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> Some Questions On Revised Journey Rolls
Posted: Jan 9 2013, 01:00 AM
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1) How do we decide who will roll against the hazard when an Eye is rolled during the first fatigue roll? (the one that whole group rolls) Is it like the old rules? Randomly? Or the guy who rolled the Eye gets to do it?

2) Does the person who rolled an Eye during the fatigue challenge other than the "all-companions" one gets to roll against the hazard automatically? Or does he considered failed and the hazard that is about his role happens? OR do we decide who will roll against the hazard like we did before the revised rules?

"Morgoth!" I cried "All hope is gone but I swear revenge! Hear my oath! I will take part in your damned fate!"
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Posted: Jan 9 2013, 02:44 AM
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As I understand it, it works like the original rules: an All Companions Hazard means every companion rolls; a Hazard specific to a role means the companions in that role get to check to see if the Hazard is avoided.

Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: Jan 9 2013, 10:15 AM
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1. I would say that's an all companions hazard but I think the game is flexible enough that the LM really gets to pick or create the hazard, possibly based on the role the player who rolled the eye fills.

2. On an eye a hazard happens. The LM picks the hazard and it should probably be based on the role that rolled the eye. Once the hazard is picked then the hazard says what happens or rolls/roles can overcome it.

Example. Say it's the 5th (Look-out) test and you have 2 Look-out men. Both get to roll travel or awareness (player's choice) to beat the fatigue challenge. (FYI, I raise the TN one level if the players choose Travel instead of the specific role skill--house rule.) Say the first rolls an eye and fails and the second succeeds (no eye).

The first thing you do is apply this rule:

If more than one character has been assigned to the
challenged role, then they may all attempt the test - but
still only one successful outcome will be necessary to
overcome the Fatigue challenge

So no fatigue increase because one person in the role overcame the challenge.

Now you apply this rule:

If, during the resolution of a Fatigue challenge, one or
more rolls produce an [eye] icon, a Hazard episode occurs

(regardless of whether the roll or the Fatigue challenge the roll
was part of failed or not). See Hazards at page 35 of the Loremaster’s
Book for details.

In this case the roll failed but the Fatigue challenge succeeded--but neither matter because an eye is an automatic hazard.

Now the LM decides a hazard and this is covered in LM p. 35:

When this happens, the Loremaster chooses a number
of episodes among those provided as examples...(or improvises
them, based on the company’s current circumstances).

I read this as the LM picks what makes sense by the roles, the circumstances, etc. I see leeway to make the story work here. If nothing is obvious I just go by the role that rolled the eye. So in this case this might make sense:

Cruel Weather (Look-out)
The company is surprised by the changing weather and
is repeatedly caught in the open by rain or snow.

All Look-outs make a Perception test (Awareness). If no
hero overcomes the test, all company members lose a
number of Endurance points equal to the length of the
journey in days.

This hazard calls for a Perception test from all Look-outs. If one of the two Look-out men succeeds there are no consequences.

Almost all hazards call for a test. Sometimes all in the role can try to pass the test requiring only one to succeed to overcome the hazard. Sometimes only one can attempt regardless of the number in the role. Sometimes there is no test (rare). You have to read the hazard closely (or the LM can make up the hazard).

Hope that helps. I might have a few things wrong but that's how I read it.
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