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> Traveling Gear Encumbrance Value, A Rules Question
Posted: Jun 21 2012, 03:46 PM
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This may be a stupid question.

The Traveling Gear Encumbrance Value for Spring/Summer is 1 and for Winter it is 2. At character creation is this added up, along with weapons and other gear to come up with the Fatigue Score? Or is the Traveling Gear value of 1 or 2 ONLY added when the character fails a Fatigue Test during a journey?

For example: if you look at Trotter in the AB the Fatigue Score is 11 and the sheet does not account for traveling gear. So, if Trotter is traveling in Spring does that make his Fatigue Score 12 and if he travels in Winter 13? Or is the 1 or 2 value only added if Trotter failed a Fatigue Test?
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Posted: Jun 21 2012, 03:56 PM
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Traveling gear (and only traveling gear) is added on a failed Fatigue roll.
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Posted: Jun 21 2012, 03:58 PM
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QUOTE (doctheweasel @ Jun 21 2012, 07:56 PM)
Traveling gear (and only traveling gear) is added on a failed Fatigue roll.

So it not added to the Fatigue Score as part of the total Encumbrance Value of what the character is carrying, and then added again on a failed Fatigue Test?
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Posted: Jun 21 2012, 05:22 PM
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Correct. Fatigue starts at the encumbrance value of armor, weapons and treasure the character carries. That score goes up by the traveling gear value for each failed Fatigue roll.
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Posted: Jun 21 2012, 05:46 PM
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QUOTE (doctheweasel @ Jun 21 2012, 09:22 PM)
Correct. Fatigue starts at the encumbrance value of armor, weapons and treasure the character carries. That score goes up by the traveling gear value for each failed Fatigue roll.

Thank you, sir! You rock!
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Posted: Jun 21 2012, 05:54 PM
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I'm a bit late with this but...

To answer your question, no, it is not added to your starting Fatigue value. You add it to your current Fatigue value, as needed based on the season, when a Fatigue Roll is failed (representing the wearing down of your physical reserves over time).

QUOTE ("AB p104" @ Endurance and Hope, Fatigue)

Fatigue determines when the weight and bulk of the equipment normally carried by a hero starts to effect his performance. A character’s Fatigue threshold is first calculated during hero creation and is normally equal to the sum of the Encumbrance ratings of the adventurer’s selection of weapons and protective gear (see the Gear chapter at page 107 for details).

Note that the quoted text above does not mention anything about the character's gear (other than armor and weapons) as being a part of the starting fatigue value. Doctheweasel is correct about adding treasure, but that is a modifier, and is applied to the current fatigue value, as the amount of treasure you're carrying will fluctuate over time. And no, there is no Starting Fatigue or Current Fatigue space in the official character sheet.

BTW, don't know if it will help, but I found Azrapse's Web-based Character Generator, which is discussed in the topic Web Character Builder For Online Play to be a help when first trying to figure out some of the mechanics of character creation. Take special note of the numbers shown in the lower right.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Jun 21 2012, 06:27 PM
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QUOTE (Garn @ Jun 21 2012, 09:54 PM)
And no, there is no Starting Fatigue or Current Fatigue space in the official character sheet.

A sorely missed piece of an otherwise lovely and useful character sheet.
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