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> Tor Character Questionnaire
Posted: Feb 17 2013, 10:00 AM
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RPG character questionnaires exist aplenty as any Google search will reveal. I want something more specific to TOR (and without 150 questions). My first draft follows.

1. What inspired your character’s parents when they chose his name? Does your character have any nicknames or epithets?

2. Describe your character’s appearance. Consider, at a minimum, his height, weight, build, hair, and eye colour. Does your character have any tattoos, scars, or other distinguishing marks?

3. Describe your character’s personality. Is he an extrovert or an introvert? Is he essentially an optimist or a realist? Does he consider every action carefully or typically act without thinking? Is he calm-headed or hot-tempered? How does he prefer to resolve problems?

4. Describe your character’s mannerisms. What are his favourite things and activities? Do others associate particular behaviours or sayings with your character?

5. Describe your character’s family. To which professions is your family connected? How does your character relate to his ancestors, parents, siblings, and other relatives?

6. According to the Adventurer’s Book, “a character’s calling is what motivated him to seek a life of adventure and keeps him on that dangerous path every day.” How did your character discern his vocation?

7. A life in the wild, exploring dark places and fighting desperate battles, wears on the spirit. How does your character banish weariness, fear, and sadness? If it is through Craft, what things does he make? If through Song, what is your character’s favoured form of artistic expression? Describe your character’s greatest accomplishment in this field.

8. How does your character define success? What does he want to accomplish in the next five years? How does he envision retirement?

9. Describe any major influences on your character not previously discussed. What major events shaped his life? Does your character have any regrets or sources of guilt? What does your character fear?

10. What three words best summarize your character?
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Posted: Feb 17 2013, 11:17 AM
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Group: Members
Posts: 115
Member No.: 3174
Joined: 6-January 13

quite nice, I've often sat down and asked questions similar to this with new players but they tend to come out at random....

One thing I ALWAYS invest quite a few questions in is family, and not just parents but also (or even especially) siblings because they can be used in stories, and are more likely to get into "interesting situations" than parents. Obviously if the character was married their partner and any children would be of primary concern but most of my players have chosen to play single, never been married, never had kids sorts.... maybe it has to do with the age of most of my players. My last character (as in before I was the LM) had a dead wife and two surviving children both of whom started out in his older sister's custody. Getting the stability in life to take charge of his children again was one of the 2 main motivations of that character. Also there was the one adventure where his daughter, the eldest child, was kidnapped and held as a hostage by outlaws which was an awesome session! Having a daughter also gave me role playing opportunities trying to arrange a good marriage for her ahead of time (she was 12 so i figured it was time to start looking around when in the presence of respectable families) arranging an advantageous match for his daughter with a family that had some local power was one of that character's notable accomplishments, creating a marital and political bond between his own house and another more well established house.
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