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> What Is The 'small Trait', Small Folk virtue bonus
Posted: Nov 30 2011, 08:47 PM
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In the Small Folk Virtue description on page 132 of the Adventurers guide it states that this virtue gives the 'Small Trait' outside of combat. What it's the Small Trait, I can't find it in the Traits chapter? I guess it's easy enough to make it up, but it would be useful to know what Francesco had in mind.
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Posted: Nov 30 2011, 10:13 PM
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you can use "Small" as a trait. Ie invoke that as if it were any other trait. ex. Since my character is small can I squeeze through? LM: Why yes you can.

So it can be used like any other trait for an automatic action, unforseen action, or advancement.

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Posted: Dec 1 2011, 02:22 PM
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Exactly. In our campaign another player and I play hobbit brothers. He has "Small" as a trait and I don't. There was a gap in a wall that he wanted to squeeze through, so he called on Small to make it happen. For another character it would have either been impossible or would have called for an Athletics roll or something.
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Posted: Dec 1 2011, 07:24 PM
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Ok thanks, I thought it was listed somewhere under 'Small' Trait and I couldn't find it - but it's easy enough to work out how to use it - just as you've suggested. Thanks
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