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> The Three Elves, Diary of Sessions (in German)
Posted: Oct 9 2012, 12:33 PM
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I've started a Diary of Sessions of my TOR campaign - we're basically playing Tales from Wilderland, the twist being that 3 of the 4 characters are elves, which made some changes necessary.
You can read the diary in the German rpg forum tanelorn - however, it is in German, because my English isn't good enough to write such a long text ...

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Posted: Oct 9 2012, 01:57 PM
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If people are interested enough I can try and translate it for you. I don't know how long it will take me, but I was always better at going from German to English smile.gif

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Posted: Oct 9 2012, 03:14 PM
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Great! Finally I can practice my German without reading some stupid children story!

"Morgoth!" I cried "All hope is gone but I swear revenge! Hear my oath! I will take part in your damned fate!"
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Posted: Oct 9 2012, 07:31 PM
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QUOTE (Beleg @ Oct 9 2012, 05:57 PM)
If people are interested enough I can try and translate it for you. I don't know how long it will take me, but I was always better at going from German to English smile.gif

I'd be interested in reading the English translation if you had the time to do one.
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Posted: Oct 9 2012, 08:28 PM
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Google translate (and other such services I'm sure) does an acceptable job converting the text into English. It is not perfect as their is some transposition of wording (the red house = the house red) and occasionally the wrong definition is used. But it is enough to get the gist of what is happening provided you can mentally re-juggle the wording.

For instance, the first two paragraphs are:
Already a few weeks ago we held our first meeting TOR, as it now is to go on tonight, it's about time to start with the Diary.

The concept: We play in the given setting, year 2946 3Z, five years after the Battle of Five Armies, in the region in Mirkwood. Coarse we follow the campaign book "Tales from Wild Country" as a special feature, our group of 3/4 of Silvan Elves. These are:

Which should probably be translated to something like:
We held our first TOR session a few weeks ago, as the game is going to start tonight, it's about time to start with the Diary.

The concept: We play in the suggested time period, Third Age 2946, five years after the Battle of Five Armies, in the Mirkwood region. We're following the campaign offered in Tales from Wilderland, but as a special feature, three characters from our group of four are Silvan Elves.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Oct 10 2012, 03:01 AM
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Looks like the google translator has become much better in the last few years!
I'll post a short version in English soon - there are a few things I just have to share here!
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Posted: Oct 13 2012, 04:29 PM
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Okay, I'll start with some of the campaign backstory; this is all stuff my players aren't supposed to know, so if anyone of you - Simon, Damaris, Götz, Nicola - happen to stumble over this forum, please STOP READING HERE. However, the following post does not contain spoilers for any of the official material.

The Backstory of my campaign begins a little more than hundred years ago: Thranduil, King of the Mirkwood Elves, has a disagreement with the dwarf Nirfur about the payment for some jewelry that the Dwarf from the Iron Mountains manufactured for the Elven King (we know from The Hobbit that Thranduil had such disputes with dwarves, albeit not with dwarves from Thorin's line). It doesn't matter who was wrong and who was right - in the end, Thranduil decided to pay Nirfur, but to slight him at the same time. He sends the noble Elven Lady Tirbrethil to Imladris, to ask the Noldor elven smith Gilrana to forge a crown for the dwarf, made from red gold and rubies and modelled on Thranduil's own autumn crown. Thranduil wants to give Nirfur this precious gift, worth much more than what he owes the dwarf, as payment. However, he also wants the dwarf to see how Elven smithery surpasses its dwarven counterpart, and he want's to remind Nirfur that he, Thranduil is a king (therefore the modelling of the crown based on Thranduils own crown), while Nirfur is just some the head of some dwarven clan not even of Durin's line. (Basically, this is Thranduil being a d*** in a subtle way).
When Thranduil's Messenger Tirbrethil arrives in Imladris and lays eyes on Gilrana the elven smith, she immediately falls in love with him - and Gilrana falls in love with her. Of course, Gilrana is more than happy to indulge Thranduil just for Tirbrethil's sake. Three years he spents forging a crown from red gold and rubies, and all the while Tirbrethil stays with him in Imladris. Gilrana puts all his love for Tirbrethil in his work; he might not even know it, but in his heart, he creates the crown for her, his Mirkwood Princess of Autumn, and not for Thranduil or Nirfur.
Finally, after he has given the Crown of Autumn the final touch, he travels to Thranduil's halls with Tirbrethil; and from there, he goes with Thranduil's trusted ambassador Caranthir (not the guy from the rulebook, I just liked the name) to the Iron Mountains to present Nirfur with his payment. Nirfur accepts it grudgingly; he understands that Thranduil is trying to slight him, but he is not proud enough to refuse the gift, so he takes it with hate in his eyes. Gilrana see's this and becomes embittered: Not only must he give away the gift he fashioned for Tirbrethil, but he must give it to a lowly dwarf who doesn't even seem to understand its worth.
Full of simmering rage, Gilrana returns to Mirkwood, where he wants to live with Tirbrethil. But his bitterness poisons their love, as Gilrana keeps thinking of the Autumn Crown he gave away. As he can find no happiness with Tirbrethil, he decides instead to put his rage to good use by going to Dol Guldur and facing the shadow like the Noldor heroes of old. A few Elves from Mirkwood join him, among them Thranduil's ambassador Caranthir, who has befriended Gilrana.
But Gilrana is a smith, an artist, not a warrior; pierced by orc arrows, he gets dragged to the dungeons of Dol Guldur. Few of his comrades-in-arms survive, but one of the survivors is Caranthir, who brings new of Gilrana's fate to Thranduil's Halls. Caranthir think's Gilrana dead, and that's what he tells Thranduil and Tirbrethil, even though there may be some doubt in his heart - but he doesn't want to burden Tirbrethil with the thought that her beloved might still live a life of anguish in some dark dungeon.
Meanwhile, Tirbrethil has given birth to Gilrana's twin son's, Nardūr and Galion (not the character from the Hobbit; the two are player characters, and one player simply chose the name Galion). They grow up thinking that their father has been killed by orcs.
When the Necromancer is driven from Dol Guldur in 2941, Gilrana finally comes free. Confused and more a ghost than anything else, he roams Mirkwood and sleeps for years beneath a bed of fallen leaves, dreaming of Tirbrethil.
Meanwhile, Galion and Nardūr fight in the Battle of the Five Armies; For the first time, Nardūr faces orcs in battle, and he begin's to hunger to avenge the death of the father he has never known (becoming a slayer). In the next few years, he becomes a troublemaker at Thranduil's court, and when in 2946, the human trader Baldor from Esgaroth humbly asks for an escort along the elven path through mirkwood, Thranduil uses the opportunity to send Nardūr and his brother Galion away with him.
On their way through Mirkood, Galion and Nardūr make camp close to the place where their father Gilrana is sleeping. The presence of his sons awakens Gilrana, and he visits them at night. They see him only as a slender shape before he disappears. However, Gilrana is now awake. He return's to Thranduil's Halls to see Tirbrethil, meeting her in secret. Of course, this meeting doesn't go well - Gilrana is more wraith then elf by now. In his confused thought's he think that he can win back Tirbrethil by getting the autumn crown from Nirfur.

And Nirfur? He actually has become a king when Dain went to Erebor. He was left to reign over half-empty halls while the true king rules elsewhere. All this has made Nirfur only more bitter. Being a king now, he wears the crown of red gold, but it weighs heavy and chafes his brow bloody.

I will stop here. There are a few elements that tie this backstory to TfW (I plan to make Irime Gilranas Mother, who was visiting Thranduil's halls when she dreamed about here returned son, but loses hope and decides to leave middle-earth, leaving it to Galion and Nardūr to somehow save her son; and of course, there's the gibbet king). My plan is that at some point, the characters will come back to Thranduil's halls after some adventuring - at that time, Gilrana will already have been there and gone again. The characters will probably find out at least part of the story of their father and follow him to the Iron Mountains, to prevent him from killing Nirfur and taking the crown from him - or maybe to steal the crown for him.

The idea is to present the characters with a tragedy that they can not fully solve; a lot of parties have hurt each other, and not everyone will be able to achieve justice for himself. Thranduil is in a way the bad guy in all of this; he has set all these events in motion for petty reasons. But on the other hand, he couldn't know the consequences back then ...
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Posted: Oct 14 2012, 05:12 AM
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Interesting idea Jakob. BTW, the English was excellent and very clear. The only time I had to stop and think about what was being said was in the 2nd to last paragraph, with regards to the Mother.

"I plan to make Irime Gilranas Mother" could be clarified by saying it as: "I plan to make Irime, the Noldor Elf, Gilrana's mother". (I'm assuming you're talking about this person Wikipedia: Irimė. I don't have TfW yet so that is my best guess.)

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Oct 14 2012, 09:22 AM
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Just want to add that IMO the Irimė in TfW, though noble & respected, would not be the same Irimė who is Feanor's half-sister, and Fingolfin's & Finarfin's sister (ie: Galadriel's aunt) .... whom I think would be much more awe-inspiring.

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Posted: Oct 15 2012, 09:20 AM
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QUOTE (CheeseWyrm @ Oct 14 2012, 01:22 PM)
Just want to add that IMO the Irimė in TfW, though noble & respected, would not be the same Irimė who is Feanor's half-sister, and Fingolfin's & Finarfin's sister (ie: Galadriel's aunt) .... whom I think would be much more awe-inspiring.

I actually referred to the Irimė in TFW, but she could be the very same person (even though the scenario doesn't say so). I wasn't aware that there was an Irimė in the Tolkien canon.
However, it is more likely that the Irimė in TfW is supposed to be someone else, maybe named for Feanor's half-sister. I'll certainly assume this for my group; it feels a little over the top to have one of my PCs be close cousions of Galadriel ...

This post has been edited by Jakob on Oct 15 2012, 11:32 AM
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Posted: Oct 15 2012, 09:27 AM
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BTW, since I plan to add more of my campaign diary in English, maybe a mod could delete the (in German) from the topic name? Thanks!
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Posted: Oct 15 2012, 10:38 AM
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QUOTE (Jakob @ Oct 15 2012, 01:20 PM)
I actually referred to the Irimė in TFW, but she could be the very same person (even though the scenario doesn't say so) .... However, it is more likely that the Irimė in TfW is supposed to be someone else, maybe named for Feanor's half-sister. I'll certainly assume this for my group; it feels a little over te top to have to of my PCs be close cousions of Galadriel ...

Yep Jakob, I figured you meant to use the Irimė from TfW (rather than Galadriel's aunty) .... I think you're on the right track wink.gif

'life wasn't meant to be easy ... it was meant to be cheesy!'
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