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> When Does The License End?, When does TOR license end?
Posted: Apr 18 2013, 02:33 PM
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I'm sure this has been answered or posted, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

When does the license end for The One Ring?

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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 02:51 PM
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Hopefully not before (a) they resolve the PDF issue and (cool.gif actually put out more product.
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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 02:54 PM
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This game is so awesome that the guys should get the license renewed for free!
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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 03:23 PM
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Rather a depressing question tongue.gif

Also, it seems like the PDf 'issue' won't be fixed any time soon. That's the impression I've gotten from Jon Hodgson's explanations anyway. Besides, what's wrong with a nice book?

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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 03:44 PM
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Perhaps we can draw some conclusions from the past. MERP was licensed first in 1982 and the license was renewed by 1993. It looks like the first run (and the renewal) had a running time of 10 years each.
DEC got its license in 2002 and did not renew it when it expired in 2007. Thus they had a 5-year license. This is understandable in light of the higher visibility of Tolkien due to the movies and TE's (now MEE) interest in shorter runs to better control revenue flow (if successful, they can re-negotiate more favorable terms earlier).

My guess is a 5-year license for TOR as well, but that's my very personal speculation based on the former licenses.


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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 04:10 PM
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Tolwen, I think, has nailed it.

Although, I don't think I'd be too preoccupied with the question of when or if the license ends. Given the state of digital technologies - the cat's out of the bag.

The core system is in our hands, we even have supplementary products. The game lives in hundreds of places now so, in my opinion, it can't be cancelled (if that's what you're getting at). Officially supported? Maybe.

But, methinks it'll take more than that to end TOR - we live in a world of plenty.
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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 09:02 PM
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QUOTE (Beleg @ Apr 18 2013, 07:23 PM)
Besides, what's wrong with a nice book?

Nothing, except I don't buy books for RPGs and I'd like to give those nice folks money for their nifty products. smile.gif

A five-year license doesn't bode well for a production run at the current pace. Adjust expectations accordingly.

Really, I'm glad to have the core rules and TfW as examples of adventures. It would be nice to have more, but I'll live without them. I'd just like to give those nice folks money (see point 1, above). wink.gif
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Posted: Apr 18 2013, 10:51 PM
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"DEC got its license in 2002 and did not renew it when it expired in 2007."

Though I hope that C7 has a better business plan, and much more trustworthy employees then Decipher. With Dec's version being tied so closely to the film triology I think is the reason fort he shorter contract term. They knew sales would drop drastically a few months after the last movie came out, which they did. I have to say I like that version, but I don't like any of the supplements that came out for it. you could get the same info, better presented if you bought a "making of..."book for the LotRs.

My guess it would be closer to the MERP term, as it does not have the connection to other movie media. Though doubt the new Hobbit movies won't hurt sales.

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Posted: Apr 19 2013, 10:11 AM
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QUOTE (Beran @ Apr 19 2013, 02:51 AM)
My guess it would be closer to the MERP term, as it does not have the connection to other movie media. Though doubt the new Hobbit movies won't hurt sales.

Here you have to keep in mind that it closely related temporally to the 'Hobbit' movies and shares the regional theme with them. But in contrast to LotRRPG, TOR does not look nor feels like a movie prop - that's right.

And of course it would add a lot of planning reliability for the development team if it'd were a 10-year license. Let's hope for the best smile.gif


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Posted: Apr 19 2013, 02:24 PM
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With the stumbling blocks that have been thrown up in front of C7's production schedule let's hope it is a long term contract, otherwise C7 won't be able to get what they hope done and out to the public.

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Posted: Apr 23 2013, 10:18 AM
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Hopefully it will not expire before we get any other books. But it might be a possibility really considering the schedules.

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Posted: Apr 23 2013, 11:59 AM
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I'm pretty sure they have at least a couple of years, and I'm sure they'll deliver a couple of more books in that time at least. I know things have gotten pushed back but they did release 2 books last year right? I guess they'll probably get everything on their list except Rivendale done this year. I'm really looking forward to all these releases. It seems like the next couple of books priority is increasing the development for wilderland which I think is great.

I'm guessing they will then start focusing on Eriandor, starting with Rivendale and then probably going on to get some more of that before the license expires, whenever that is. I don't know if an overview of the whole area with maps and the like is too much to hope for....If I'm really lucky maybe they will renew! and then they can lowly do a whole lot more. Honestly I prefer slow steady and high quality over rushed things with lots of useless NPC stats and not a lot of flavor.
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Posted: Apr 24 2013, 02:58 PM
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Guys and gals, the license for the Marvel Heroic RPG line from Margaret Weis Productions has ended. Yeah, that's very surprising.

You can read the last paragraph for more details. And as you can see, selling wasn't enough to sustain the line.

So, don't forget to buy your next The One Ring books, ah! and more dice sets. tongue.gif

(I don't know how C7 could manage that many great licences, Dom is a bussiness genius).

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Posted: Apr 24 2013, 04:32 PM
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QUOTE (fbnaulin @ Apr 24 2013, 06:58 PM)
Guys and gals, the license for the Marvel Heroic RPG line from Margaret Weis Productions has ended. Yeah, that's very surprising.

Considering Marvel history concerning RPG, not really.
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