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> Tales From Wilderland
Posted: Jan 17 2013, 05:18 PM
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I just got my copy of Tales From Wilderland today. It looks to be another fabulous book. I can't imagine that I'll stop buying TOR books as long as they are being published!

None of my local gaming shops (southern New Hampshire) had the book, and of course Amazon and Cubicle 7 don't have it either. But I was able to get a copy from The Atomic Empire web store at www.scifigenre.com.

I can't wait to start running my little group of adventurers through this. And by "little group" I mean age, not number! My four junior high aged kids are all into Tolkien right now, and they had a blast running through "The Marsh Bell" over Christmas break. They've all read The Hobbit, and at least portions of LOTR. And whether or not you like the movies, all the credit for my kids actually reading the books belongs to the movies. I will occasionally find them poring over my Atlas of Middle Earth and looking up references in The Tolkien Companion. One of my older boys even brought The Return of the King to school so he could use the runes in the appendices in his art class.

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Posted: Jan 17 2013, 09:11 PM
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it's good to see your enjoying the game! also some of the runes in the back of (some versions) of the return of the king are missing but you can find them online. (helps fill in the blanks)

Good luck!
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Posted: Jan 17 2013, 09:23 PM
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It is great to see young people excited about LOR and gaming. I am starting a new game, my first TOR, with the family this weekend, wife, 17 year old daughter and boys 13, and 11.
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Angel Lord
Posted: Jan 17 2013, 10:11 PM
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It's so sweat to see younger people ready to pick up the torch not only of this amazing hobby, but of the love of Tolkien and his Lore as well.

I bought several RPG's to start teaching my girls (all early primary students) over Christmas. I look forward to several long years of sharing this love with them. Luck to you on your endeavors.
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