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> Tales From Wilderland
Of Mim The Dwarf
Posted: Apr 17 2013, 07:51 PM
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Im thinking of picking up The One Ring, and was wondering if the Tales From Wilderland adventure book is worth picking up? All opinions and reviews appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Posted: Apr 17 2013, 08:00 PM
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There are many threads regarding this book.

In a nutshell, if you're GOING to own/run The One Ring, Tales of the Wilderland is a MUST HAVE.

It is fantastic. It also helps learn to play the game better. It's full of wonderful stories and characters and journey to interact with.

It's by the far the best "accessory" aside from the game itself so far.


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Posted: Apr 17 2013, 08:37 PM
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I couldnt agree more with SirKicley.

I was never one to run published modules in other game systems. I would buy them to mine them for ideas.

But, I will be running them from TotW though, because TOR is a fresh approach to RPG's and we (I) want to get a good feel for the nuances of the game before designing my own.

Besides, Tales of the Wilderland is just fun stuff, with beautifully rendered artwork... and it smells good too tongue.gif..... I agree must have.

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Posted: Apr 17 2013, 08:39 PM
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Grrrrr double posting... server too busy for reliable service

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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 07:12 AM
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Yes, it's beautiful, well written and inexpensive. And above all: It helps you to play the game as it's intended.

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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 09:19 AM
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As others have said, it's well worth getting.

In fact, just the other day I wrote a short review of it on RPG Geek which you can read here if you're interested.
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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 11:13 AM
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If you're planning to have your players far from the Wilderlands, still is a good book to steal some good ideas. But if you don't have problems to keep your players in the Wilderlands, it's a must have.

The only problem with the book is that even having a good amount of possible scenarios to adapt to the critical decisions, to an experiment group of players can be a little fixed, rigid.
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Posted: Apr 21 2013, 01:37 AM
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I'll throw in a recommendation as well. Like Venger I don't usually run published or premade adventures but the ones in this book are really great. Particularly I love Of Leaves and Stewed Hobbit and the goblin song in it. The writers have really captured the spirit of The Hobbit and made some whimsical, and some touching, adventures. I for one am really glad this book came out when it did because I'm not a huge Tolkien buff so I didn't really feel sure enough to run a game set in Middle Earth because I felt like I didn't know enough about it.
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Posted: Apr 24 2013, 05:43 AM
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We are due to finish TfW tonight. It's pretty good, nicely written with lots of good ideas. Some of the scenarios are a fairly linear and the PCs don't really have much freedom, but we didn't find that a great problem. There are some Deus Ex Machina moments too, which might or might not bother players if they are the types to get wound up about that sort of thing.

I still find interaction with NPCs tricky to run, basically I'm using "As long as you can justify it by giving me a good story, keep rolling interaction skills until you hit your failure limit, then look at how many successes you got".

We lost one character early on, but mostly because the PC was wounded, was hit again and we forgot about the knockback rule, which would have saved him. Otherwise we've had no casualties, and actually very few Wounds. Even the big opponent at the Crossings of Celduin (near the end) went down fairly quickly.

I'm allowing Hound of Mirkwood to affect only one opponent at a time. Rules are vague on this but it seems sensible. I did think about limiting the size of opponent it can affect too, but I haven't done so far.

Most Hope/Fatigue loss etc was actually caused by the first scenario, as Mirkwood is a rough place to cross.

No-one has accrued any permanent Shadow, I think the most Temp shadow anyone has got up to has been about 3.

The party has one of every race except a Beorning (who was the PC killed early on), he was replaced by a Hobbit. I think they will all be at about 30+ XP by the time we finish. They have a fair amount of Treasure each and will get lots more if they survive tonight. TBH we've not used it much except as a measure of success.

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