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> Words Of The Wise - New Adventure Available Now!
Posted: Feb 9 2012, 11:52 AM
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Cubicle 7 Staff

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Hi everyone

Words of the Wise, a free adventure in PDF is available now at www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=99330&affiliate_id=169435

When the land of the Woodmen is threatened, the company must carry the words of the wise in a quest for aid. Success depends upon their actions as much as message they deliver, and there is even more at stake than they realise.

We hope you enjoy it - thanks for your support and enthusiasm!


Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 12:12 PM
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Most wondrous! Thank you for releasing this.

Best regards,
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 12:49 PM
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This is beautiful & I can't wait to run some player-heroes through it. Thank you for making it available to us & please keep adventures coming.

BTW, this is the first one I've seen outside of The Marsh Bell, & we fans would love to see more. This looks like a wonderful effort & I"m very pleased, & hope that you'll introduce more even beyond Tales from Wilderland.
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 01:05 PM
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Just downloaded the PDF. Looks great. smile.gif
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 02:26 PM
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I just downloaded it! Thank you!

I think my group of Savage Worlds kids from church will like The One Ring, and this adventure!

Yours in fellowship,
Stephen "Trotter"

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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 02:43 PM
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Cool, a freebie! Perusing this now - excellent quality, as expected. Thanks!
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 02:45 PM
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Thanks so much!

The hard work of all your team is appreciated.


222 off being the Devil member
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 02:50 PM
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EDIT: And my forum ramblings got a nod. Thanks Francesco, Dom and Jon.

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. ... You certainly usually find something if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 04:45 PM
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QUOTE (Skywalker @ Feb 9 2012, 06:50 PM)

EDIT: And my forum ramblings got a nod. Thanks Francesco, Dom and Jon.

The nod was really the minimum we could do. The format of encounters in Tales from Wilderland too acknowledges your suggestions. Thank you very much Skywalker!

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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 04:50 PM
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Thank you, thank you! This couldn't be more timely, since I'm now plotting out a short series of TOR adventures, and it's great to have a second data point alongside The Marsh Bell to help guide me.
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 05:14 PM
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This is wonderful! Thank you for making it available free of charge. Also, I love the full art piece on p. 9. Jon Hodgson's avatar here on the forums looks like it comes from that piece.

Please visit my blog, Advancement Points: The One Ring Files, for my TOR Resources
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 07:44 PM
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I must have played a draft of that at Indiecon in Nov 2011

cheers for release chaps
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 09:21 PM
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Thanks for sharing!
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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 09:35 PM
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I just downloaded mine! Looks fantastic!

Thank you so much for the work and for sharing.


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Posted: Feb 9 2012, 10:37 PM
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Awesome!!! Many thanks!
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 06:31 AM
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Thanks a lot guys!

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and stones crack in the frosty night,
when pools are black and trees are bare,
'tis evil in the Wild to fare.
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 08:39 AM
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Nice timing wink.gif
This fits in nicely with where my campaign has got to and will be the next adventure to be run.

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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 08:48 AM
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Awesome, thanks for a great, and free!, adventure.

Will be running this at the end of my current adventure, it fits in brilliantly with where I'm going to leave off.

Keep them coming and will do a game report on this when I get around to running it.



Morituri Nolumus Mori
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 09:43 AM
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First off, I want to say thanks again! It's especially impressive that the writing, layout and production values shown in TOR are present in internet freebies. I can't wait to see what TftW looks like.

While reading WftW, the following caught my eye:
Adventure soon followed when they were tasked with investigating rumours of a shadowy figure seen visiting the vicinity of Dol Guldur.

Any chance we can see more of this?
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 09:57 AM
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QUOTE (fatbaldhobbit @ Feb 10 2012, 01:43 PM)
While reading WftW, the following caught my eye:
Adventure soon followed when they were tasked with investigating rumours of a shadowy figure seen visiting the vicinity of Dol Guldur.

I think that this may be a reference to the presence of a certain gangrel creature searching for something precious.
See the 2947 entry for the Tale of Years (LM pg. 96).

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Current EU RPG Group Games: European FG2 RPG
Friday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - Classic Traveller
Sunday (8pm to 11pm UK time; Ultimate License) - The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild

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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 10:09 AM
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Thank you for the bonus adventure. We are gearing up to begin our One Ring campaign, and any material helps. smile.gif

My gaming blog: The Mad Bounder

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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 10:35 AM
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Any chance of an update on the LM Screen, dice, or Tales from Wilderland? I am on my third re-read of the rules; and, it still amazes me with its sincerity to the sources!

And, the free PDF is wonderful in quality similar to the core set. Hands down, this is my favorite roleplaying system as well as actual game in a long time. So, I can't help but ask...!

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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 02:09 PM
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I should have figured you had your hand in something behind the scenes on this - I'm looking forward to seeing what they've done with your recommendations concerning Tale from Wilderland.
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 02:14 PM
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Dom, Francesco,

This is the second time you've given us some beautiful writing concerning the Woodmen & their abodes within & nigh Mirkwood, however, we don't have any further descriptions of any of their settlements ohmy.gif.

I.E. An inn or alehouse, a great hall (in addition to the excellent write-up in the rules), a lord & his household or a family, a map, etc. Our player-heroes will seek to develop sanctuaries & spend their Fellowship Phases in these places, & even with the more abstract view of TOR, it leaves us with some gaps (Lake-town's a long way off). Will you please consider adding something like this to Tales from Wilderland or to a future release like The Darkening of Mirkwood?

Ditto for Errantries of the King - Bree would be a wonderful supplement to Rivendell. Ditto for The War of the Ring - dare we ask for something like Minas Tirith or Dol Amroth? Just looking ahead. It's an awfully lot of work, but you have a winner of a game & we hope you keep these excellent products flowing tongue.gif.
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 02:44 PM
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QUOTE (Mim @ Feb 10 2012, 06:14 PM)
Will you please consider adding something like this to Tales from Wilderland or to a future release like The Darkening of Mirkwood?

Tales from Wilderland has more information on the Woodmen and their settlements, and Darkening has lots. Hopefully, sneek peeks about TfW will start appearing soon.


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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 03:49 PM
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QUOTE (Mim @ Feb 10 2012, 06:09 PM)
I should have figured you had your hand in something behind the scenes on this - I'm looking forward to seeing what they've done with your recommendations concerning Tale from Wilderland.

I didnt do any more than what I posted here on the forums. Dom, Francesco and the team should get all the praise. smile.gif

Re: Words of the Wise, it's a very cool adventure. However, if I had one minor criticism it would be that I would have liked a stronger cause and effect in the later half of the scenario. Parts 2, 3 and 4 seem sort of isolated and though the PCs do take part in the events, they don't really learn, develop or influence the events that happen.

Edit: To give a more concrete example of what might tie the adventure together more, I might add that the PCs find out from the Goblin in Part 1 that there will be the attack in Part Four and when. This sets a time limit for going to the Woodland Realm and back to get aid. This should make the players need to make hard decisions over how to tackle the journey, choosing to take risks to cut time and really selling the journey system as a way for PCs to influence their success.

It also provides momentum to the scene with the Woodland King as the PCs try and impress on him the need for speed. Finally, I would add a link between what aid the Woodland King provides and the final battle, making the PCs direct challenge in Part Four linked to how successful they were in Part Three. Maybe something like reducing the number of opponents, determining the number of turns the PCs must hold out for or providing a number of Elven assists when rolling Gandalf runes (or negating Sauron runes).

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. ... You certainly usually find something if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 04:18 PM
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QUOTE (Skywalker @ Feb 10 2012, 07:49 PM)
Re: Words of the Wise, it's a very cool adventure. However, if I had one minor criticism it would be that I would have liked a stronger cause and effect in the later half of the scenario.

Maybe the structure of the scenario suffers slightly from its original goal as a demo adventure. It was supposed to let a group of people who didn't know anything about the game mechanics to enjoy the ride.
But even as it stands, it plays very well in the hands of an experienced group, as ties and connections are easily tightened, making up for the possible lack of well-explored options. What I enjoyed the most when I first read it was how Dom's writing evoked effectively how the life at the edges of Mirkwood might have been.

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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 05:23 PM
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Thank you for clarifying this for us. Your information is very exciting & makes me look forward even more to the release of these books. I agree that Dom's writing is very evocative of the dangers for the Woodmen living on what is, in effect, an imperiled frontier.

There is so much that we can all do concerning Middle-earth, & you must be having fun working on these supplements for us biggrin.gif.


In addition to your other points concerning your participation in the scenario, I'm glad you've suggested the possibility of the Orc divulging to the player-heroes about the impending attack. It's a good plot device & I intend to use it if I run the adventure.
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 05:31 PM
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QUOTE (Francesco @ Feb 10 2012, 08:18 PM)
QUOTE (Skywalker @ Feb 10 2012, 07:49 PM)
Re: Words of the Wise, it's a very cool adventure. However, if I had one minor criticism it would be that I would have liked a stronger cause and effect in the later half of the scenario.

Maybe the structure of the scenario suffers slightly from its original goal as a demo adventure. It was supposed to let a group of people who didn't know anything about the game mechanics to enjoy the ride.
But even as it stands, it plays very well in the hands of an experienced group, as ties and connections are easily tightened, making up for the possible lack of well-explored options. What I enjoyed the most when I first read it was how Dom's writing evoked effectively how the life at the edges of Mirkwood might have been.


Good point. It's a solid scenario for that purpose.

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. ... You certainly usually find something if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 05:44 PM
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QUOTE (Francesco @ Feb 10 2012, 08:18 PM)
Maybe the structure of the scenario suffers slightly from its original goal as a demo adventure. It was supposed to let a group of people who didn't know anything about the game mechanics to enjoy the ride.

I think it's perfect as a convention introduction, or as a short, one-evening adventure. There's plenty to work from and, if desired, add to. You could easily build this out into a larger adventure (or even just tweak as Skywalker suggested), but I think it works well as-is if you need something really limited in scope.
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Posted: Feb 10 2012, 10:55 PM
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Wonderful, beautiful adventure. My only problem with it is simply that I would like a printer friendly version (maybe there is somewhere) because I don't always like running an rpg around technology.
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Posted: Feb 12 2012, 05:31 AM
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Cubicle 7 Staff

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!

We're working on a range of PDF adventures at the moment, so there will be more to follow...

Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
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Posted: Feb 12 2012, 01:46 PM
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I'm hard put to think of things that you can post that will generate more interest & excitement. This is wonderful news & just what the doctor ordered.

It's encouraging to see that you & your team are paying attention to our (many cool.gif) requests, & I look forward eagerly to these adventures tongue.gif.

Thank you!
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Posted: Feb 12 2012, 03:09 PM
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QUOTE (Domfromc7 @ Feb 12 2012, 09:31 AM)
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

We're working on a range of PDF adventures at the moment, so there will be more to follow...

Like smile.gif

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. ... You certainly usually find something if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after."
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Posted: Feb 12 2012, 07:07 PM
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I don't generally give out Advancement Points for 'Me Too' attempts, wink.gif
but: "Me too!"

QUOTE (Credits page of Words of the Wise (bold emphasis mine))
We wrote this adventure for GenCon 2011 where we were launching The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild.  It’s great to see the fully designed version, and fun to be reminded of the anticipation we all had prior to publication.  We are all tremendously pleased by the response to the game and this complimentary PDF is a thank you for your enthusiasm, involvement and passion.

Thank you for thanking us! What a great attitude, C7 and Sophisticated. biggrin.gif

Skill rolls for a hunt, a Fight, discussion (but not an Encounter as such), Journey, optional pre-Encounter, full-on Encounter with the Elvenking himself, Journey back (but easier, in the spirit of downplaying return legs as less dramatic), and another climactic Fight with interesting Radagast influence.
And plenty of references to other things going on just outside the Player-heroes' current reach, which is very much in the style of Tolkien's writing as well.
Great stuff!

I especially like the way there are spot-rules specific to several bits, illustrating how the framework of the basic rules can benefit from a bit of embellishment in specific circumstances. It encourages we LMs to feel free to improvise similar sorts of things ourselves.


The Treasure of the House of Dathrin - Actual Play of original material in HârnMaster, 2008
The Rescue of Framleiđandi – Actual Play of The Marsh Bell as adapted for use in this campaign.
A Murder of Gorcrows - Actual Play of original material. (last entry 20 Feb 2013)
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Posted: Feb 13 2012, 04:52 AM
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QUOTE (Osric @ Feb 12 2012, 06:07 PM)
And plenty of references to other things going on just outside the Player-heroes' current reach, which is very much in the style of Tolkien's writing as well.
Great stuff!

I especially like the way there are spot-rules specific to several bits, illustrating how the framework of the basic rules can benefit from a bit of embellishment in specific circumstances. It encourages we LMs to feel free to improvise similar sorts of things ourselves.

I couldn't agree more with your assessment Os.

The "other things going on just outside" brings out a wonderful Tolkien-style narrative.

And, the "spot-rules specific to several bits" feels right to the way I read TOR overall. We don't have any house-rules operative in our campaign yet (maybe never). In most cases, I adapt existing rules conventions to specific circumstances.

For example, my use of a "vigorous pace" or forced march by Woodmen to reach an outlying homestead before nightfall. No special rule I've created for this. Just a unique application of an Athletics Task where success lowers the terrain difficulty one-level for calculating the terrain-effect on the Journey distance. The degree of success determines the affect on the Fatigue Test TN: a simple success the Fatigue Test TN goes up two-levels, a great success the TN goes up one-level, and an extra-ordinary success the Fatigue Test TN stays unaffected. A failure of the Athletics Task and the "vigorous pace" couldn't be maintained forcing a night outside of stout walls with Mirkwood darkening all around.

Nothing I want to write in stone about a new rule per se, just a unique rule application for a specific context.

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Captain Poe
Posted: Feb 14 2012, 12:45 PM
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I love the epic battle at the end and the use of the gandalf rune for triggering epic bonuses and boosts. Great stuff!

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Posted: Jul 30 2012, 11:07 AM
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Tried downloading 'Words of the Wise' and is been taken off.

Anyone know where I can get a copy?

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Posted: Jul 30 2012, 11:49 AM
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Well, I was going to say try DrivethruRPG /RPGNow, but there are no TOR products at all in the Cubicle 7 section... which is odd, because they were there!

Anyone at C7 know why they are not available?
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Posted: Jul 30 2012, 11:55 AM
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I'm not an official rep, but:

The Words of The Wise adventure is being offered as part of The One Ring Collection, (both hard-copy and pdf) as a Gencon exclusive. It was also being offered as a pre-order but i'm not sure if it is still available.


That might be why the free pdf is not available.

Here's a link to the C7 store. Looks like it's still available:
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