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> The One Ring Announcements August 2012, PDFs, Gencon Book, Tales from Wilderland
Jon Hodgson
  Posted: Aug 3 2012, 08:19 AM
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Art Director

Group: Admin
Posts: 466
Member No.: 1787
Joined: 11-August 11

It seems both appropriate and useful to gather all the recent announcements and clarifications into one thread so that they can be easily located and read. Discussion is welcome to continue in the current threads.

The One Ring Collection - Gencon Edition Cancelled
Sorry to report this, but we have to withdraw the GenCon book.

It doesn't affect any other products that we have in the pipeline.

Apologies to all those who had pre-ordered the book or were looking forward to picking it up at GenCon. We should have a small number of the Loremaster Screen and Lake-town Sourcebook available at the show.

To try and make it up to pre-order customers, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to convert your order into a Loremaster's Screen and Lake-town Sourcebook order. It is due in September (and has a value of $5 more than the GenCon book, so equates to a 20% discount). Anyone who doesn't want to do that can, of course, get a full refund.

We are still processing the orders placed, and as soon as that has taken place I will write to pre-order customers to make the above offer.

Apologies again for the disappointment.


The One Ring Pdfs
We are re-examining our pdf programme at this time and will not be offering pdf versions of The One Ring until further notice.

Many apologies for any inconvenience caused.

- Cubicle 7 Entertainment and Sophisticated Games

Tales From Wilderland Hardcopy
The last update I got (August 2nd) was that it was waiting to clear customs in Atlanta, and should do so imminently. From there it has to get to our warehouse, be booked in, unpacked, and sent out. Non-US and Canadian orders are fulfilled from the UK, which adds in a week or so as we bring the books over the Atlantic.

If we clear customs today, we should get the US & Canadian orders dispatched by the end of next week, and ther rest a week or so after that.


I appreciate that some of this news is disappointing and frustrating, and I'm really sorry about that.

The line is secure, and there are many years of supplements etc planned.


Jon Hodgson
Art Director
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
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