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> Rule Question: Recovery
Posted: Nov 18 2011, 12:39 PM
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If Beran of the Mountains (the pre-generated character in the Adventurer's Book) loses 6 points of Endurance during a fight with goblins and recovers 4 points (his Heart score; see Recovery, p. 144), he has 26 Endurance points (of 28) remaining.

Then another fight begins and Beran of the Mountains loses 2 points of Endurance. His actual Endurance score is 24.

When he wants to catch a breath (=Recovery), is he able to recover the whole 4 points (his Heart score) or is he able to recover only so many points he lost in this fight?

If he is able to recover the whole 4 points, he would be able to recover lost Endurance points from the previous fight. I think this makes no sense, because otherwise You could catch a breath all the time to recover lost Endurance points from previous fights.

So, I think it would be a good idea to alter the sentence on p. 144 ("... recovers a number of Endurance points equal to his Heart score.") to "... recovers a number of Endurance points he lost in this fight equal to his Heart score."

This is suggested on p. 145: "If a player-hero's Endurance score is not yet fully replenished after recovery, he will recuperate the remaining points at the normal rate for resting."

If this is true, then a player has always to record all the Endurance points he loses in a given fight, to remember how many points he can recover after the fight at the most.
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Posted: Nov 18 2011, 03:07 PM
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I doubt that I could be bothered to keep records of the number of Endurance points lost per scrap, so I would stick with the simplest ruling and allow all points to be recovered in your suggesetd scenario. Thats just me though!


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Posted: Nov 21 2011, 12:11 PM
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Yeah, simplest = best.

I think that technically you are supposed to keep track of what your endurance was at the start of each fight, because things like catch a breathe and sing in open stance only heal endurance damage dealt during the associated combat.

It's only come up once for us, though; we did actually keep track, but that's because we've got a singing hobbit; he's given us 7 endurance back in one action before (extraordinary success for the win).
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Posted: Nov 21 2011, 07:39 PM
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It isn't so difficult to take note of how many Endurance a character loses in a fight, so I go for the "revised" rule. Otherwise to me it seems a bit of powerplay...

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and stones crack in the frosty night,
when pools are black and trees are bare,
'tis evil in the Wild to fare.
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