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> So What Do You Call The "g" Rune?
Posted: Aug 21 2011, 06:14 PM
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Just wondering what everyone is calling the G rune on the Feat die. As in "I rolled a. . ."

A. "Gandalf"

B. "Rune"

C. "G"

D. "Will of the West"

The last name is coming from Francesco's previous Tolkien game, War of the Ring, which called the same G rune result on the die a Will of the West, though most players just say they rolled a "Will". The Shadow dice in this game also had an Eye.

So what term are you guys using for the G on the die?
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Posted: Aug 21 2011, 06:28 PM
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"Natural 20!"

OK, so old habits die hard.

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Posted: Aug 21 2011, 07:14 PM
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I will be referring to the special results as Rune, Eye, and Mine (Tenguar rune/word for 1)

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Posted: Aug 23 2011, 04:58 AM
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QUOTE (Narl @ Aug 21 2011, 10:14 PM)
Just wondering what everyone is calling the G rune on the Feat die. As in "I rolled a. . ."

A. "Gandalf"

B. "Rune"

C. "G"

D. "Will of the West"

The last name is coming from Francesco's previous Tolkien game, War of the Ring, which called the same G rune result on the die a Will of the West, though most players just say they rolled a "Will". The Shadow dice in this game also had an Eye.

So what term are you guys using for the G on the die?

During playtest I pushed to call it a 'Will of the West' smile.gif
...but everybody ended up calling it simply a 'Gandalf'.

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