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> The Small Trait
King Kull
Posted: Oct 17 2012, 08:13 AM
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Joined: 24-September 12

Sorry to ask this question, but I can't use the search function of the forum, I always get an error message.

On page 132 of the AB is the Virtue 'Small Folk'. If you take this virtue you also get the 'Small' Trait. Is this the only possibility for a Hobbit character to get this Trait? Or is this Trait possible to get with an background? But no background is listing this Trait.
Can someone help me or has some ideas?
Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: Oct 17 2012, 01:10 PM
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This thread should answer your question.
Mini ProfilePMEmail Poster
Posted: Oct 17 2012, 02:46 PM
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The search function is actually disabled in order to prevent DDOS type attacks. Unfortunately clickdev hasn't removed it, making things awkward.

You can search the forums using the link to Google's site specific searching. The link is available in the pinned topic about Resources. Just replace the word "search" with whatever you want to look for, being as accurate/specific as possible. Some terms like "damage" might get back hundreds of hits.

As to obtaining Small... it is a Distinctive Feature type of Trait. Traits may be exchanged (only) during a Fellowship Phase as an Undertaking (AB 172).

So, effectively, the answer to your question is no. Because if I'm understanding your intent, you want to add this to the rest of a character's Traits, which is not possible. Your Hobbit may be created with this Trait. Or, you could exchange an existing Trait in order to obtain Small, but you cannot add it as an additional Distinctive Feature.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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King Kull
Posted: Oct 17 2012, 04:42 PM
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Joined: 24-September 12

Thank you for your help. I have read the threat and it is as I have guessed - that 'Small' is only for Hobbits withe the 'Small Folk' Virtue. But it was not so clearly written.
I didn't want to give this as a free Trait for Hobbits, but I have considered to add it to all Backgrounds. But this is clearly not my intention anymore.
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