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> Weaving A Campaign, Suggested adventure order?
  Posted: Feb 6 2013, 06:51 PM
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Sorry to have my first post in the forum be asking a favor...

In late December when I first discovered the TOR forums, I read a lot of the old threads to get a sense of how the game plays and what might be a good path to take with my campaign. Now that my campaign is starting, I'm looking to have a good starting adventure to get the players and me used to the system, and have that segue into the larger story of Tales from Wilderland. I remember a thread where someone detailed a sample 'schedule' for all the pre-written content (Tales, Words of the Wise, Marsh Bell, some fan stuff too).

The thread was many pages back and I can't find it, even via the Google search. Any help?

Also: I'd be willing to discuss this as a new thread, if anyone has suggestions for good places to break for Fellowship between adventures in the campaign, proper rate of experience gain for each adventure at that pace, and good places to slot in fan-made or other adventures while tying them all together.

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Posted: Feb 7 2013, 07:16 AM
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Hi aerothopter, welcome to the forums.

QUOTE (aerothopter @ Feb 6 2013, 10:51 PM)
Sorry to have my first post in the forum be asking a favor...
No problem. Sharing information and insight is what the community is all about.

I'm not sure if this is the thread you were referring to but there was a discussion about what order to play the adventures in here: Order Of The Adventures, Which ones to play first?

I'd also point you at a couple of fan-made adventures that have been posted recently. They weren't around at that time and are nice alternatives/additions to the published TOR adventures.

Rich H's To Journey's End and the Eagles' Eyrie, which is certainly very worth a look and is either a nice alternative to the Marsh Bell and Don't Leave the Path or the second half of it can be used as a follow-on to the Marsh Bell.

Eclipse's Blood in the Waters, which is an alternative starting adventure.

I'm sure there are plenty of others.

Experience gain is done per session. Ostensibly 1-2 per session (with the possibility of a bonus 3rd point I think - I'll look it up and post again in a bit if one of the many luminaries here hasn't beaten me to it). Therefore rate of gain primarily depends on how many sessions it takes you to play through each adventure. It has been noted that this could lead to some oddities if your sessions are particularly short or long.

Hope that's of some use.

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Posted: Feb 7 2013, 07:36 AM
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Take a look at LB pg 17 for the details on awarding experience at the end of each session. It's basically:

At the end of each session:
1 + 1 if you've made significant progress towards your goal

And then supplementary points at the end of an adventure for particularly cool play etc up to a maximum of 1 per 2 game sessions played.

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Posted: Feb 7 2013, 03:26 PM
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I need to bookmark the relevant threads, especially since people ask and I forget where they are lol



Those were threads where a possible play order have been discussed.

I posted an image with a suggested play order based on what others had said -

user posted image

It's whatever suits you smile.gif


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Posted: Feb 7 2013, 07:29 PM
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Thanks so much for re-posting this list, timb! My group is playing through Words of the Wise, but I didn't know what order would be best when I began (I haven't been able to get my hands on TfW yet).

Hopefully if I move from Words of the Wise to The Marsh-Bell next (both taking place in Spring, even if a distance away from each other) it will make sense. Perhaps I will even make a year take place in-between?

Currently running Villains & Vigilantes (campaign is now 22 years old), Star Wars d6, and The One Ring.
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Posted: Feb 8 2013, 05:44 PM
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Thanks Fictionaut and timb, those were exactly what I was looking for.

I'm really excited to start in--I think I'll probably do Rich H's "To Journey's End and the Eagles' Eyrie" to start.
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Posted: Feb 10 2013, 05:04 PM
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Where can I find the adventure Watch on Dol Guldur? I see you mention "from Words of the Wise", but I don't see any Watch on Dol Guldur in those 11 pages...

am I missing something?
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Posted: Feb 10 2013, 05:09 PM
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The "Watch on Dol Guldur" isn't a published quest but is part of the setup at the start of "Words of the Wise" - it is mentioned that the characters meet whilst keeping watch on Dol Guldur, they encounter something and are forced to retreat.


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Posted: Feb 18 2013, 11:07 AM
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I have all the adventures listed on this list. Are there any other adventures out there for the game, official, convention or fan-made that don't show here? I want to have them all.

Thanks in advance!
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Posted: Feb 18 2013, 04:40 PM
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QUOTE (daddystabz @ Feb 18 2013, 03:07 PM)
I have all the adventures listed on this list.  Are there any other adventures out there for the game, official, convention or fan-made that don't show here? I want to have them all.

Thanks in advance!

I don't know if you spotted them but higher up in the thread I linked to:
- Rich H's re-working of The Marsh Bell and Don't Leave the Path, which also has some really nice original elements.
- Eclipse's "Blood in the Waters"

Others I am aware of:
- Eclipse has recently done another adventure with a lighter tone Of Ghosts (and Goblins)
- JamesRBrown's Hunting of the Wolves Campaign Synopsis (which isn't an adventure but has plenty of neat ideas for adventures in it)
- Casey McGirt's Over Hill, Over Dale
- If you can translate from the French there's also an adventure in Issue 8 of Marauder Magazine (somebody posted a link here a while back - though I can't find it right now)

I'm sure I've missed a few but hope that's helpful.

By the way, should any of them stop by, my thanks go to the various adventure authors mentioned above for sharing these in the first place. You guys are awesome!

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Posted: Feb 18 2013, 04:47 PM
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QUOTE (Fictionaut @ Feb 18 2013, 08:40 PM)
QUOTE (daddystabz @ Feb 18 2013, 03:07 PM)
I have all the adventures listed on this list.  Are there any other adventures out there for the game, official, convention or fan-made that don't show here? I want to have them all.

Thanks in advance!

I don't know if you spotted them but higher up in the thread I linked to:
- Rich H's re-working of The Marsh Bell and Don't Leave the Path, which also has some really nice original elements.
- Eclipse's "Blood in the Waters"

Others I am aware of:
- Eclipse has recently done another adventure with a lighter tone Of Ghosts (and Goblins)
- JamesRBrown's Hunting of the Wolves Campaign Synopsis (which isn't an adventure but has plenty of neat ideas for adventures in it)
- Casey McGirt's Over Hill, Over Dale
- If you can translate from the French there's also an adventure in Issue 8 of Marauder Magazine (somebody posted a link here a while back - though I can't find it right now)

I'm sure I've missed a few but hope that's helpful.

By the way, should any of them stop by, my thanks go to the various adventure authors mentioned above for sharing these in the first place. You guys are awesome!

Thanks so much! That is incredibly helpful!
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Posted: Feb 18 2013, 05:01 PM
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You're very welcome. Glad it was useful smile.gif

By the way, in case you were interested, I just found the Marauder Magazine link courtesy of Dalriada in an earlier thread: http://www.studio09.net/index.php?option=c...&id=20&Itemid=7

And it occurred to me that, though not a TOR adventure, I've heard people mention that Shadow Over Dale, from Decipher's LOTR RPG, is pretty easy to translate. Ovid's certainly been posting a cool AP of it here.

I'll let you know if I remember any others.

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