p.11 The Guiding Light
The light will last until the next
prolonged rest period, after which it must be recast.
Isn't it too long? Maybe the effect could last for one Scene (one Combat, one Encounter, one Travel leg,...).
p.11 The Shadow Test
I guess the Shadwo Test is design to, usually, be failed by the Shadow creatures, right?
Otherwise, it needs a very powerful adversary against a weak hero to succeed (unless an Eye is rolled).
On the other hand, why not try to stick to the usual rule of "make players do the rolling"? The caster could do a Wisdom test with a TN of 10 (or 8 if you want it to be easier) + Attribute level of the adversary. Hope points can be used to improve the outcome of the roll.
A Commanding Voice
I can't see the difference between using this Practice and using the Persuade skill. Am I missing something? Only the fact that you don't need to roll? Then it's too similar to a Trait for my taste. I think it should be a bit more powerful.
p.12 The Knowing Mind
Acting on the knowledge gained from this spell may
cause Corruption Tests or even an automatic point of
Shadow if used for evil intent.
Using it to know if an Adversary is going to use a Special Ability or something like that, in order to kill it easier, is considered an "evil intent"? I think whatever you decide, it should be specified.
The Truthful Gaze
Again, as is, seems like the same as an Insight test [see Commanding Voice]
In general terms, I think that "The Way of Men" should be a second tier Way, one that needs the mastery of another Way to be learned (like Way of the Fire or Way of Command). And then, it should be a little more powerful... and more dangerous towards Shadow gain. Mastery of another's mind is in the limits of Sorcery.
Noble Mien
Note that
some beings of immense age and experience (such as
a Dragon, a Wizard or certain Noldor) may see the
glamour for what it is and dismiss it.
This exceptions should be specified, I think. NPCs with an Attribute level higher than the caster's Wisdom? Or with some special ability? I can't come with any specific criteria right now, sorry...
Silent Speech
The number of
participants is limited to no more than the Wisdom
rating of the participant with the lowest Wisdom score
I'd add a +1 to the Wisdom rating. Otherwise, if someone has a Wisdom of 1 (quite possible), only the caster can speak... and noone else can listen.
Tongue of the Heart
the participants in an Encounter represent two or more
distinct Backgrounds,...
Why Backgrounds? I would see Races (or Cultures) as a more "middle-earthish" theme for this Practice. Besides, we don't have Backgrounds for NPCs, but we do have their Race.
Circle of Wrath~
With this spell, you may become like to a terror to
your enemies. To cast this spell, you must forfeit your
preliminary Battle roll and any Opening Volleys you
would be eligible for. ln combat, an adversary must first
pass a Shadow Test (see page 11) in order to engage you.
Once that particular opponent has succeeded, it may
continue to attack you without further penalty.
This Practice seems egoistic for the rest of the Company: they don't get the benefit of your Bonus die, any harm you could do during Opening Volleys, and they get to engage the adversaries you're scaring!
If it benefited the whole group, it would be more profitable for everyone.
Guarding and Guiding
Once per Journey, if the number of Gandalf runes equals
or exceeds the number ofSauron runes, you may ask the
loremaster to negate the Hazard that would have been
faced by the company.
Why not allow, for one leg of a Journey, Gandalfs to negate Eyes?
Otherwise, I think the description should be changed: "to negate the Hazard". What if more than one Hazard was triggered? You mean "negate just one Hazard if Gandalfs exceed Eyes"? Or "negate one Eye for every Gandalf only if Gandalfs exceed in total the Eyes"?
A Fair Wind
whomever is the beneficiary of the spell is considered to
have a bonus die for their roll.
Why not the whole party. It seems better connected with the quote. After all it affects just one roll for one Fatigue test.