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> [wip] Monster Worksheet, Help design a form we can all use
  Posted: Mar 29 2012, 06:35 PM
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-=-=-=- Project Status as of Monday, April 9, 2012 -=-=-=-

Current Version Number: 10.1.1
Current Sample: Download the PDF from Monster Worksheet Sample

Project Definition: This discussion centers around an effort to create a template that can be used to create a 'bestiary page' for monsters in TOR. Feedback of any kind is appreciated (many gamers have highly original perspectives on life within Middle-earth) as it focuses the template's design and use. Without feedback there is no way to know if the template is fulfilling its' purpose.

Design Goal: Make a blank form or template, that anyone can use to create and share monsters from their personal campaigns. All included materials for the template should be free, open source, or capable of commercial usage to prevent copyright concerns.

Components: The following is a list of the current products and materials being used to fulfill this effort. These components may change as problems arise and the needs of the project change.
  • Software: Scribus, an open source desktop publishing application.
  • Fonts: Although having the same name, these fonts are not the exact same typefaces used by SG/C7. The fonts will appear similar, but are not perfect matches.
    • body text: Alois, Alois Light, Alois Heavy, Times New Roman Italic.
    • headings: Alois Heavy, Ardagh,
    • quotations: Pending - suggest a free font, please!
(It should be noted that even if the software or materials change, in most cases the design effort and lessons learned in that process are generally transferable to other software. This trial-and-error also seriously decreases re-creation time as vague ideas become distinct elements of the page layout through failed tinkering.

Change Log:
  • Apr 9, 2012 - Worksheet Sample v10.1.1 posted. The stat block layout has been changed. A minor update.
  • Apr 2, 2012 - Worksheet Sample v9.1.7 posted. Several fonts have been changed. Online viewing might use font substitution so downloading is preferred.
  • Mar 31, 2012 - Project status updated.
  • Mar xx, 2012 - Start of discussion. Original Worksheet Sample v5.3.3 posted.
Copyright Notice:
Portions of the text appearing in the "Monster Worksheet Sample.PDF" file are Copyright © 2012 Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7 Entertainment (SG/C7).

The various portions used are, I believe, acceptable under a 'fair use' basis. Material is taken from multiple s so as not to provide a single, complete creature. The use of this material is not meant to contest their copyright and if such usage is deemed unacceptable, it will be removed immediately.

This post has been edited by Garn on Apr 9 2012, 07:09 PM

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 29 2012, 06:37 PM
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I've been working on a number of things lately, one of these projects is creating a blank monster worksheet. It would be uploaded to a file-sharing website along with explanations, directions, etc. Anyone who needs to create a new creature - for personal or public usage - can do so in a consistent layout and manner. Making sharing much quicker, easier and consistent no matter who generated the beast.

As relatively simple as this idea seems, creating the worksheet has been difficult. There are lots of pieces of information that need to be included on a single sheet of paper. Although designed to be used as a PDF, it should be print ready for those situations where the Loremaster wants to have the creature data in one spot, immediately at hand, while trying to find relevant information amidst the chaos of gaming. Even if not printed, these are laudable goals for an electronic version as well.

The current bestiary page layout in Section 3: The Shadow, within the Loremaster's Book, is not particularly user friendly in this respect. I believe the SG/C7 designers ran into the same difficulty I am experiencing. Too much data, too little space. Monsters are arranged in sections which include some general information as well as Common Weapons and Called Shot Effects tables. While it is information relevant to all of the creatures in a specific section, placing it on another page means flipping more pages while gaming.

So a part of my efforts have been redesigning the monster layout. Trying to fit everything together in a limited amount of space.

Another, related issue, concerns adding any information that SG/C7 did not include in their bestiary pages - either the sectional information or the specific entries.

At the least we know that we need to include a creature's type to account for Detect Creature and of Slaying weapons (+3 vs Giants, glows in the presence of Orcs, etc). Arguably this is implied by the section which the creature appears in, but if the page is printed out, chances are the sectional information was not - the creature is now out of context.

But there might be other information that needs to be included as well. Discussion in this forum has brought to light that many of us have very different views about playing within Middle-earth. Something that I consider mandatory might be irrelevant to another player.

So I thought that I would start a discussion on what everyone would like to see within a creature worksheet.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 29 2012, 06:41 PM
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Comments, Questions and Concerns

Here is a bit of commentary on the current version, in no particular order.

Design: With regards to all pieces of data, examined separately from other content, the largest data set is used for layout. So creatures with 99,999 Endurance and a dozen paragraphs of text are used. Not the more realistic single digit Endurance and paragraph. Cutting down is easier than building.

Pages: A single monster write-up will cover two pages. This is unavoidable without reducing the worksheet to a couple paragraphs of text. Particularly in light of placing the Common Weapons and Called Shot Effects tables into the individual write-ups.

Weapons & Special Abilities: Does the current appearance make sense? Is it easy to read and understand as presented? I'm probably making a change to the font used for the name. Once again, something similar to the normal text font. Did you notice that the Called Shot is right there, among the weapon data, no need to flip pages? Love it or hate it?

Font Usage: The fonts currently in use will be changed to bring the Worksheet's appearance more into line with TOR's graphic example. Colors will also be changed. Font size should stay relatively the same.

Image: The combined Drama/Comedy mask shown is a placeholder for a monster image - assuming anyone can produce one. I'm not that talented.

Graphics: A few extra graphic elements are intended to dress-up the worksheet. Nothing major or excessive, but it will not follow the 'woodcarving' motif as that requires too much space. I'm focused on 'interesting but simple' elements; most likely dingbats, colophons and corners.

Text: Ignore most of the textual content shown! Large blocks of text are using dummy text (actually it is from another book) which has no relevance to ME, TOR, Tolkien, etc. It is included so that you can see the layout. To get a feel for the column placement, flow of text, font size (does reading strain your eyes?), etc.

Paragraphs: I'm debating whether I should change the paragraph style of the textual area (Description:, etc). Either of the following are possible:
  • 1st Combination:
    • First Paragraph of Field: Flush left, alternate font for field name (Description:), but similar. Possibly bold. With or without extra space between paragraphs. Justified.
    • Second Paragraph of Field: Indented, with or without extra space between parahraphs:
  • 2nd Combination: (only changes from above listed)
    • First Paragraph of Field: Indented.
    • Second Paragraph of Field: Flush left
Perhaps some other combination will occur to me. But this has to be done after the font changes. Otherwise we're finalizing details that might get changed (character spacing, appropriateness of a particular element, , etc).

Extra Stats Block: You might notice the inclusion of a bunch of extra stats. No idea whether they should, or will be, included. I just threw them in there after looking at other gaming systems and wondering if this data might be relevant to TOR.
  • Type: As mentioned elsewhere this is going to be needed for magical spells / echanted items.
  • Size: Volume filled or just general idea of size?
  • Rarity: How commonplace is the creature in Middle-earth (total world, not regional). Percentage.
  • Stature: How well known is the creature in Middle-earth (total world, not regional). Percentage.
  • Group: Organizational structure? Or quantity usually seen? Term or number - depending on chosen format.
  • Active: Period when the creature is most likely to be encountered. Term.
  • Mobile: Can the creature move? Y/N (Keep in mind that ghosts are locked into places, same with some plant creatures.)
  • Diet: What does this creature eat? General term (carnivore).
  • Resolve: How determined is the creature in completing it's goals? Percentage.
  • Intellect: This is meant to give some idea of the creature's ability to think and remember. Term. [I'm not sure this one works though.]
All of the above might be needed. Might be interesting. And might just be making things overly complex. Feedback requested!

Page Number: Change ? Make it more or less noticeable?

Monster Name: Change ? Font is changing as is color.

Bottom Blurb: A small area for author comments. Preferably of what legendary, imaginary or literary source acted as the basis for creating this specific creature. Particularly if it is based on real world mythology. Extra points for cross-referencing the names of similar creatures from other real-world s.

Quotation: Personally, I really like the current appearance. Font used and color need to be changed though. Hope it still works as well once that happens.

There might still be a need for the sectional write-ups for generalized information that applies to all of the individual creatures within a particular category. For instance, with Orcs, the general history of how Morgoth created them might be placed there, rather than the individual write-up. This would allow the individual write-up to deal more with a specific tribe of orc's history and could indicate rivalries, etc.

Reading comments in another topic just now, I noticed that NPCs might be written up with full stats. It never occured to me that this worksheet might require a full stat block for anyone, although I had imagined that it might be able to handle adversarial NPCs once completed. Something to think about.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 29 2012, 06:47 PM
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Alright, I know that was a horribly long wall of text, but I wanted to post it all up at one shot. Otherwise discussion might start and we would find ourselves referencing messages above, below and between any particular element discussion thread.

Assuming anyone is interested in the idea, of course. wink.gif

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 30 2012, 02:24 AM
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I am interested! smile.gif

Opinions and suggestions:
  • I do like the placement of the Called Shot.
  • I think the page number should go in the middle of the bottom.
  • I do like the layout and think that your ideas regarding fonts matching TOR make a lot of sense. Personally, I'd like the size to be at least 1 point size larger ... maybe even 2 points.
  • How about try two columns rather than three? I'd just like to see if it "flows" any better ... not saying three is at all bad ... just curious.
  • Put a box around the Stat Block.
  • Bold the Weapon or Attack Type. I'd go with the Bent Sword version. And, put a box around them, as well.
  • I like the quotes ... I'd use italics, though.
  • I'd put the Monster Name on the left and DEFINITELY use a special font! Tolkienesque, perhaps? wink.gif
I have a few questions ... some regarding methodology:

1. Is the form you have available as a MS-Word doc? I like new forms! What format IS the form in?

2. Will we send you our ideas and you put them into the form and then create a updated PDF?

3. Or, do we hash out our ideas in this thread and you compile into the aforementioned PDF?

4. Will you compile the creatures previously discussed in other forum threads? I have a small collection of ones I liked (and some that I created) that I'd be happy to post and/or send you (4 Wights, a Will O' The Wisp, a rough-draft Nazgūl, Easterling Warriors, Easterling War Chief, Diminished Drake, Wood-Lurker ... think Bog-Prowler in LotRO, a Gaunt-Man ... also from LotRO, Huorn, Spiderlings, and a Dindair). wink.gif I currently use a format that was created by another forum-ite here ... I don't recall the author, though ... JamesRBrown, maybe (?) ... it was a compilation of the Shadow creatures in TOR ... I used it as a template, created a new doc, and have been utilizing it since and adding my own creations and forum creations.

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Posted: Mar 30 2012, 07:28 AM
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How about using card summaries like this in addition to or instead of full page descriptions. I find full page descriptions great the first time a creature is encountered, but you really just want a concise summary of the creature with all weapon stats and abilities "in-lined" on subsequent encounters.

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Posted: Mar 30 2012, 08:46 AM
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QUOTE (Ashley @ Mar 30 2012, 11:28 AM)
How about using card summaries like this in addition to or instead of full page descriptions. I find full page descriptions great the first time a creature is encountered, but you really just want a concise summary of the creature with all weapon stats and abilities "in-lined" on subsequent encounters.

Nice! The card is a PNG ... do you have a word processor file version (e.g., MS-Word)?

I'd say that Garn's idea is appropriate for the "Monster Manual" and Ashley's for LM's sitting at the gaming table for running purposes. Why not do both as a simultaneous project? That is, when one submits a creature in one format, they must needs submit the same creature in the other?

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Posted: Mar 30 2012, 07:46 PM
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The card is a PNG ... do you have a word processor file version

Whole lot is in Pages (Mac) which I've saved to PDF and printed out on light yellow card stock. Here's a picture. I've grouped creatures by colour; Trolls (brown), Bats (orange), Mordor Orcs (red), Goblins (grey), Spiders & Marsh-dwellers (green) and Wolves (khaki).

I'd love to post the entire PDF, but that's probably a breach of copyright.

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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 01:02 AM
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QUOTE (Ashley @ Mar 30 2012, 11:46 PM)
Whole lot is in Pages (Mac) ...

Is it possible to save it to Word via "Save As" or somesuch manner within Pages on a Mac?

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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 03:39 AM
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QUOTE (Throrsgold @ Mar 30 2012, 09:02 PM)
QUOTE (Ashley @ Mar 30 2012, 11:46 PM)
Whole lot is in Pages (Mac) ...

Is it possible to save it to Word via "Save As" or somesuch manner within Pages on a Mac?

Doing so loses the tables and columns, usually.
It won't preserve the formatting well. (I do almost all my word processing and page layout in Pages.)

Please private message me and get my permission before reposting any of my post content elsewhere. Thanks.
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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 03:59 AM
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Software Used

The Monster Worksheet Sample, as seen, represents the work of several days and multiple programs. At present I am using a desktop publishing (DTP) application called Scribus, a free open-source project.

Attempting to produce similar results in desktop publishing, word processing, and spreadsheet software, DTP applications produced the most appealing results. Both graphically and in simply fitting all the various pieces of data onto the page.

My design goal is to create a highly usable form that other gamers could download and use on their own computers. Preferably as a PDF Form (which I'm doubtful can be done at present) or a Template where users can fill in the blank to publish their own. I imagine the whole effort should take about an hour to create a new write-up.

And right there is the problem. If users have to use a program to create results it must be something that everyone can obtain and use. All of the component parts have to be free and without licensing restrictions. Making Scribus and free fonts available online the most viable option for all of the requirements.

Ultimately the released Worksheet might not be a Scribus document. Perhaps it will be MS Word or some other program. But my efforts on the project had proceeded to a point where to be useful it needed additional perspectives and some user feedback.

Why not Scribus after all the commentary above? Because either it has a fairly steep learning curve for what should be a 1 hour write-up, or a number of programming oddities which make the program awkward to use. Perhaps, once the initial Worksheet is laid out, it might be a breeze to use. I don't know. So I'm undecided at the ultimate file format. Regardless, the results of my efforts will be released in some form.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 04:40 AM
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Thanks for taking a look. Here are some responses to your questions.

Page Number: I'll consider moving it, but I'm not sure how that will work with the Author blurb.
Font Size: I used a 10pt Alois font in the Worksheet Sample for the body text; TOR uses the same font, but I believe in a 12pt size. I noticed Alois is thinner and appears gray, not black, like Times New Roman ("Description" as seen in the Sample). And I've also just realized that there is no italic; luckily TNR italic is so close it is easily substituted in this situation (something I'm not sure SG/C7 noticed). I am still working on font usage and sizes.
Columns: I've switched to two columns and it works better. Thanks for the suggestion!
Boxes: I am going to temporarily say no to boxes. Scribus does not have tables. It uses a series of text boxes in rows and columns which simulate a table, but does not intelligently change size or otherwise deal well with reflowing text. This makes using boxes extremely cumbersome. BTW, the Bow of Horn (in the Sample) is done by the psuedo-table box method the program uses; however, I chose not to use borders / lines as I had not found the line width control yet. You're looking at about 2 hours work in that 3x4 table. /shudder!!! (Admittedly I either goofed a couple times or hit a bug.) If I can find a better way to handle things, they might get implemented.
Tolkienesque Font: This is, very unfortunately, an absolutely definite no. As my previous post stated, this Worksheet might have to be released as a Template (ie, all parts bundled together in a ZIP archive allowing users to do anything at all with those parts). Since this font is a copyrighted product available for retail purchase I cannot freely distribute it. Also, legally speaking, I don't know where fanzine material publishing falls with regards to licensing concerns. Is freely distributed fanzine material considered commercial or private usage?
Replacement Tolkienesue Font: I have not found a free commercial-use font that is reasonably close in appearance for the Quotations. If anyone knows of a font that might be a reasonable replacement, I would greatly appreciate any suggestion. I am looking for something like a 'handwritten uncial' font if we're going to try and find an 'exact' replacement. But any reasonably appropriate old-world looking font will be considered - but no cursive or other grand ligature script font (ie, wedding). They would not be appropriate. I would consider a very light ligature font though.
Word Format: No, not presently. Although Scribus uses Open Document Format, supposedly an XML based open specification so it might be readily convertible. Once the Worksheet is complete alternate file types can be considered.
Usage: I was thinking more like a 'fill in the blank' form or worksheet. I create the general blank form, you fill it up with your creature info and post your new critter. However, with some of the Scribus' quirks, it might end up being a case where I do the data entry. But that assumes things stay 'as is'. Right now anything is possible.
Creatures: By all means send me your custom critters. It will help test out the parameters of the form. After all, I cannot post a full write-up of any official creature - copyright issues (I imagine).

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 04:59 AM
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The first card (stone-troll) is awesome looking. Definitely a convenient size for use while gaming. I noticed in the full spread of cards you hit the same issue I did - variable amounts of data making a uniform, 'one size fits all' approach impossible. So the cards are of varying sizes. But I really do like your results.

Thror is correct, I was thinking more of a Monster Manual approach to my Worksheet design.

I could re-create something like that easily enough in just about any decent word-processing, spreadsheet or DTP program - except the one I'm actually using for this project! Well, that is not completely true, I could do so but it would be best to cut-out the Weapon Skills and Special Ability descriptions if trying to keep the cards uniform. But you are correct, passing those around would be a copyright issue.

Heck, I've used the Great Orc entry as my sample and it looks fine with the text from the Weapons and Abilities added in. Even added a mini TOR logo from Azrapse's Character Sheet Builder as a kind of rubber-stamp to indicate that it is an official creature as opposed to fan material.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 06:35 AM
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Hi Garn,

Thanks for the kind words. With regards to fonts you may want to check out Google's web fonts if you haven't already. You can freely link to them and/or download as ttf.

Given you're wanting a collaborative documentation solution, have you considered Google docs? Or doesn't that offer enough formatting options?

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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 07:55 AM
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Thank you for the suggestion. I took a look at the Google fonts, but did not find anything that seemed appropriate.

As for Google Docs... I try to avoid Google for completely unreasonable and biased personal opinions in general. But specifically in this case because their is no point in my designing something I won't use because it's on Google! smile.gif Thus I have no idea whether the formatting options are sufficient or not.

If I get desperate I will take a look though!

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Mar 31 2012, 08:43 PM
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I created a form in MS-Word based (heavily) on Ashley's Pages form. Using it, I compiled the creatures I mentioned earlier. They are available in the "New Adversaries" link in my signature line.

I'd like any thoughts/suggestions/feedback on them. Some are ones I created ... some are gathered from several threads on the forum.

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Posted: Apr 1 2012, 02:58 AM
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Everyone doing sterling work here.


Re: the Easterling Blocks.

Saddle Born seems overly powerful in the light of the input by Francesco in the thread about mounted combat. When I suggested a 'Cultural Blessing' that included making all mtd weapon skills 'Favoured', he thought that was a bit much. For all those skill groups to be favoured seems excessive.

Might I suggest that it be changed to incorporate Hate. Say, that an opponent with this Shadow Ability can spend a point of Hate to make any single Movement, Survival or Combat roll Favoured, whilst mounted.smile.gif

Ps: descriptive text would also be useful for new critters like Wood Lurker and Gaunt Man.
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Posted: Apr 1 2012, 03:13 PM
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QUOTE (Halbarad @ Apr 1 2012, 06:58 AM)
Everyone doing sterling work here.


Re: the Easterling Blocks.

Saddle Born seems overly powerful in the light of the input by Francesco in the thread about mounted combat. When I suggested a 'Cultural Blessing' that included making all mtd weapon skills 'Favoured', he thought that was a bit much. For all those skill groups to be favoured seems excessive.

Might I suggest that it be changed to incorporate Hate. Say, that an opponent with this Shadow Ability can spend a point of Hate to make any single Movement, Survival or Combat roll Favoured, whilst mounted.smile.gif

Ps: descriptive text would also be useful for new critters like Wood Lurker and Gaunt Man.

Thanks, Halbarad!

I made your suggested changes. Let me know what you think of the tweaks and changes.

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Posted: Apr 1 2012, 03:44 PM
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Looking good Throrsgold. The text and the pictures are very useful. I presume these critters are from LOTRO? I don't play it so they are completely new to me. Thanks. smile.gif
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Posted: Apr 1 2012, 03:50 PM
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QUOTE (Halbarad @ Apr 1 2012, 07:44 PM)
Looking good Throrsgold. The text and the pictures are very useful. I presume these critters are from LOTRO? I don't play it so they are completely new to me. Thanks. smile.gif

Thank you.

Yes, they are. In the game, there are multiple versions of these ... I just chose a more "generic" version. I figured I could expand them at a later date, if necessary.

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Posted: Apr 1 2012, 04:49 PM
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I have to thank you again for posting your creature format. I was impressed in how tightly you were able to compact all the information - with the exception of Called Shots and Special Abilities - which are the two areas that everyone is finding difficult.

Trying to recreate your format on the Worksheet allowed me to find a work around for the psuedo-table problem I was having. I had found a way around misaligned text earlier, but never tried applying it to tables as I had just horribly failed with them. So I had a kind of mental disconnect there. But attempting to recreate your table format helped to bridge the gap.

So I've made some changes to the Worksheet and created what might be a more viable layout. It's not perfect, unfortunately, but does a better job at displaying information.

I will be posting another Sample shortly.

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Apr 1 2012, 04:54 PM
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QUOTE (Garn @ Apr 1 2012, 08:49 PM)
I will be posting another Sample shortly.

Looking forward to seeing KewlForm 2.0!

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Posted: Apr 2 2012, 05:35 AM
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Hi Garn,

... with the exception of Called Shots and Special Abilities - which are the two areas that everyone is finding difficult.

Called shots shouldn't be a problem if you shorten "Break shield" to just "Smash" or similar. If you also want to inline the definition then I'd suggest placing an aster after the called shot keyword and placing a concise description in italics spanning the width of the weapons area. Here's an example of a spider which also shows how you can handle its non-standard weapon attributes.
As for special abilities, if you want to place them on a standard-size card then you're left with the same choices as every card game publisher:
  • Accept the fact that cards will have a variable amount of whitespace
  • Fill this whitespace with optional "flavour" text or an image
  • Vary font size (not recommended)

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Posted: Apr 2 2012, 03:50 PM
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The latest Worksheet Sample, v9.1.7, should be available now. The original post in this thread contains the updated link and change log information.

This Sample includes another work in progress, the Strangling Mist, which is not ready for release. I needed an original creature so as not to post a recreation of one of SG/C7's creatures. Some of the stats and other material shown might be from prior testing of the Worksheet.

I mostly meant that Called Shots and Special Abilities, in order to be useful on the card, would require inline placement. Ultimately anywhere on the card is better than looking it up though.

This post has been edited by Garn on Apr 2 2012, 06:03 PM

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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Posted: Apr 9 2012, 07:03 PM
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Project Update
A bit distracted by the Holiday, so there are only a few changes to the layout. I've posted an updated Monster Worksheet Sample v10.1.1. Only the stat block has been changed.

Any Comments About Extra Stats?
Anyone have any comments regarding the extra stats shown on the Worksheet? Love them? Hate them? Do these stats add information that would be helpful to your campaign? Do you prefer this information be included in the creature's details, instead? Or, maybe because it does not follow the SG/C7 standard, you would rather not muck around with it?

Here is a re-cap of the extra stats (slightly updated), in case you cannot recall what I'm talking about.
  • Type: As mentioned elsewhere this is going to be needed for magical spells / echanted items. Term (Orc, Giant, Troll, Undead, Insect, Spider, Maia, etc)
  • Size: Just a general idea of size. Term (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, etc)
  • Rarity: How commonplace is the creature in Middle-earth (total world, not regional). Percentage. (This is more of a statistical guideline than a game mechanic. It gives Loremasters some idea of how often the creature might be encountered within Middle-earth. It can be completely ignored without issue.)
  • Stature: How well known is the creature in Middle-earth (total world, not regional). Percentage. (The note for Rarity, above, applies here as well. This is meant to provide some idea of how much the creature is spoken about in song, lore, etc. It is not meant to affect those skills' game mechanic. This works well for things like the Wereworms that only the Hobbits recall [assuming they are real].)
  • Group: Organizational structure? Or quantity usually seen? Term or number - depending on chosen format. I'm leaning toward term.
  • Active: Period when the creature is most likely to be encountered. Term. (Day, Night, Darkness, Twilight, Special (required circumstances), etc)
  • Mobile: Can the creature move? Y/N (Keep in mind that ghosts are locked into places, same with some plant creatures. A means is needed to differentiate between movable, but not mobile, plants and fey.)
  • Diet: What does this creature eat? Term (carnivore, herbivore, cannibal, ). Tolkien paid attention to the lifeforms around Middle-earth. This is not intended for an "Ecology of..." article, but to give some idea where the creature fits into the ecological order of things.
  • Resolve: How determined is the creature in completing it's goals? Percentage. (Once again, this is meant as a statistical guideline, not a game mechanic. It illustrates how willing the creature is to complete a goal in the face of adversity. Some examples: Sam Gamgee 70%, Gollum 85% (Smeagol 35%), Nazgul 100%, Orc 40%)
  • Intellect: This is meant to give some idea of the creature's ability to think and remember. Term. (I'm not sure this one works though.)

I have yet to read the books thoroughly.
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