someone has possession of the ring, but has not used it's Influence ability yet, they are due a Shadow Point. What kind? Temporary or Permanent? I think you mean Permanent, but that might accrue too quickly.
3) Now that we know what kind of Shadow Point, what do you mean by "that point remains"? Because it could be construed that even after a Bout of Madness, and TSP is zeroed, they immediately get +1 TSP because they've got to account for the Ring. Now you're being charged multiple times for the same drawback/flaw.
4) You might want to reword the TN reference. "A Corruption Test is required, with the TN equal to the character's current Permanent Shadow Point total + 14." I know this seems to say the exact same thing, but 14+<this part> can be read as 14 or greater, or as 14 + <only PSPs accrued by using the ring>, etc.
5) I'm not sure if, morally, the Elves would craft such an item. Keeping in mind that the Lesser Rings were tainted by Sauron's evil influence - but I don't think the design concept and specs were his.
6) If the preservative function of the Rings is correct and appropriate, then the Lesser Rings would have some aspect of these magics. Check the Other Minds article.
[The Minor Rings of Power I suggested get around issues 5&6 by specifically being designed and crafted prior to Sauron's arrival and evil influence. Hypothetically.]

Hopefully that is coherent - I really am tired.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Jul 28 2012, 01:03 PM
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I have listened to points 1 to 4 and edited the original post to reflect your suggestions.

With regard to point 5, the elves may not have crafted such a ring, but time in the hands of foul creatures has warped the original intent over the centuries, making the ring what it is now.

And I had not assumed point 6 would apply, no artificial preservatives used in the making of my rings wink.gif. Having it made prior to Sauron's influence makes sense.
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Posted: Jul 30 2012, 09:39 AM
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If I remember my ring-lore correctly, the lesser rings had some powers and are very based on the will of the wearer (or atleast if it sort of works as the one ring).

With that said, the ring of influence could have greater power depending the more will (or Wisdom) the user haves. Could be that using the ring gives you a Wisdom/Will bonus in those skill exchange of a shadow temporary point? (Somewhat shadows why a person like Gandalf wouldnt like to wear one of those, since it would easy corrupt him and throu him give him powers beyond). But then again it could be too much bonus.

Also depending if you want it to be one of the lost lesser rings of power (one of the dwarves seven), which was (if I recall) used to gain wealth and increase greed among the dwarves, you can have a mechanic that symbolise that too. Like suddenly the wearer have easier to gain wealth (knows where treasures are hidden, and Persuade test to increase own wealth are increased). But paying or loosing wealth are called a Corruption roll or gain a shadow point.

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Posted: Jul 30 2012, 01:46 PM
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The Seven Rings given to the Dwarves were Greater Rings. To use the only other game that I have (Decipher's LoTR) the lesser rings would have similar powers to the greater ones (limited longevity, control over others, etc) but at a lower power level.

The only thing that I would change about what you have for the Lesser Ring is the base TN for the corruption test, if you start at a lower TN and raise it slowly it the corrupting effect of the Shadow more gradual and subtle. Other then that it fits into the description of a lesser ring.

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Posted: Jul 31 2012, 07:38 AM
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Here are two items of worth that I though of putting in my game. I've not used them yet and I'm not sure if they are too powerful to be just given to players.

Mighty Warhelm - when making a roll using the Awe skill whilst wearing the helm, you gain a +2 bonus.

Horn of Battle - when making a roll using Inspire, you may blow the horn to gain a +2 bonus.

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Posted: Jul 31 2012, 09:36 AM
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QUOTE (Poosticks7 @ Jul 31 2012, 11:38 AM)
Here are two items of worth that I though of putting in my game. I've not used them yet and I'm not sure if they are too powerful to be just given to players.

Mighty Warhelm - when making a roll using the Awe skill whilst wearing the helm, you gain a +2 bonus.

Horn of Battle - when making a roll using Inspire, you may blow the horn to gain a +2 bonus.

I like those items Poosticks, and I don't find them too powerful.
I propose some further qualification on their powers IF you feel the need to make them more balanced:

Mighty Warhelm - cannot be dropped during combat to regain Fatigue.
the helm is a chore to don & doff due to intricate workmanship

Horn of Battle - the user must have Battle skill to know when best to employ it in battle.
Svalin sensed the tide of battle turning and chose that moment to rally his brothers' spirits
You may decide to make the horn-blower first test their Battle skill - any extra successes further assisting the Inspire test.

Methinks I'll borrow your item ideas for my game tongue.gif

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Posted: Jul 31 2012, 10:00 AM
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Oh, I meant to reply to the original thread query...
I'll add minor items into my game where I feel Heroes definitely deserve some reward but for some reason have not gained eligibility for their next Reward per se. Such treasures are infrequent and generally unanticipated by the players.
Some non-Reward items will be introduced to serve as LM plot devices (not that the Players will suspect that!)
I see the Lesser Rings as being such items - placed into the game for LM purposes more than simply as a reward.
Of course, don't become predictable - the Players shouldn't start saying "Whoa - every time we find something cool but unexpected it causes us trouble!" You know what I mean - the dishing out & balancing of treasure items is yet another LM skill to develop .... we never stop learning!

Note: I think my players will forever suspect rings as a reward item. unsure.gif

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Posted: Jul 31 2012, 01:49 PM
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The characters in my game have found a couple of items so far. One was Circlet of Eagles, it allowed the wearer to have keen eyesight and speak the language of the Great Eagles. The player that found it, a Beorning, eventually gave it as a wedding gift to Beorn.

The other item was a dagger that did the same damage as a sword versus Orcs and glowed in their presence.

They also found a finely crafted mithril button, which was worth 6 treasure points so it cost no encumberance to carry.

Ed G.
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Posted: Jul 31 2012, 02:16 PM
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"... a Beorning, eventually gave it as a wedding gift to Beorn."

Very Tolkien-esque. I also like the Mithril button, cool idea.

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